Xiaozhi looked at the two fossils in front of him. One was called a carapace fossil, which could be revived into a fossil helmet, and the other was called a shell fossil, which could be revived into an ammonite.

To be honest, Xiaozhi didn't like either of them, but it would be a waste if he didn't take them. At most, he could give them away or sell them. After all, fossils are still very scarce.

In the end, Xiaozhi made up his mind and took the carapace fossil.

Li Ke reluctantly gave up the carapace fossil and handed it to Xiaozhi, and then began to tell the two about his experience with the two fossils.

Just as Li Ke was talking nonstop, a Pipi passed by holding a piece of moonstone fragment.

"It's Pipi."

Xiaozhi really didn't want to listen anymore, so he immediately used Pipi as an excuse and left with Pipi.

Seeing this, Li Ke and Xiaogang quickly followed.

Everyone followed Pipi and came to a cave at night. The sky was open and there was a huge stone inside. It was the Moonstone. Dozens of Pipis surrounded the Moonstone, and each Pipi held a piece of Moonstone fragment in his hand, which was the Moonstone.

"It's incredible. The Moonstone is here." Xiaogang said.

"It's so romantic. The universe, Pokémon, and us humans are all connected by the Moonstone. Ah, how romantic, the endless melody of the universe." Li Ke exclaimed.

The Pipis began to dance around the Moonstone, and then hugged the Moonstone, their bodies began to glow, and they all evolved into Pixi.

After the ceremony, Li Ke made up his mind and said, "I have decided to live with Pipi and the others. If Pokémon are happy, I will be happy too. One day, I will go to the universe with Pipi and the others." Before leaving, Xiaozhi picked up more than a dozen Moonstones on the ground and prepared to sell them for money. He also asked Li Ke for a ticket to the Nibi City Science Museum. The two said goodbye to Li Ke, left Yuejian Mountain, and came to a fork in the road. The road sign said that Cerulean City was just ahead. "There are graffiti on it." Xiaogang said. "There are people like this everywhere, scribbling on road signs or posters. Let me see what they say. Xiaomao has been here, Xiaozhi is a big fool." Xiaozhi's expression was wrong as he read it. A grimace was drawn next to this sentence. "Damn it, how can two legs compare to a sports car, Xiaomao, I won't lose to you." After saying that, Xiaozhi ran towards Cerulean City. "What's going on? Such a strong reaction."

Seeing this, Xiaogang had no choice but to run with Xiaozhi.

The current Cerulean Gym can be said to be the weakest among the eight gyms. Basically, the trainers in Kanto have a blue badge. Unlike a few years later, Nibe Gym has Mega Steelix, Cerulean Gym has Mega Gyarados, and Viridian Gym has the former Kanto champion Cyan. In addition, the psychic-type Nancy in the Golden Gym, who can be called a bug in the animation, and the strength of the Crimson Gym is comparable to the Four Heavenly Kings. It can be called the nightmare of new trainers in Kanto.

Cerulean City is a medium-sized coastal city in the northern part of the Kanto region.

It is adjacent to the estuary of the river in the north, Golden City in the south, and Mount Tsukimi in the west.

This is one of the only two cities in the Kanto region that are connected by roads on all four sides, the other one is Golden City.

And it is surrounded by waterways and has abundant water resources.

Arriving in Cerulean City, Xiaozhi went straight to the Cerulean Gym. As the landmark building of Cerulean City, it is very easy to find.

When Xiaozhi and Xiaogang arrived, they happened to see a water show going on inside.

The Cerulean Gym was the stage for the water show, and the backstage was a corridor and battle field similar to an aquarium.

So Xiaozhi and Xiaogang could only "reluctantly" watch a water ballet. It was not what they wanted to watch, but there was nothing they could do. This was their job, and there were so many spectators, they couldn't interrupt it.

Well, these legs are pretty good.

After the performance, Xiaozhi went backstage to find the three Cerulean sisters.

"Hello, excuse me."

"What's wrong, little brother? If you want an interview, you must make an appointment with our agent first."


"You can't ask for an autograph either."

"No, you are the gym trainers of the Cerulean Gym, I want to challenge the Cerulean Gym."

"But we have no fighting spirit. Before you came, we were beaten badly by several trainers from Pallet Town. Most of our main Pokémon were hospitalized."

"We are busy making ourselves more beautiful, so we don't have time to train Pokémon."

"But seeing you like this, we still fight you, two on two." Sakura couldn't bear it.

"Then let's start right away."

Sakura's two Pokémon are, 18

Level 21 Little Sea Lion, with the characteristic of "Moist Body", can cure abnormal conditions in rainy days.

Sakura's family has four daughters, Misty is the youngest, she went out to practice, claiming to be a water Pokémon master, and later her three sisters left the gym to travel, and Misty returned to the gym to serve as a gym trainer.

"Xiaozhi, although we can't beat the trainers from Pallet Town, we are not soft persimmons."

"Come on."

The battle site is a pool, the water site, the power of water skills is 1.5 times, and water is also conducive to Pokémon evasion.

"Now, let's start the Cerulean Gym Tournament between gym trainer Sakura and challenger Ash of Pallet Town. Two Pokémon can be used. When all the Pokémon of one side lose their combat ability, the game is over. In addition, only the challenger has the right to replace Pokémon. Please send Pokémon from both sides at the same time." Peony served as a temporary referee.

"Go, Goldfish."

"Pikachu, it's decided that you will be the one."


"I see, use the electric type, Goldfish, use Horn Bump."

"I'm sure to win this game, Pikachu, use Electric Ball."

Electric Ball is a special move that becomes more powerful the more speed you have than your opponent. Pikachu's speed race value is 90, Goldfish's is 65, and Sea Lion's is 45. In addition, the effect of Excellent Group has double the damage, with a power of 120 and 160 respectively.

The goldfish rushed towards Pikachu, but before it reached halfway, the electric ball had already been fired, hitting the goldfish head-on.

"The goldfish lost its ability to fight, and Pikachu won."

"Come back, goldfish, go, little sea lion."

"Pikachu, use the electric ball again."

"Little sea lion, use the water gun."

The two special moves cancel each other out.

After knowing the power of the electric ball, Sakura chose to fight from a distance.

"Little sea lion, use the freezing wind."

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