Qingmei smiled slightly, "That is a very magical medicine that can quickly restore the attack power, defense power, concentration and perseverance of Pokémon, and can also enhance physical strength. This is what I want to do.

I hope that all Pokémon in the world can be healthy. For this dream, I hope that Paras can realize its own strength earlier."

The battle begins.

"Come on, Paras, people in need of help all over the world are waiting for you."

"Pikachu, listen carefully, in order to help people, you have to deliberately lose to Paras."


"Okay, Paras, we go first and use paralysis powder."

"Pikachu, avoid it and use 100,000 volts, oh no, just use one volt."

Hearing this, Pikachu was helpless. It could let go, but letting go was really a bit embarrassing for the mouse.


One volt hit Paras head-on and stunned it directly.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi was speechless. The 10 volts in the original animation and Squirtle's micro water gun killed this Paras.

I originally thought that using one volt should be no problem, but I didn't expect that this Paras couldn't withstand it.

This volt, even a human can take it hard,

What's more, you are a Pokémon, and your grass type is resistant to electricity, which is equivalent to the power of only half a volt.

"No way, it can't withstand this?" Xiaozhi complained.

"There is no way, meeting a Pokémon as powerful as Pikachu, it is natural that Paras will lose." Xiaochun said.

"Then what should I do next?"

"I got it, I have a plan." Xiaozhi said.

"What should we do?"

"Because this Paras is very timid, the most important thing is to help it build confidence and encourage it constantly. Come here, let's do this first, then that, and finally this, that, and that, isn't it all right?"

"Good idea, Xiaozhi, I didn't expect you to be so smart."

"Of course."

Then, Xiaozhi took the lead in sending Pikachu to fight. This time, Pikachu chose to fight at close range and rushed towards Paras, but did not use any skills. Paras raised its claws for defense out of self-protection reflex, and its claws pierced Pikachu's head. Pikachu's actor characteristic was activated, pretending to fall to the ground in pain and raised the white flag.

Xiaozhi immediately walked over to congratulate Paras, "Great, Paras, you are so awesome."

Pars was also very happy, after all, this was Paras' first victory.

"Let's fight again like this."

This time, Xiaogang sent Zubat to fight. Zubat rushed forward again, but its wings were pierced by Paras' claws, and it pretended to fall to the ground.

"You won again, congratulations, great, your experience points are higher than before."

Seeing this, Paras was so excited that he climbed up the tree.

"So Paras climbs trees after being flattered."


Paras also became full of fighting spirit, and even took the initiative to provoke Pikachu, hooking his claws at Pikachu, as if to say, come here.

"Paras, it actually wants to take the initiative to challenge Pikachu."

"Great, Paras, do you finally understand my dream?" Qingmei said.

"If this continues, it will not be a dream to evolve into Parast." Xiaogang said.

Pikachu and Paras started a duel again. Paras did not follow the rules of martial arts, went around behind Pikachu, and stabbed Pikachu's tail with his claws.

Pikachu felt pain and was stabbed twice in a row. He lost face and was very angry. He was ready to fight back.

Xiaozhi hurriedly called Pikachu, and Pikachu also regained his sanity. After being stabbed by Paras again, Pikachu fell to the ground again and raised the white flag.

"Thank you, Paras won." Qingmei jumped up happily.

Paras also looked very happy.

Suddenly, a bright light flashed on Paras, and Paras successfully evolved into Parast.

"Great, thank you, Parast, for the Pokémon of the world, you have worked so hard, I also want to work hard." Qingmei hugged Parast with emotion.

That afternoon, Xiaozhi and his group said goodbye and planned to leave the town. Qingmei and her mother-in-law saw them off.

"I'm sorry, I forced you to help me so much." Qingmei said.

"No, it's really difficult to lose on purpose, right, Pikachu?" Xiaozhi said.

"Pika Pika."

"When you make a new drug, remember to notify us." Xiaochun said.

"Let's have tea and chat together then." Xiaogang said.

"Then we'll go."

"Goodbye, everyone.You have to work hard too." Qingmei said.

Just like that, Xiaozhi and his group set off for the next city.

One night a few days later, Xiaozhi and his group trudged through a desert.

"Oh, Xiaogang, where is the city you mentioned?" Xiaozhi complained.

"It's dark, and the stars are out. We won't camp in the desert, will we?"

"No, I remember there should be a city nearby."

As soon as Xiaogang finished speaking, a large area of ​​dazzling lights came into everyone's eyes.

After leaving the desert, the group came to an extremely prosperous town.

"It turns out that the light we just saw was a neon light."

"It's really prosperous here."

"It's really worthy of being called Neon Town. You know, this place is famous for being a city that never sleeps. It's very lively here 24 hours a day. "Xiao Gang explained.

Suddenly, a man walked swaggeringly on the road and bumped into Xiao Zhi.

"Hey, kid, what are you doing?"

"Don't spit blood, it was you who bumped into me first." Xiao Zhi retorted.

"What did you say?"

The man was about to get angry, and Miss Junsha rushed over on a motorcycle.

"Okay, stop arguing, go away, go away."

"Tsk, the kid is so arrogant recently."

After saying that, the man left.

Miss Junsha also said to Xiao Zhi and his group, "How can the little kid come out and wander around."

"But we just arrived here."

"If you just arrived, you should stay in a hotel. People in this place are very easy to get angry."

"Easily angry?"

"Because everyone rarely sleeps, their tempers become irritable and irritable. Can you not trouble me to explain even such a small matter? "

Suddenly, there was another quarrel from the other side.

Miss Junsha said with a headache,

"It started again, really."

After that, Miss Junsha jumped on the motorcycle and sped away.

"Even Miss Junsha herself has a bad temper."

The next morning, Xiaozhi and his group just walked out of the hotel and heard a quarrel on the street.

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