Now there is only a straight line left at the end. Who will be the first to run into the finish line, Duduli or Little Fire Horse? Let's wait and see. "

Dulif, riding on Duduli's back, has already opened champagne at halftime.

"Hahahaha, I'm sure to win this time."

Soon, his laughter stopped.

"How could it be, how could Little Fire Horse be so fast."

"Okay, Little Fire Horse, run forward again."

"Side by side, side by side, what a terrible Little Fire Horse, can Duduli get rid of it?"

"Damn it, Duduli, do it."

Duduli stretched his head over and pecked Little Fire Horse. Little Fire Horse was suddenly attacked and caught off guard, and its speed slowed down.

"What's going on, why is Little Fire Horse slowing down?" The host was puzzled.

"Damn it, you're too much, you're committing a foul."

"Stop talking nonsense, I just want to win. "

After saying that, Dolifu walked away.

"Doodle is just a little bit away from the finish line."

At this time, Charmeleon refused to admit defeat, and a white light shone from his body, successfully evolving into Flame.

"It's amazing, Charmeleon has evolved into Flame! Flame is the leading sprinter in the Pokémon world, and it has appeared. Flame's maximum speed is 240 kilometers per hour."

"Impossible, how could this happen." Dolifu couldn't believe it.

"Okay, Flame has surpassed Dolifu, Flamefu, the finish line is just ahead."

"I must win!" Dolifu was almost crazy.

"Go!" Xiaozhi shouted.

"Will it be Dolifu or Flamefu who wins?"

Finally, Flamefu's neck stretched a little longer, and its head touched the finish line first.

"Finish line! The game is over, the situation has been reversed, and Flamefu performed a miraculous comeback. ”

“Great job, Flame Horse.” Xiaozhi said.

“You bastard, you dare to hinder me, Duduli, come on, kill him for me.” Dulifu was furious.

“You are the one who is hindering others.”

Miss Junsha came out with a group of policemen.

“Ah, Miss Junsha, why are you still here?”

Seeing Miss Junsha coming, Dulifu’s anger disappeared instantly, replaced by fear all over his body.

“Miss Junsha, you must have misunderstood, how could I hinder others?” Dulifu smiled at Miss Junsha.

“Misunderstanding? This is not a misunderstanding. The people you hired to help you win the game have been controlled by us. They have already betrayed you as their employer. What else can you say?”

“How did you know this?” Dulifu asked.

“You don’t need to know this. Come with us.” "

At Miss Junsha's command, several policemen quickly stepped forward to control Doliv, and several Caterpillars also controlled Tootsie, and sent them to the police station.

Miss Junsha borrowed the microphone from the host and informed everyone that Doliv cheated in the competition. As for who the reporter was, it was not stated. Xiaozhi left after the incident, hiding his merits and fame.

Afterwards, the news of Doliv cheating in the competition was disclosed. Not only were his results and qualifications cancelled, but he was also collectively cursed by the Laramericans and Doliv's ethnicity was cancelled. After eating free meals for several years, Doliv was forced to live on the streets. This is a later story.

On the same day, at the award ceremony.

"Congratulations, Ponyta, no, it should be Ponyta, this year's honorary Pokémon is you, its trainer Tomiko, and Xiaozhi who rode Ponyta to complete the race. Please give them a grand applause. "

As soon as the voice fell, the applause was thunderous.

"Great, Tomiko, we won."

"Thank you, Xiaozhi, it seems that my vision is correct. You are indeed an excellent trainer, right, Flame."

Flame stretched out its tongue and licked Xiaozhi's face affectionately, responding with action.

"Okay, Flame, don't do this anymore, it's itchy, I can't stand it if you lick me again."

In the evening, Xiaozhi and his party said goodbye to Tomiko in the sunset.

"Xiaozhi, if you want to capture Pokémon, the wild wilderness area ahead should be good." Tomiko said.

"The wild wilderness area sounds very interesting."

"Come on, Pokémon Master, you will definitely succeed, I believe in you."

"Thank you, Tomiko. "

Xiaozhi and his group said goodbye to Tomiko and continued their journey to the wild wilderness area.

On this day, they walked out of the prairie and came to the lush jungle area.

There are many Pokémon around, such as Monkey Monster, Moth, Venusaur, Queen Flower, Trumpet Bud, Vine Monster, Hornworm, etc.

"Have we reached the wild wilderness area?" Xiaochunasked.

"Definitely not yet. I guess this is still a Pokémon sanctuary with protected Pokémon." Xiaozhi said.

As he spoke, Xiaozhi took Xiaogang and Xiaochun to find the Pokémon sanctuary where Miss Junsha, the Pokémon sanctuary's Pokémon sanctuary, lived.

There was a huge tent and an open-top off-road vehicle.

Walking into the tent, Xiaozhi took the initiative to greet Miss Junsha,

"Hello, Miss Junsha, my name is Xiaozhi, we are Pokémon trainers targeting the Kanto League, may I ask if this is the Pokémon sanctuary?"

"You're right, yes, I'm Junsha, the wild Pokémon sanctuary, and this area is a Pokémon sanctuary, it's for the protection and cultivation of Pokémon, how can you just break in?"

Miss Junsha was writing documents at the table, and when she saw the three people walking into the tent again, she immediately stood up and asked.

"I'm sorry, we got lost and broke in by mistake." Xiaozhi said.

"That's true. It seems that you really don't know. I will forgive you this time."

"Thank you."

"Ms. Junsha is really gentle." Xiaogang said as always.

Suddenly, the radar detection machine next to Miss Junsha sounded an alarm.

"Oh no, it's poachers again."

As she said, Miss Junsha immediately ran out of the tent and started the car.

"Ms. Junsha, let us help you as compensation for our mistaken entry here."

"Okay, get in the car."

Ms. Junsha drove Xiaozhi and the other two and quickly rushed to the place where the poachers were.

The poachers were targeting the group of marsupials.

Xiaozhi saw from a distance that there were five or six poachers in camouflage uniforms standing next to three armored vehicles.

"Oh no, let's go quickly." Xiaozhi shouted.


"They are parent-child Pokémon. They have to take care of their baby Pokémon. They are very nervous and timid, and easily frightened. Once frightened, they will rush around aimlessly. If we get too close, we might be crushed by them." Xiaozhi said.

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