"Everyone, most Pokémon are kind by nature and will not attack humans for no reason. The construction of this reservoir has affected the lives of the moles and destroyed their homes, so the moles will try every means to hinder the progress of the reservoir project, and your Pokémon will refuse to come out of the Poké Balls to fight the moles.

Green waters and green mountains are gold and silver mountains, this truth must be understood by all of us.

The back mountain is the field of the three moles, and it is a field of trees and forests. The moles are responsible for plowing the fields, and the three moles are responsible for planting trees. Not only that, this whole mountain is all tree fields, I guess, Maybe, all the mountains and forests in the world were cultivated by these moles. "

"Everyone, since everyone's Pokémon refuses to come out, you see, except for those who specialize in moles, no trainer is needed here.

I plan to continue traveling, aiming to become a Pokémon master. As for you, we will meet again later. Everyone, we say goodbye here. Goodbye.

Thank you, good friends. Let's go. Let's send you off to the next town. Goodbye, I wish you good luck. "

After saying that, Xiaomao and his six female fans got on his red supercar, and the driver drove away.

"Just like that, Xiaomao really came and went quickly." Xiaozhi complained.

"Ah, what about the phone number?" Xiaogang said.

All the trainers also dispersed.

Xiaozhi and the other two led the contractor uncle to the field of moles in the back mountain.

The contractor was stunned by the large fertile field.

He murmured, "So that's how it is. If the reservoir is built, the whole forest will sink into the water, and then everyone will have no place to live. The Pokémon noticed this, so even if the trainers give orders, they are still unwilling to come out of the Poké Ball."

"So, Pokémon still know a lot of things that humans don't know." Xiaogang said.

"This reservoir is useless, not just that. I've learned my lesson. It's not okay to build a reservoir here." The contractor said with his head down.

"Uncle, don't be too disappointed. You just did the wrong thing with good intentions. You set the goal of building a high-quality reservoir, which shows that you are an ambitious person. You try hard to solve the obstruction of the moles to the project, which shows that you are a responsible person and do your best to build the reservoir.

But before the next construction, remember to survey whether the local area is suitable for construction and whether it will affect the local ecosystem and Pokémon." Xiaozhi said.

"I know. I'll pay attention next time." The contractor promised.

"Okay, Xiaozhi, let's go too. After crossing that mountain, we will reach the Crimson Gym." Xiaogang said.

The next day, the contractor immediately stopped the construction of the reservoir project.

Later, there was no record of the construction of a reservoir in this place, only a record that there was a green forest in the area, which is a later story.

A few days later, the group came to the vicinity of Crimson City.

Crimson City is a city located in the southwest of the Kanto region. The most famous landmarks here are the hunting zone and the Crimson Gym.

"Xiaogang, you have been holding the map. Are you sure the Crimson Gym is just in front of here?" Xiaozhi asked.

"Is there really a gym in such a remote place?" Xiaochun asked.

"I'm not sure about this. What I can be sure of is that we are lost again." Xiaogang said.

"Instead of being confused, it is better to take action. Even if you fail, you can learn something from the failure. There is nothing in vain in the world.

I'm leaving first, you guys hurry up and catch up." Xiaozhi said.

After that, Xiaozhi ran ahead, and Xiaogang and Xiaochun also caught up.

In the bushes, a fur ball was watching them silently.

After crossing a single-plank bridge, the group came to a traditional Japanese ancient building covering a huge area.

"How can there be such a large and weird traditional house in this place?" Xiaochun asked in confusion.

"I didn't expect that there are still such houses in this era." Xiaogang sighed.

"This is the Light Red Gym." Xiaozhi said with the memory of a time traveler.

The fur ball was still watching Xiaozhi and his group walk into the gym in the dark.

"Excuse me, please ask."

"Excuse me, is anyone here?"

Several people shouted, but there was no response from the gym.

Xiaochun looked at the house curiously and was about to reach out and touch it, but was stopped by Xiaozhi.

"Wait, Xiaochun, don't touch that."


"Because it's not a wall, but a trap door, look."

As he said,Xiaozhi went outside and picked up a few stones. He picked up a stone and threw it at the door, which opened.

"Oh my God, it's real. What's going on with this house?" Xiaochun patted his chest. He was just shocked.

"I told you, this is the Crimson Gym. The gym trainer Aju is an excellent ninja. These mechanisms should be what he uses to test challengers." Xiaozhi said.

As soon as he finished speaking, the fur ball appeared in front of Xiaozhi and his group.

"This is the fur ball."

"It seems to be asking us to follow it." Xiaogang said.

"Then let's follow it."

After the group turned a corner with the fur ball, the fur ball suddenly jumped up, as if avoiding something on the ground. Seeing this, Xiaozhi understood.

"Pikachu, use 100,000 volts on that floor."

"Pika pika."

The 100,000 volt current bombarded the floor around the place where the fur ball avoided, scaring Xiaogang and Xiaochun.

"Xiaozhi, what are you doing?" Xiaogang asked.

"Look carefully at what's under the floor." Xiaozhi said.

The two looked over and saw that the floor was blown open and a lightning ball was revealed.

"Fuck, there is actually a lightning ball hidden under this floor. Fortunately, Xiaozhi is good, just like avoiding the trap of the Squirtles before, otherwise we would be miserable." Xiaogang praised.

"No big deal, let's keep going."

The group followed the fur ball up the stairs and came to the second floor. Seeing that the fur ball was at the corner in front, Xiaogang wanted to chase it, but was stopped by Xiaozhi.

"Wait, Xiaogang, look."

As he said, Xiaozhi took out a stone and threw it forward, hitting the invisible glass wall in front of the group.

"What? There's an invisible wall in front of us." Xiaochun looked incredulous.

"There must be something wrong with this house. I think it's better for us to leave here first."

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