"Well, we have contacted the hospital, the police station and the parents of the students, and they will be here soon." said the principal.

As soon as the voice fell, many alarm bells and car sounds were heard.

For a while, the entire campsite was surrounded by ambulances and police cars. Miss Joy, Miss Junsha, and other medical staff and police officers got out of the car and began to rescue the injured and guard.

Many parents of students who were relatively close also rushed over.

Suddenly, someone shouted, "It's Xiaozhi, Xiaozhi and the others are back."

Everyone looked over and saw Xiaozhi running wildly with Xiaochun on his back, followed by Axiang and Douye.

"Ambulance, ambulance, save people quickly."

Xiaozhi shouted while running, put Xiaochun on a stretcher, and handed it to Miss Joy and medical staff for treatment.

Then, Xiaozhi walked to Gouhao and punched Gouhao directly, causing Gouhao's mouth to bleed.

"What are you doing?" Gouhao said angrily.

"You are Xiaozhi's classmate, right? How can you beat up your classmates?" Miss Junsha came over and said, not knowing what was going on.

"It was him who took the initiative to provoke the giant bee, causing so many of us to get injured, messing up the graduation dinner, and leaving Xiaochun alone to run away." Xiaozhi scolded Gouhao.

"What, didn't I tell you not to enter the woods? Don't you have ears?" The principal was also angry.

"Recently, it is the time when the iron shell Kun evolves into giant bee. The giant bee is very vigilant and will always stay by the side of the iron shell Kun. Once someone provokes them, they will be very easy to get angry, very irritable, and attack people mercilessly." Professor Oak explained.

Other students also looked at the ragged and gray Gouhao with angry eyes.

Gouhao deserved to be like this.

"What are you talking about? How can you blame me? It's all the fault of those giant bee," Gouhao argued.

"If you hadn't provoked them, would they have attacked people? Also, even Serena and the other girls took the initiative to stay and fight, but you, a grown man, had the nerve to leave Xiaochun and run away by yourself. Your fire-type Flame Rabbit can restrain Beedrill."

"Flame Rabbit and I are not good at fighting. What if we both get hurt?" Gou Hao said shamelessly.

"Injured, at that time, you actually thought about not getting hurt.

Who are you? Who are you to us? Why should we pay for you and protect your safety, while you can hide behind us with peace of mind and let us shelter you from the wind and rain." Xiaozhi was really angry. This Gou Hao was too shameless.

"Besides, with you, Gou Hao, you still captured Mew and all the Pokémon. Let me ask you, if you really captured so many Pokémon, how do you plan to train them?" Xiaozhi continued to output.

"First, my name is Xiaohao, not Gouhao; second, I just said I wanted to capture them, not train them." Gouhao said confidently.

"In that case, let your Pokémon decide."

After saying that, Xiaozhi took out five Poké Balls from Gouhao and released all five Pokémon.

They were Caterpillar, Unicorn, Spearow, Rattata and Paras.

That's it, and he captured Mew.

After the other Pokémon communicated with these five Pokémon, they all glared at Gouhao.

"Okay, you are free now and can leave. This person will not harass you anymore." Xiaozhi said.

Since these Pokémon were all captured by Gouhao by force, without any training and without any feelings for Gouhao, they all left without mercy.

"No, all of you come back, you are not allowed to leave, you are all my Pokémon."

But no one, no Pokémon paid attention to Gouhao's roar.

"Hmph, you didn't train the Pokémon after catching it. Have you ever considered the feelings of the Pokémon? What's the difference between you and Pokémon hunters?" Xiaozhi said.

"I see, Xiaohao, please come back to the police station with us to be investigated and questioned. Afterwards, we will punish you according to the requirements of the alliance." Miss Junsha said.

"What, no, I, I want to go back to the police station with you, no, it's not like that, I'm a hero, I want to catch Mew, you should respect me and worship me."

But the police didn't buy Gouhao's tricks. Two police officers went up and put Gouhao on the police car and took him away by force.

Sure enough, all the prisoners were the same. No matter how rampant they were before, they all admitted their mistakes like wilted eggplants when they arrived at the police station.

Gouhao's parents also flew back to China overnight under the urging of the police.

"Son, what's wrong with you?" Seeing their big son beingBeating, Hao's mother couldn't help it immediately and rushed over.

"Son, tell me who beat you, I'll take care of it for you."

"Okay, what kind of person is your son, don't you know it in your heart? He must have done something wrong, otherwise he would have appealed for justice long ago." Hao's father said.

Hao's father knew what kind of person his son was. When he was a child, Gou Hao often got into trouble abroad. He thought he would be more sensible when he went to school in China, but he didn't expect that he was still the same.

"Miss Junsha, what's wrong with my son? He wants us to come back overnight." Hao's mother asked.

"Xiao Hao took the initiative to provoke Beedrill during the graduation dinner, causing many students to be injured. The graduation dinner was also messed up. The class monitor Xiaozhi couldn't help but punch Xiao Hao. The doctor has just checked and it's just a skin injury, no bone injury. Also, this is the league's punishment for Xiao Hao."

"What?" Hao's father was furious. He pulled out his belt and beat Xiao Hao hard. "I spent so much money to send you to school. Look at what you have done.

From childhood to adulthood, you have everything you want. Your current food, clothing, housing and transportation are all given to you by me and your mother. Do you deserve us by doing this?

How could I give birth to a child like you? Son, is there anything in the world that you dare not do? I put my words here, if you do this again, I will not have you as my son. ”

When Hao's mother saw her son being beaten, she quickly took the belt and said, "What do you want to do? Do you want to beat your son to death? He has been beaten, and you still say such things."

"He became like this today because of you."

"What's wrong? Didn't he accidentally disrupt the graduation dinner? I don't believe they can do anything to my good son. My good son wants to conquer the dreamy people. The worst case is that he will be expelled. Can't we find a good school for our son abroad? This kind of rotten school is not even worth our family's attention."

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