"Okay, Sucker, eat as much as you can. If it's not enough, I can make more."


The Sucker was very happy to eat. He was impressed by Hanako's cooking skills and asked Hanako to subdue it.

In the evening, Xiaozhi took Xiaogang and Xiaochun back to their home in Pallet Town.

"Mom, I'm back." Xiaozhi shouted.

"Xiaozhi! Xiaogang and Xiaochun, welcome."


Hanako walked out of the kitchen and said, followed by the Sucker.

"Ah, isn't this the Sucker we met before?" Xiaogang said.

"Yes, I have subdued it." Hanako smiled.

With the cooperation of Hanako and the Sucker, a table of sumptuous meals was soon ready.

"Thank you, Sucker." Hanako said.

"Ah, Momo?"

"I named this child. Isn't it cute?"

"With Sucker Momo here, I feel much more relaxed." Hanako said.

"It seems that Sucker Momo has completely adapted to this home." Xiaogang said.

After eating and drinking, Xiaozhi and the other two went to bed early. Xiaozhi returned to his room, while Xiaogang and Xiaochun rested in two empty guest rooms in Xiaozhi's house.

The next morning.

Xiaozhi was sleeping soundly when the Sucker Momo suddenly hit his face with a vacuum cleaner, which woke Xiaozhi up.


Early in the morning, Xiaozhi's screams resounded through the sky.

"Morning, everyone."

Xiaozhi went downstairs and everyone else had woken up.

Xiaogang was making breakfast in the kitchen, Xiaochun was reading a book at the table, Sucker Momo was cleaning the house with a vacuum cleaner, and Hanako was wiping things at home with a rag.

"Good morning, Xiaozhi, did you sleep well last night?" Hanako asked.

"Mom, you are too much. You let the suction cup puppet wake me up in that way."

"What's wrong with the suction cup puppet?"

"That guy, it sucked my face with a vacuum cleaner."

Hearing this, the suction cup puppet that was cleaning immediately ran behind Hanako to seek her protection.

"It must want you to be clean, right, suction cup puppet?" Hanako lowered her head and touched the suction cup puppet's head, smiling.


The suction cup puppet nodded frantically.

"Then why don't you suck your own face with a vacuum cleaner to make your own face cleaner?" Xiaozhi was dissatisfied.

Hearing this, Hanako smiled slightly, touched the head of the sucker puppet and said,

"The sucker puppet only listens to me. Okay, sucker puppet, go to the backyard and pick some herbs for me."

"Barry barry barry."

The sucker puppet got the order and ran away immediately.

"Tsk, you just flatter your mother."

"Okay, it's done. Come and eat quickly. Don't you have to go to Professor Oak today?"

Xiao Gang came over with the prepared breakfast.


On the other side, in a research institute of the Rocket Team's base in Kanto.

A huge explosion sounded.

Mewtwo, freed from its restraints, flew away at a very fast speed.

Sakaki stood on the ruins of the research institute, looking at Mewtwo's back, gritting his teeth and said,

"This guy..."

On the other side, in Pallet Town.

After eating and drinking, Xiaozhi and his group came to the door of the Oak Research Institute.

After ringing the doorbell, Professor Oak came to open the door.

"Professor Oak, I'm Xiaozhi."

"Oh, it's Xiaozhi. Long time no see. Pikachu and everyone else look great.

Anyway, Xiaozhi, you look healthy. I'm relieved."

As he spoke, Professor Oak led Xiaozhi and his group into the reception room of the Oak Research Institute. Xiaomao, Red, Green, and Blue were already inside.

"Oh, isn't this the person who always lags behind? You're finally here."

Seeing Xiaozhi come in, Xiaomao immediately stood up and said.

"What did you say?"

"Okay, stop arguing. How come you two are the same as Red and Green when they first came?

You five are the hope of our Pallet Town." Professor Oak tried to smooth things over.

"The hope? This guy?"

Xiaomao and Xiaozhi pointed at each other, and Red and Green pointed at each other, saying in unison.

"Yes, this town is very lucky to have five new people who may become Pokémon masters in the future. I am so happy." Professor Oak said with relief.

"Huh." ×4

Azure on the side could only shake his head and sigh. There was nothing he could do. He had to get used to it. These four people had been like this since they were young.

At this time, Xiaozhi's crab was holding a tea tray.Serve tea to everyone.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work." Professor Oak said.

"Crawfish, long time no see, how are you doing recently?" Xiaozhi said.

"GoGi, GoGi."

"Long time no see?" Xiaomao seemed to have discovered something.

"You five are all people who started from Pallet Town and returned with more than eight badges.

Xiaomao got ten badges, Xiaozhi, Red, Green, and Blue all got eight badges. You guys are considered to be working hard." Professor Oak said.

"That's for sure. If I didn't work hard, how could I win the Kanto League's tournament?" Xiaozhi said.

"In short, you five have achieved the goal of participating in the Pokémon League.

The venue of this session of the Kanto League Quartz Tournament is the Quartz Plateau. The date is now two months later. There should be 200 participants." Professor Oak said.

"More than 200 people! I am looking forward to two months later more and more." Xiaozhi said excitedly.

"You five should do special training before then, and strive to show your talents at the conference." Professor Oak said.

"That's right, especially Xiaozhi himself, he needs to work twice as hard." Xiaomao said.

"What did you say?"

"Since you are the rising star, I hope your ability can at least be improved to the same level as mine." Xiaomao said proudly.

"What do you mean?"

"Xiaozhi, you just said to the crab that you haven't seen it for a long time, right?"

"Yes, so what?"

"Look at this."

As he said that, Xiaomao took out a Poké Ball and released a very large crab.

"What a big crab." Xiaochun said in surprise.

"I often exchange the Pokémon I have for battles because I believe that only by training all Pokémon to be stronger can one be considered a true trainer.

But you, in your previous words, revealed the fact that you did not train the Crab well.

I see that when you fight, you only use a few fixed and commonly used ones.

A battle without using your brain is not beautiful enough, it's really annoying."

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