"Instead of asking me, you might as well ask someone more suitable."

After saying that, Miss Joy pointed at Xiaozhi.

After hearing that, the two knelt directly in front of Xiaozhi and leaned over and said, "Teacher, please give us some advice."

"Well, first of all, Pokémon are our friends, not our tools, and should not be used by us to fight. Pokémon battles and fighting are two different things.

If you want to have a Pokémon battle, you must fight openly in the designated venue and not engage in conspiracy. Fighting on the street like you will damage the houses on both sides of the street and affect the lives of citizens.

Secondly, gym trainers are not a profession for making money. Gym trainers must patiently help new trainers grow and work hard to hone their own Pokémon.

You only see the glory of gym trainers, but forget the responsibilities of gym trainers, which is to maintain the long-term stability of this city and protect the citizens of this city, but what you have done in the past and now has seriously damaged the city. If you are afraid of and hate the interests of the people, how can such a person be a good gym trainer?

Remember, he who wins the hearts of the people wins the world, and he who loses the hearts of the people loses the world. The people are the masters of the country. At all times, we must put the people first and must not harm the interests of the people.

For you, the first task now is to repair the city you have destroyed.

Remember, if you are found by the alliance in the future and you still oppress the people, let alone being a gym trainer, you can go in and eat free meals.

Remember, water can carry a boat, but it can also overturn it. A spark can start a prairie fire. Any force that harms the people will be submerged in the vast ocean of the people! "

"I know, teacher, we will definitely do what you say seriously."

This group of people really admitted their mistakes honestly and repaired the city obediently.

It is a great virtue to know one's mistakes and correct them.

"Now everyone has changed their minds and is working hard towards the direction of Pokémon trainers." Xiaogang looked at the scene in front of him and said with relief.

"Thank you, brother Xiaozhi. We have a new view of Pokémon trainers, right? Let's work hard to become Pokémon trainers."

"Well, Pokémon trainers are so awesome."

"So awesome."

The three boys said.

Xiaozhi and his group's active performance made the city brighter. The three of them, leaving behind a few little Pokémon fans, left the Dark City and continued their journey.

A few days later.

Whether it was Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday, there was no holiday for Xiaozhi and his group who were on a training journey.

However, a carnival suddenly appeared in front of them.

There were Ferris wheels, carousels, various performances, magic, and other amusement facilities.

The scene was bustling with people, colorful flags were hung everywhere, and salutes were fired, which was very lively.

"There are many places to play."

"There are also many beautiful women. It would be a loss if you don't dance with them."

After Xiaogang finished speaking, he looked at the dozen beauties dancing in front of him, changed his clothes in a second, put on dance clothes, and danced with a group of beauties.

Xiaochun sat on the rotating fire horse to play.

Xiaozhi said that these were too childish and took Pikachu to special training.

After playing around, the three of them reunited and were about to leave this place. Suddenly, they heard a noise coming from behind the tent next to them.

A few people walked over and saw a man with a wretched face wearing magician clothes lying on the ground, begging for mercy from a beautiful woman in a swimsuit next to him.

Xiaozhi immediately recognized that the man was called Ma Jian, an amateur magician, and the woman was his magic assistant.

"Anyway, I'm quitting."

"I will definitely pay you for your work. Please don't quit." Ma Jian was lying on the ground and making promises to the female assistant.

"Then take out the money now."

"But I don't have a penny on me now, but it will be fine this time."

Hearing this, the female assistant was furious and said, "You said the same thing last time. I ask you, did any customers come to watch the shows you performed before?"

Hearing this, Ma Jian was speechless and immediately lay on the female assistant and said,

"Please don't leave me!"

"What are you doing? Let me go and get out."

The female assistant was taken advantage of, and she kicked the wretched Ma Jian away in anger and left angrily.

Just as the female assistant left, the person in charge of the carnival also came to the door.

"You have been firedExcept."

"Don't be so cruel."

"Not only did your magic fail to attract customers, it almost burned down my tent. I won't let you come again. "

After saying that, the person in charge left angrily.

Because in the performance a few minutes ago, this Ma Jian was performing magic, but he only knew how to perform acrobatic performances such as throwing eggs. He threw the eggs a few times and didn't catch them, and they fell to the ground, and the audience shouted for his money back.

Then he wanted to perform fire, but he either couldn't make it, or he really made it. He was so excited that he thought he was the god of fire. He used his magic wand to shoot flames frantically, almost burning the audience, and also triggered the smoke alarm in the performance venue. The water in the smoke alarm poured down, soaking the audience. The angry audience threw rotten fruits at Ma Jian, and just like that, Ma Jian's performance ended with curses.

Ma Jian, Xiaozhi remembered, was extremely hateful. In the original animation, this person was a typical person with insufficient ability, lofty ambitions, ungratefulness, and a desire to push for more. He usually looked very capable. He looks like he can't do it when he encounters something and asks others to take over.

Xiaozhi had no obligation to help him. In the original animation, Xiaozhi and his friends kindly wanted to help him improve his magic skills, but in the process, Xiaozhi was hypnotized by Eggman by mistake. As a result, this person not only did not help Xiaozhi to get rid of the hypnosis, but

instead, he was overjoyed and took advantage of Xiaozhi being hypnotized to let Xiaozhi send out Pokémon to fight with a large group of coconut trees that were originally living well in the wild.

As a result, Xiaozhi's Pokémon were exhausted, while Ma Jian took advantage of the opportunity and captured a large group of coconut trees.

He wanted to use these coconut trees to hypnotize the people in the town and let everyone in the town go to watch his magic show.

As a result, the coconut trees were hypnotized and rushed towards the town, destroying the town beyond recognition.

"This person looks so pitiful. Let's go help him." Xiaochun said.

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