On the other hand, Misty did nothing.

Then in the episode of the egg hatching in the original animation, the egg was snatched away by Team Rocket. Xiaozhi and Xiaogang snatched the egg back and found that the egg was about to hatch. Xiaozhi held the egg in his hand and waited expectantly. Xiaogang also stood beside Xiaozhi and watched expectantly. Only that Xiaoxia, when the egg was about to hatch, directly pushed Xiaozhi and Xiaogang away and took the egg in her own hand, causing Togepi to see Xiaoxia the first thing after opening his eyes, and became Xiaoxia's Pokémon.

When the author saw this episode when he was a child, he was so angry that he scolded Xiaoxia. Xiaozhi found the egg, Xiaogang hatched the egg, Xiaozhi and Xiaogang retrieved the egg that was snatched away by Team Rocket.

I want to ask you, Xiaoxia, what did you do for Togepi? You even pushed away Grandpa Gang and Grandpa Zhi and pushed them to the ground. It seems that in your eyes, Xiaoxia, Xiaogang and Xiaozhi are dispensable.

If you want to arrange for Misty to capture Togepi, then why not let Misty get the egg from the beginning, so there won't be any controversy.

However, there is no such idiot in this life. Xiaogang and Xiaochun have no intention to snatch the egg from Xiaozhi. It's just because they have never seen Pokémon eggs and are curious.

In this life, I, Xiaozhi, will cultivate Togekiss. No one can snatch it away. I said it.

I am so strong in this life. I will fight one by one and two by two. No one can stop me. I said it.

Xiaozhi quickly put Togepi's egg into his backpack, zipped it up, and continued to move forward.

In addition to Togepi's egg, Xiaozhi also accidentally found a shell fossil here, which can be hatched into Ammonite. Together with the shell fossil that Xiaozhi got from Li Ke in Yuejian Mountain before, Xiaozhi now has two fossils.

However, Xiaozhi did not plan to hatch them. He disliked them because they were too weak and just put them in his backpack.

Fossils are nothing. The most important thing is that Xiaozhi found a lot of mega evolution stones and an evolution key stone here.

Xiaozhi also joked that it seems that there are still a lot of stocks and good goods of these ancient Pokémon.

The mega evolution stone is very beautiful, small and exquisite, about the size of a marble, surrounded by blue, purple, yellow, red, etc., with distinct colors, and in the middle is a black gene pattern, like this black one.

The evolution key stone is also very beautiful, also the same size as a marble, surrounded by a background composed of pink, yellow, and purple, and in the middle is also a black gene pattern, black.

In order to make a Pokémon mega evolve, first of all, this Pokémon must be able to mega, and then there must be a strong bond between the Pokémon and the trainer, and there must be an evolution key stone and a mega evolution stone corresponding to the Pokémon.

The evolution key stone is worn by the trainer, and the mega evolution stone is worn on the Pokémon that is ready for mega evolution.

There are a total of twenty Mega Evolution Stones in this place, including Charizard's X and Y, Bulbasaur's, Blastoise's, Gyarados's, Lucario's, Gengar's, Lizard King's, Garchomp's, Metagross's, Gardevoir's, Ban'jiras's, Tyrannosaurus's, Boskodor's, Grim Reaper's, Tanabata's, Pidgeot's, Heracross's, Pteranodon's, and Steelix's.

Here's a little spoiler: among these Pokémon, those that Xiaozhi hasn't captured yet will be captured sooner or later, but some may be sooner or later, and some may be more than a hundred chapters earlier, and some may be hundreds of chapters later.

"Wow, there are so many Mega Evolution Stones." Xiaogang also recognized them.

There are only 27 Pokémon that can mega evolve. Mewtwo and Charizard take up two of them, which is equivalent to only 25 different Pokémon, but there are 20 different Mega Evolution Stones.

Since Xiaozhi announced mega evolution, Z moves, Gigantamax, Gigantamax, and Mega Crystal a few years ago, items such as Mega Evolution Stone, Evolution Key Stone, Z Pure Crystal, Gigantamax Wristband, and Mega Crystal Bead have been discovered or developed one after another.

Among these four battle systems, Xiaozhi (the author) likes mega evolution the most.

Xiaozhi quickly collected these Mega Evolution Stones and Evolution Key Stones, fearing that they would be robbed.

Xiaozhi was satisfied. He made a lot of money on this trip to Dasha Valley. After collecting other Pokémon into the Poké Ball, the group returned to the ground.

It happened that Miss Junsha was guiding the crowd who came to Dasha Valley to dig.

"Since there is a risk of collapse in Dasha Valley, I ask everyone not to approach this place again," Miss Junsha announced.Seeing this, Xiaomao, who had not yet dug up the fossil, had no choice but to leave. However, when he saw Xiaozhi and his group coming over, Xiaomao immediately regained his vitality.

"Xiaozhi, where did you go before? Let me tell you, you are late. This place is now closed and fossils can no longer be dug." Xiaomao said.

"Then may I ask Master Xiaomao, you have been digging here for almost a day. What have you gained?"


Xiaomao choked and was speechless.

"You didn't dig up the fossil of ancient Pokémon's feces."

Xiaozhi, who knew the plot, sneered.

"How, how is it possible? I am Master Xiaomao."

"Okay, Xiaomao, don't be stubborn. We grew up together. I don't know you yet. Let's go to the Pokémon Center. I'll show you something."

When he arrived at the Pokémon Center, Xiaozhi contacted Professor Oak.

Xiaomao and Professor Oak were very shocked to hear that Xiaozhi and his group had successfully captured the ancient Pokémon.

"Xiaozhi, is everything you said true? Come on, pass it over to me for research."

"Xiaogang, you go first."


Xiaogang passed Scythe Helmet, Fossil Helmet, Ammonite, and Spiny Ammonite, a total of eight, to Professor Oak. Seeing this, Xiaomao and Professor Oak opened their mouths so wide that their jaws were about to drop.

"Oh my God, I have been doing research for so many years, and finally I can see ancient Pokémon, and there are so many of them."

"Professor Oak, my plan is to deposit these ancient Pokémon in the Science Museum in Nibe City, where they are doing research on ancient Pokémon." Xiaogang said.

"Well, this is a good idea. Let me borrow these Pokémon for a few days to study, and then I will personally send them to Nibe City and give them to Wu Neng, and let him send them to the Science Museum. How about it?"

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