Pikachu learned 100,000 volts, replacing discharge, and Infernape learned Fist of Fury, replacing Gathering.

The group said goodbye to Aju and Aya and continued their journey.

On the way, Xiaozhi beat up dozens of nearby trainers and raised the levels of Charmeleon, Squirtle, and Bulbasaur to level 36.

Successfully evolved into Charizard, Blastoise, and Venusaur.

It is worth mentioning that Venusaur can evolve at level 32, but after it evolved, Xiaozhi also raised it to level 36 in order to balance the combat power.

And Infernape raised its level after using Fist of Fury 20 times in a row, and successfully evolved into Forsaken.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi jumped up excitedly, and in this way, he had four more generals at once.

Xiaozhi spent half of his EP points to exchange for the Absorbing Punch Skill Learning Machine, the Trash Shooting Skill Learning Machine, and the Stone Attack Skill Learning Machine for Forsaken, replacing all the original three skills except Fist of Fury.

As for Charizard, Blastoise and Venusaur, the three starter Pokémons, they took out the skill learning machines that had been exchanged for them in advance to improve their combat effectiveness.

After Charizard evolved, it learned Dragon Claw, and used the Storm Skill Learning Machine to replace Rocket Headbutt and Dragon Breath.

Blastoise learned these two skills through the Earthquake Skill Learning Machine and the Water Cannon Skill Learning Machine, replacing Water Tail and Water Wave.

Venusaur learned these three skills through the Earth Power Skill Learning Machine, the Crazy Plant Skill Learning Machine and the Rockfall Skill Learning Machine,

Replaced Parasitic Seed, Seed Bomb and Photosynthesis.


[Name: Charizard

Attribute: Fire + Flying

Taijing Attribute: Dragon

Type: Fire Pokémon

Level: 36

Gender: Male

Illustrated Book Number: 6

Personality: Naughty (Adds Physical Attack and Reduces Special Defense)

Features: Fierce Fire

Skills: Storm, Flame Jet, Flame Fang, Dragon Claw

Items: None]

Charizard will flutter its wings and fly high in the sky, flying around in the air looking for powerful opponents, and can use its wings to fly up to 1,400 meters above the ground.

It can spit out scorching flames that seem to melt everything to torture its enemies. The flames seem to burn even rocks, and sometimes cause forest fires.

When spitting scorching flames from its mouth, the red flame at the tip of its tail will burn more fiercely.

It is said that the more hard battles Charizard has experienced, the more combat experience it has accumulated, which will make the flames hotter and the temperature of the flames higher.

For opponents weaker than it, it will not spit out the high-temperature flames that can melt everything.

If Charizard is really angry, the front of its tail will burn with blue-white flames.


[Name: Blastoise

Attribute: Water

Taijing Attribute: Ice

Type: Shell Pokémon

Level: 36

Gender: Male

Illustrated Book Number: 9

Personality: Calm (Added Special Attack Deceleration)

Feature: Torrent

Skills: Water Cannon, Ice Beam, Hold, Earthquake

Items: None]

In order to resist the reaction force generated by the water jet, Blastoise has to increase its weight.

It can stand firmly on the ground, and can make the opponent faint after pressing it down. It is a powerful guy who will rush towards the opponent with the momentum of a rocket.

When it encounters danger, it will hide in its shell. There is a jet on the shell. Once it locks on the target, it will spray water from the jet on its back with a force that exceeds that of a fire hose.

The jet on the shell can accurately aim at the target, and the water bullet can hit an empty can 50 meters away.

At the same time, the water flow released from the cannon on the shell is so powerful that it can penetrate thick iron plates with one shot.

As long as the reaction force of the jet of water is used, it is not difficult to make it fly into the sky.


[Name: Bulbasaur

Attributes: Grass + Poison

Tai Jing Attribute: Rock

Type: Seed Pokémon

Level: 36

Gender: Male

Illustration Number: 3

Personality: Calm (Added Special Attack Deceleration)

Features: Lush

Skills: Crazy Plant, Sludge Bomb, Earth Power, Rock Slide

Items: None]

Bulbasaur will use the energy of the sun as nutrients and bloom huge flowers.

The charming fragrance of the flowers can soothe excited moods, heal people's hearts, and even eliminate struggles.

It always moves towards the sun, and the large flowers on its back can absorb sunlight and convert it into energy.

When the large petals are spread out to bathe in the sun, Bulbasaur's body will become full of vitality.

If exposed to sunlight frequently, its petals will release a pleasant fragrance.

It is said that adequate nutrition and sunlight will make the flowers on Bulbasaur's backThe color of the flowers becomes more vivid.

The day after the rain, the fragrance of the flowers on its back will become stronger. Pokémon will be attracted by the fragrance and gather around.


[Name: Forsaken

Attributes: Fighting + Ghost

Taijing Attributes: Fighting

Type: Angry Monkey Pokémon

Level: 38

Gender: Male

Illustrated Book Number: 979

Personality: Naughty (Add Physical Attack and Reduce Special Defense)

Features: Unyielding

Skills: Stone Attack, Absorbing Fist, Hidden Spirit Surprise Attack, Trash Shot

Items: None]

Forsaken will condense the anger hidden in its heart into its fist, and its power can penetrate into the opponent's bones and crush it.

When the anger breaks through the critical point, it gains the power to break free from the constraints of the flesh.

Xiaozhi was so happy. If he went to play in the league now,

Charizard, Bulbasaur, Blastoise, Dragonite, Gengar, Pikachu,

There are also Lucario, Forsaken, Pidgeot, Crabbeard and others as reserve players.

If I take out such a lineup to fight, how will you deal with it? Xiaozhi asked who else.

A few days later, on this day, Xiaozhi and his group finally walked out of the forest, saw a large grassland, and came to the wild Pokémon sanctuary.

"Wow, it's endless."

Xiaozhi exclaimed, and a group of Kentaros flew past them.

As the group was visiting, a girl with long blue hair, wearing ethnic costumes, riding a small fire horse and a Caterpie came.

"Excuse me, who are you?"

"We are Pokémon trainers on our journey." Xiaozhi said.

"What is the Pokémon sanctuary?" Xiaochun asked.

"Don't you know that this place is a Pokémon sanctuary? It's a place where Pokémon are not allowed to be captured by law and Pokémon are allowed to grow naturally."

"If you continue to grow naturally, you will definitely be a beautiful woman in five years. May I ask who you are?" Xiaogang approached and asked with a crazy look on his face.

"Haven't you heard of the Lalamos in the Pokémon sanctuary?"

"Yes, I heard that they are a group of people who let Pokémon grow naturally. If so, that's it." Xiaogang reacted.

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