Secondly, Xiaozhi also published dozens of papers such as "On the Mega Evolution of Pokémon",

"On Mega Evolution Stones and Evolution Keystones",

"On Z Crystals, Z Bracelets, and Z Moves",

"On Gigantamax and Gigantamax",

"On Galar Particles and Gigantamax Energy Points",

"On Mega Crystalization and Mega Crystal Beads"


When these papers were published, the entire Pokémon academic community was blown up.

No one expected that the difficult problems that have plagued the academic community for many years, as well as some unproven conjectures, were discovered by a child.

Countless media came to interview Xiaozhi, and many academic professionals also rushed to Quartz Academy.

Xiaozhi had no choice but to give a lecture, which opened the experts' eyes.

Xiaozhi became famous because of this.

Xiaozhi was also required by the school to serve as the school's student council president. Because of his excellent character and academic performance, the head teacher also appointed Xiaozhi as the monitor of Class 1, Grade 1.

Xiaozhi also became an honorary student of Quartz Academy, and he will be an honorary alumnus after graduation.

The principal did not miss this opportunity and made a big fuss about the deeds of Xiaozhi, the golden signboard, making Quartz Academy famous for a while, and Xiaozhi also became a celebrity on campus.

In these three years, the most interesting thing may be the summer camp held by Professor Oak.

Simply put, Serena got lost while looking for Pokémon at the summer camp and was timid.

"Everyone, where are you?"

Suddenly, the grass began to shake, and Serena thought it was some scary Pokémon. She fell to the ground in fear and injured her right knee, but she found that it was a tadpole that jumped out.

"I said I don't want to come to the summer camp, and I don't want to go to school. I want to go home, mom."

At this time, the grass began to shake again. Serena thought it was another Pokémon and cried in fear. Unexpectedly, it was Xiaozhi who came to find the tadpole that just scared Serena.

"Mosquito, where are you?"

Seeing Serena fall to the ground, Xiaozhi asked knowingly, "You are Serena, what are you doing here? What happened to you?"

"I... my foot is injured."

Xiaozhi quickly squatted down to check, and took out a handkerchief from his pocket,

"Are you okay? By the way, this is good for this situation."

After that, he bandaged the wound on Serena's foot with a handkerchief.

"Oh, it hurts."

"I'll give you a magic spell, and it hurts and flies away."

"It hurts, no, I can't stand up."

"Don't give up until the last moment, come."

After that, Xiaozhi stood up and stretched out his hand to Serena.

Serena stretched out her hand, Xiaozhi pulled Serena up, the two hugged each other, and then separated.

Xiaozhi smiled and said, "Stand up now, great! Let's go back to the campsite quickly. Come on, this way."

After that, he took the blushing Serena's hand and walked back to the campsite.

Since that time, Serena began to like Xiaozhi.

The handkerchief that Xiaozhi used to bandage her wound is still in her bag. I wanted to return it to Xiaozhi after washing it, but I never had the chance.

The graduation day came soon, and it was also the day for students to receive their first Pokémon.

In Quartz Academy, there are all the three starters from nine generations, which enriches the students' choices.

"Everyone, go up to the stage one by one in order to choose the initial Pokémon you want." The head teacher maintained order on the podium.

Red chose Charmander, Green chose Squirtle, and Blue chose Bulbasaur;

Mao chose Squirtle, Hiro chose Charmander, and Hibiki chose Infernape;

Kotone chose Chikorita, Gin chose Crocodile, and Haruka chose Chickadee;

You chose Aquasail, Shota chose Bozo, and Hikaru chose Pogo;

Minghui chose Flame, Shinji chose Turtle, and Tame chose Pogo;

Kengo chose Pogo, Shiroku chose Nunu, and Kotetsu chose Otter;

Shudi chose Viper, Touya chose Nunu, and Serena chose Vixen;

Sanna chose Bulbasaur, Squirtle, and Doroba chose Charmander;

Kalumu chose Haril. Hau chose Owlmoth, and Hupp chose Tearful Lizard;

Roy chose Slowpoke, Riko chose New Leaf, and An chose Otter.

Gogo was very arrogant and thought that only Mew was worthy of his status as the first Pokémon, but he finally chose Enma.

Koharu said that she didn't really want to be a Pokémon trainer and didn't want a first Pokémon for the time being.

Lilia didn't dare to touch Pokémon, so she didn'tWant to become a Pokémon trainer, but did not receive the first Pokémon.

Alice said that she already has the first Pokémon to train, which is Fangya given by Granny Long in Dragon Village.

Mary also has a Pokémon to train, which is Morpeko.

Xiao Huang also has chosen Pikachu as the initial Pokémon.

N believes that humans should not be with Pokémon and do not want Pokémon.

Other students also chose their own Pokémon, and Xiaozhi got up and left the classroom and came to the principal's office.

The principal and Professor Oak have been waiting for a long time.

"Xiaozhi, have you really thought about it? You want to choose Pikachu as your initial Pokémon. You know, Pikachu's strength is not as good as the three starters." Professor Oak said straight to the point.

"Don't worry, Professor Oak, I have already thought about it. I want the Pikachu in your research institute."

Of course, that's Pikachu, how can I miss it.

"Well, I'll give it to you, but I have to remind you that this Pikachu has a problem."

After saying that, he handed Xiaozhi a Poké Ball with a lightning logo.

"Don't worry, Professor Oak, I have always been the best in the academy. Just wait and see how I train a Pokémon with a problem into the strongest Pokémon and set an example for everyone. Come out, Pikachu."

A yellow electric mouse appeared in front of everyone.

"Pika Pika."

Pikachu is intelligent and stores electricity in the electric sacs on its cheeks. Some of them like to eat ketchup.

"Ding! It is detected that the host has the first Pokémon. At the same time, because the host has successfully completed the task of becoming a school celebrity, the host and Pikachu are rewarded for their bond. Pikachu will have a good impression of the host and obey the host's instructions."

Wow, after three years, the system finally came out and brought such good news. It's great. I was just worrying about how to get along with Pikachu.

"By the way, this Pikachu is shy and introverted. He doesn't like to get close to people. If anyone touches him without his consent, he will be electrocuted."

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