Blastoise's special attack is 85, and Mega Blastoise's special attack is 135. This is no joke.

Xiaozhi checked the information of the leader Blastoise through the system and found that the level of the leader Blastoise was as high as 56. Its characteristic is Torrent. When its HP is less than one-third, the power of its water skills is 1.5 times.

After all, this Blastoise can directly use its own weight and strength in the original animation, which is comparable to the power of the Rocket Team's Robot Gyarados. It can directly break the mechanical hand of the Robot Gyarados with one punch. Its strength is amazing.

My Blastoise is only level 42 now. Although it has Mega Evolution, it is still not easy to win. It seems that this will be a tough battle.

But think about it from another angle. As long as I win, my Blastoise can not only transform into a leader Pokémon, but Blastoise and other Pokémon on me can also gain a lot of experience points.

After making up his mind, Xiaozhi took the initiative to attack.

"Blostock, strike first, use Earthquake."

The leader Blastoise didn't even try to dodge, but directly took Ash's Blastoise's Earthquake attack, and then fired a Water Cannon at Ash's Blastoise.

Note that Water Cannon and Water Cannon are two skills. Water Cannon is used by Ash's Blastoise, and Water Cannon is used by the leader Blastoise.

The Water Cannon is more powerful than Water Cannon, and has a higher hit rate than Water Cannon, but it will be stiff for one round after using it.

"Blostock, dodge quickly."

Ash's Blastoise successfully avoided the attack, and the leader Blastoise's Water Cannon missed.

Seeing that the attack missed, the leader Blastoise immediately used Rocket Headbutt to attack.

"Blostock, use Guard, and after blocking it, use Freeze Beam."

The Rocket Headbutt attack was resisted again.

Then Xiaozhi's Blastoise fired a freezing beam backhand, hitting the leader Blastoise head-on. Although the effect was not good, it triggered the freezing, and the leader Blastoise fell into a frozen state.

Xiaozhi was very happy. This was what Xiaozhi had been waiting for.

Now the leader Blastoise fell into a frozen state, with only a 20% chance of successfully thawing each round, and could not use all moves except those with thawing effects.

"Blostoe, seize the opportunity and use Earthquake."

Earthquake hit the leader Blastoise again. The leader Blastoise wanted to use high-speed rotation, but it did not thaw and could not move.

"Blostoe, use Earthquake continuously."

The continuous earthquake attacks caused the leader Blastoise to continue to suffer damage, but it never thawed.

"Now, Blastoise, give it the last blow, use Water Cannon."

Because this move will be stiff after use, Xiaozhi also uses it as the last move to avoid being overturned by the opponent.

The water cannon hit the leader Blastoise head-on.

With a thud, the leader Blastoise fell to the ground and could not get up. It lost its ability to fight and could not thaw.


After the battle, Xiaozhi's Blastoise turned back and roared at the sky.

At the same time, Xiaozhi's Blastoise also emitted light again, and the strange energy gathered on the Blastoise. In an instant, the size of the Blastoise began to surge and turned into a leader Blastoise.

"I am not seeing it wrong, how can Xiaozhi's Blastoise become so big?" Xiaochun rubbed his eyes and found that he was not seeing it wrong.

"This may be because Xiaozhi's Blastoise defeated the strong enemy and was recognized by the Blastoise Island." Xiaogang said.

After the battle, Pikachu was upgraded to level 45, Charizard was upgraded to level 47, Bulbasaur was upgraded to level 46, Pidgeot was upgraded to level 46, and Forsaken was upgraded to level 44.

The Blastoise that came out to fight had its level increased to level 49. As a leader Pokémon and with mega evolution, it became the strongest general under Xiaozhi.

Having achieved their goal, after waiting for Xiaogang to heal the leader Blastoise, the group said goodbye to Blastoise, Squirtle, and others, and took a small boat to leave Blastoise Island and return to Crimson Island. Then they took a cruise ship and left Crimson Island and continued their journey in the direction of Viridian City.

Afterwards, they did not go back to Cerulean City as in the original animation, because in the original animation, they went back because of the discomfort of Xiaoxia's Seahorse, but there was no need for this now.

As for the city where the Pipi's spaceship landed, Xiaozhi and his group also quickly left the city to avoid meeting those Pipis from outer space.

Soon, after several days of travel, Xiaozhi and his group arrived in Viridian City smoothly.

"Xiaozhi, we are in Viridian City now. That is the Viridian Gym." Xiaogang pointed to a magnificent building and said.

"Okay, Viridian CityAh, I haven't been here for a long time. I miss it so much. This is the first city I have arrived since I started traveling. The eighth badge is here. I must get it. "Xiaozhi is very confident.

As soon as he finished speaking, the sound of a sports car brakes came from behind Xiaozhi and his group.

"Hahahahaha, you are still performing boring hilarious dramas like before, Xiaozhi."

"Xiaomao Xiaomao is so good, Xiaomao Xiaomao is so handsome!"

Xiaomao and his six female fans were sitting in the red supercar, and the red supercar stopped in front of Xiaozhi and his group.


"I thought you had given up on becoming a Pokémon Master and went back to Pallet Town a long time ago. You can come here, which is already worthy of praise."

"What did you say."

"But according to your situation, I guess you haven't collected eight badges yet, right?"

"Xiaomao, what qualifications do you have to say about me?"

"Look for yourself. "

As he spoke, Xiaomao took out his badge box and opened it, revealing the ten badges inside.

"I have already obtained ten badges. I have already obtained the right to participate in the Kanto League."

There are gray badges from the Nibi Gym, blue badges from the Cerulean Gym, rainbow badges from the Rainbow Gym, crimson badges from the Crimson Gym, pink badges from the Crimson Gym, and five badges that Xiaozhi has never seen.

"I am going back to Pallet Town today. I just happened to be on the way, so I came to exchange kung fu with the gym trainers here."

After speaking, Xiaomao turned over and jumped out of the car, shouting towards the gym door,

"I am Xiaomao from Pallet Town, and I am here to formally challenge the gym trainers here. "

The two guards at the gym entrance let Xiaomao and his cheerleading fans in.

Since only one challenger is allowed to enter at a time, Xiaozhi and his group could not enter.

But Xiaozhi was not panicked at all. As a time traveler, he knew that Sakaki still had the legendary beast Mewtwo in his hands. With Xiaomao's current strength, Xiaomao was destined to be defeated in this battle.

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