"Is anyone here?" Xiaozhi shouted.

But no one responded.

"Why is there no one here? Is anyone here?"

Xiaozhi and his group walked along the long corridor and passed by a room.

There were dozens of people in white coats who looked like scientists in the room, practicing using superpowers. Some were using superpowers to guess what cards the other party would play, and some were practicing using superpowers to bend spoons.

Xiaozhi and his group were watching outside the room, and a gym staff member who looked like Xiaomao and wore a white coat and a mask came over and asked,

"What do you guys want to do here?"

"We are here to request a formal competition and defeat Nancy to get the gold badge." Xiaozhi said.

"Do you want to challenge Miss Nancy?"

"No?" Xiaozhi asked back.

"Excuse me, what are you all doing in the room?" Xiaochun asked.

"You don't even know what this room is for, and you still want to challenge Miss Nancy?" The staff member said arrogantly.

After saying that, the man took out a spoon, held the spoon in his right hand, and began to use all his strength. His whole face turned red and sweaty, and he finally bent the spoon.

"Why are you trying so hard? Do you have a stomachache?" Xiaozhi mocked.

"No, it's superpowers. People without superpowers can't stimulate the potential of superpower Pokémon." The man said angrily.

"Okay, don't perform here anymore, take us to find Nancy."


The man took Xiaozhi and the others to the door of a room, opened the door, and saw a battle field. There was a person sitting in the middle, but it was blocked by the curtain, so it was not seen who it was.

"I don't think this is a gym, but more like a temple." Xiaogang said.

"I don't like this place." Xiaochun said.

"It's here."

After the man finished speaking, he walked to the seat, knelt on one knee and said,

"Ms. Nazi, some people said they wanted to challenge Miss Nazi, but I think they are not qualified to challenge at all."

As soon as the voice fell, the doll that Nazi was holding in her hand suddenly appeared outside the curtain.

"You are the little girl we met on the road before!" Xiaogang said.

At this time, the staff member suddenly felt an invisible big hand strangling his neck. He understood that this was Nazi's superpower.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't say too much, please forgive me, spare my life."

Hearing this, Nazi also let him go, and the man left the room as if he had been pardoned.

"You are here, you are finally here. As early as three years ago, I had a hunch that you would come here." Nazi said.

"Nazi, I want to have a formal gym battle with you, and I want to get the gold badge." Xiaozhi said.

"Although I hate violence and don't like fighting, it doesn't matter if I play with you. But if you lose, you have to stay and play with me forever." Nancy said.

"No problem."

As soon as Xiaozhi finished speaking, the curtain was pulled open by superpowers, and Nancy herself appeared in front of everyone.

Her eyes moved, and the door of the room was immediately closed. Then she floated down from her seat holding the doll and landed on the battlefield.

"This is a game that you can never regret. From now on, I will let you see my superpower energy. Go, Casey."

Nancy released a sleeping Casey, but it doesn't matter. Casey can also use superpowers when he sleeps.

Nancy, how to say, she is a filial daughter. Since one morning when she was a child, she became fascinated with using superpowers to bend a spoon. She has ignored her parents.

She kept using superpowers to break various things at home. In the face of her parents' persuasion, she directly beat her parents away, and finally demolished her house with superpowers.

From then on, Nancy not only stopped talking to her parents, but also turned her mother into a doll and kicked her father out of the house.

One of Nancy's Pokémon is a level 28 Casey, whose characteristic is Psychic Power. She will not fall into a state of fear and will not be affected by intimidation.

"Is there no referee here?" Xiaozhi asked.

"My gym doesn't need this thing." Nancy said.

At this time, the uncle before, who is Nancy's father, teleported into the battle site and said,

"I will be the referee."

Nancy did not speak, but also agreed.

"Okay, Squirtle, it's decided that you will be the referee."


"Now, the Golden Gym Tournament between gym trainer Nancy and challenger Xiaozhi of Pallet Town begins. The Pokémon that can be used is a,

Because this is a one-on-one battle, gym trainers and challengers are not allowed to replace Pokémon.

When one of the Pokémon loses the ability to fight, the game is over and the competition begins. "

"Squirtle, we take the initiative and use Water Wave."

"Casey, use Teleport."

Casey disappeared instantly, dodging the attack, and teleported behind Squirtle.

"How stupid."

After Nancy finished speaking, her eyes radiated blue superpower light. In an instant, Casey's body emitted white light and began to evolve. A few seconds later, Braveheart made a brilliant appearance.

"It's Braveheart, Xiaozhi, you have to be careful, Braveheart is very strong." Xiaozhi reminded.

"No problem, no problem." Xiaozhi replied confidently.

"Braveheart, use Illusion Beam."

"Squirtle, don't panic, use Guard. ”

Squirtle successfully protected himself.

“Yongjira, use Psychic Power.”

“Squirtle, use Ice Beam.”

The two skills collided head-on, and smoke filled the air.

“Right now, Squirtle, rush in, and use a bite attack.”


Squirtle was not afraid of the smoke, and rushed directly into the smoke, biting Yongjira's tail with a bite. Yongjira was in great pain and suffered a high damage.

On the one hand, the evil skills restrained Yongjira, and on the other hand, Yongjira's physical defense was as fragile as paper, only 30.

“Yongjira, use Self-Regeneration.”

“Damn it, Squirtle, don't let it succeed, use Ice Beam. ”

Yongjira had just used self-regeneration to recover blood when he was hit directly by the oncoming freezing beam and fell into a frozen state.

“Well done, this is what I was waiting for, Squirtle, use the bite.”

Yongjira was frozen all over and could not avoid it. The tail that was exposed and not frozen was hit directly by Squirtle's bite, and it was already a candle in the wind.

“Squirtle, give it the last blow, use the bite.”

“Yongjira, use the mental strength.”

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