The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1358: Brave first

Chapter 1358 is the first to be brave

"I went, this waterfall is so powerful, this power is at least a thousand pounds." When Xu Feng grabbed those chains, he couldn't help but take a breath in his heart.

He is very clear that if he did not respond in time, it is very likely that he has now been eliminated.

His eyes fell on You Ning Lian, not far away, watching the insistence of the other side.

You Ninglian felt the gaze of Xu Feng, and she had a faint smile on her face.

Xu Feng nodded to You Ninglian and said yes.


A trace of coldness followed Xu Feng's arm and continually attacked his body.

However, in Xu Feng's body, when the infinite flames floated, the only chill that he felt on his body disappeared completely.

His body stood up and greeted the waterfall that had been struck. His body suddenly slammed into the waterfall like a gust of wind.

You Ning Lian was surprised to see the back of Xu Feng's departure, her face was shocked.

Even those people around Xu Feng felt that Xu Feng was just a spiritual retreat, and they were all shocked.

The existence of a spiritual retreat is actually above the waterfall, and it is as fast as a fly.

"I am going, what kind of person is this kid, a spirit can climb so fast, how can he do it?" A young man of seven spirits, he is climbing hard.

I knew that there was a gust of wind blowing around me. Suddenly he looked at Xu Feng’s figure and went out to the front. The speed seemed to have not slowed down.

"No, this guy's body seems to be very strong, so that under such a waterfall, such a healthy step." Someone felt the breath of Xu Feng, suddenly said.

Not far from the void, the people standing, one by one are stunned, and all of them are focused on Xu Feng.

Table Jia eyes staring at Xu Feng, and the look is a stunning light. As a half-step spirit emperor, he can see at a glance that Xu Feng condenses the body of the spirit.

Moreover, it should be the realm of reaching the soul of the Spirit.

You must know that the strongest body in the entire boundless starry sky is the King Kong Buddhism.

However, the strength of Xu Feng’s body now seems to be no worse than the genius of the King Kong Buddhism he saw.

"The elders of Jia Jia, this kid seems to have something extraordinary, it is no wonder that the guy of Ji Li actually took him over." The old man of Jiu Pin Ling Zunfeng next door.

For so many years, it seems that the talents of Ji Li are very good, otherwise Ji Li will not be the top ten of Dongyue Mountain Villa.

Xiong Jie looked at Xu Feng's figure above the iron rope. He opened his mouth and was extremely wrong. He said: "This... is this the realm of spirituality?"

"Ji Li, where did you recruit such a disciple, it seems that he should go to King Kong Buddha?"

His words are spoken, even he is carrying some embarrassment.

First of all, this kid is a master of spiritual reverence, condensing two killings, and then this is a little son of a spiritual retreat, defeating the six spirits.

Although the last time the field was empty, this guy was the last one, but it did not affect his amazing performance, and naturally it will attract people's attention.

Ji Li just smiled and said: "Xiong Jie, I don't lack the method and location of the refining body in Dongyue Mountain Villa. He joined me and Dongyue Villa has no other influence on him."

"But also, when I met you before, I told you that he is enough to reach all the people you recruited, you don't believe it."

"We will wait and see, he will give you one surprise after another."

Ji Li is very aware of Xu Feng's strength. When he did not know if Xu Feng defeated the Seven Spirits, the old guys could not stand.

Where to wait until Xu Feng defeated the Seven Spirits, now someone can't sit still.

Table Jia looked at Xu Feng's figure. He made up his mind that when Xu Feng climbed the summit of the waterfall, he would go to recruit Xu Feng as a pro-disciple.

When I thought of myself, I couldn’t look down on Xu Feng. His heart couldn’t help but feel awkward. He said: "I hope this little guy doesn't want to avenge himself."

"Damn, my seven-character spirit, has it been surpassed by this kid?" The roar of a seven-pronged spirit rang, and the spiritual power of his body was stirring.

Gu Yan stared at Xu Feng's figure. His face was astonished and awkward. He said: "Why is this kid, but he is a spiritually respected person, and he is qualified to surpass me."

It is a pity that his heart has emerged, but Xu Feng has already left him directly behind him.

"I can't let this kid surpass me... I can't..."

Di Maoyan’s heart is roaring, but his roar is not over yet. Xu Feng’s figure has surpassed him and appeared in front of him.


The water flow of the waterfall became more and more violent, and it constantly hit the body of Xu Feng, like the collision between the boulder, the incomparable male.

As Xu Feng's body appeared in the center of the waterfall, a figure emerged not far away. It was a young man dressed in white. He felt the breath of Xu Feng and could not help but turn his head and look at Xu Feng.

Xu Feng felt the other person's eyes, he just nodded at the other side, suddenly the golden light flashed, he was going to compete for the supreme liquid.

He now urgently needs the supreme liquid to be used for cultivation. As long as he has the supreme liquid, his injury can be completely restored, and his cultivation can also be restored to the peak of the second spirit.

"Haha... I can't think of your body, but you have the body of the spirit of the body. I will introduce myself first. I am called Jiang Liuer. What is your name?"

Jiang Liuer’s face had a hearty smile, and he had to admit that the young man who had caught up not far was really surprised.

"My name is Xu Feng!"

When Xu Feng finished this sentence with Jiang Liuer, his body has started to keep pace with Jiang Liuer, and the speed of Jiang Liu has also accelerated.

Jiang Liuer's speed is very fast, but Xu Feng's golden light broke out, and his speed is also very fast, and he gradually opened the river.

Jiang Liuer looked at Xu Feng's back. He said: "Xu Feng, your body is very strong. This second round of tests, you are probably the first, I can't catch you."

There is no embarrassment in Jiang Liuer’s words. He has a strong heart in his heart. He is not the kind of shameless person who can't afford to lose.

Since he lost to Xu Feng now, he admitted that he had lost, and he would never find any excuses.

Xu Feng turned back and he smiled at Jiang Liuer: "Jiang Liuer, I actually take up your cheap, my body is the body of the spirit."

Jiang Liuer smiled at Xu Feng: "My cultivation is eight spirits!"

(End of this chapter)

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