A huge Fossil Helmet appeared in front of Xiaozhi and Xiaogang.

"What, it's Fossil Helmet! No, isn't Fossil Helmet an extinct fossil Pokémon? How could it appear here? And this Fossil Helmet looks much bigger than what is recorded in the book." Xiaogang asked in confusion.

"Xiaogang, he is Zhenghui, not a Pokémon." Xiaozhi said.

"Young man, you must be Xiaozhi. You have good eyesight and can tell that it's me. I have a favor to ask of you. Please help me press this button. Fossil Helmet's hands are too short to press it."

Xiaozhi stepped forward and pressed the button on Zhenghui's chest.

Suddenly, Fossil Helmet's coat fell off, and a handsome young man appeared in front of the two.

"Nice to meet you two. I'm Pokémon researcher Masaaki."

"Is this a puppet?"

"Yes, it's a very sophisticated puppet. I want to know what kind of mentality the extinct Pokémon had when they lived on this planet, so I went into this puppet to think. I think that by going into this puppet, I should be able to understand the Pokémon's mood.

Because this planet has existed for 4.6 billion years, there are many creatures living on it, and they must live with their own unique feelings. There are currently 1025 known Pokémon species.

Of course, there are many unknown Pokémon. Different Pokémon have their own lifestyles. It is meaningful for Pokémon to live on this planet. Thinking about this is equivalent to thinking about the meaning of why we humans live on this planet. All life on this planet has its meaning of existence." Masaaki said.

"And now, I am waiting for a unique Pokémon. That Pokémon should be the largest in the world. No one has ever seen its true face, and that Pokémon is looking for its companions all over the world, but this matter is destined to be fruitless because it is the only Pokémon in the world."

Zhenghui said while taking Xiaozhi and Xiaogang to the rooftop of the lighthouse.

"Mr. Zhenghui, how did you know there is such a Pokémon?" Xiaogang asked.

"That day, I heard such a sound coming from the sea."

After that, Zhenghui took out a recorder and started playing the sound, which sounded like the sound of Dragonite.

"I want to see you, I want to see you, this is the feeling I heard," said Zhenghui, "so I made the same sound and played it to the other side of the sea through the lighthouse, which means, 'I want to see you too, I want to see you.'

Then, on a foggy day, the same sound came from the other side of the sea, 'I want to see you, I want to see you too', this is its answer to me.

I guess, on that foggy night, that Pokémon will come to see its companions that it has not seen for decades,

I really want to see that Pokémon, for me, seeing that Pokémon is equivalent to understanding this world."

As soon as the voice fell, the voice came from the other side of the sea.

A huge figure approached the lighthouse. What Xiaozhi did not expect was that the huge Pokémon was as tall as the lighthouse.

It was just like a gigantic Dragonite.

You know, in the original animation, it smashed the lighthouse with one blow.


The huge Dragonite roared, as if calling its companions.

But it thought that the call of its companion was from the recorder.

So after calling to no avail, the giant Dragonite was a little annoyed and turned to leave. "Wait, phantom Pokémon, at least let me see your figure clearly, mysterious Pokémon!" Zhenghui said, and was about to turn on the recorder.

"Wait, Mr. Zhenghui, if that giant Pokémon knew that the sound was from the recorder, it might think we were deceiving it. According to its size, I estimate that it can destroy this lighthouse with just one blow."

Xiaozhi hurriedly stopped Zhenghui. If they fought, they would not be able to win.

Hearing Xiaozhi's words, Zhenghui also put down his hand and watched the giant Dragonite leave.

The next morning.

Xiaozhi and Xiaogang said goodbye to Zhenghui.

"There are Pokémon everywhere, just like life is born everywhere. Although I don't know what that giant Pokémon is, I will continue to wait here until that phantom Pokémon appears again. I don't know how many phantom Pokémon there are in this world, just like people's fantasies are countless." Zhenghui said.

"Cultivating Pokémon is also a way to coexist with Pokémon." Xiaogang said.

"Xiaozhi, you are a Pokémon trainer, and I am a Pokémon researcher who explores life on this planet. Although the directions are different, I believe our goals are the same. Xiaozhi, you must work hard."

"Yes,I will try my best. "

"By the way, Xiaozhi, you two are going to Vermilion City next, right? A friend gave me two boat tickets before, but I have no time because I have to do research. I will give you these two tickets. They are tickets for the Saint Annu. There are many excellent Pokémon trainers on the ship, which should be helpful to you."

"Thank you, Mr. Masaaki."

The two accepted the tickets.

Xiaozhi and Xiaogang said goodbye to Masaaki and continued to Vermilion City.

Finally, after getting lost again and again, the two finally arrived at Vermilion City.

Vermilion City is an international city located at the southern entrance of the Kanto region.

There is an important seaport serving ships such as the Saint Annu. Vermilion Port often has many luxury cruise ships docking here, which can serve several routes at the same time.

The Saint Annu cruises around the world and returns to Vermilion Port once a year; the Water Flow is in the city.

10 Sea Flame Horse ferries sailed from Vermilion Port to the Seven Islands.

In addition to the port, the east of Vermilion City is Route 11 and the Diglett Cave, and the north is Route 6.

Just after entering Vermilion City, Xiaozhi suddenly felt a wave of guidance. Xiaozhi knew that this was Riolu.

As soon as the two entered the Pokémon Center, they saw someone running in anxiously with a burnt Rattata.

"Rattata, cheer up, we've arrived at the Pokémon Center."

"Alas, this is the sixteenth one this month." Miss Joy sighed.

"Miss Joy, what's going on?" Xiaozhi asked.

"These Pokémon were beaten like this by the Horseman of the Vermilion Gym. "Miss Joy explained.

Xiaozhi and his friend followed Miss Joy to the ward, where there were shrews, caterpillars, Pidgeots, tadpoles, etc., all lying on the beds with wounds all over their bodies, and their trainers were taking care of them.

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