54 episodes

The two MCs of ‘The Rising’ picked the other two combined teams by random drawing.

-The team that will carry out the mission with MII is NEW days.

-The team that will carry out the mission with Bad One is IMX.

After seeing six teams and three combinations, I know one thing for sure.

The team with the weakest impact among these three combinations is us and INO.

All the other four teams were growing faster than First Light and riding the rising trend. And he had an overwhelmingly large number of overseas fans. The size of that overseas fandom was revealed in the Initial Chodong.

MII, NEW days, and Bad One all had high Initial Chodong, and IMX’s Initial Chodong was similar to ours, but the soundtrack performance was different. Among the six teams here, it was the only team that could insert a sound source into the daily rankings of the music charts.

For all age groups, the most advantageous team might be that IMX.

* * *

The studio shoot was two days later. Editing will include studio editing before we receive the mission.

Since there is not much time left until the stage, we read the guidelines from ‘The Rising’ and headed to INO’s agency.

TRV had no choice of location as there was no room for 18 people to practice at the same time. INO’s agency’s practice room was larger than that of Kook Seon-ah’s practice room.

The members of INO who gathered together were really talkative.

“Let’s go to a ballad, a ballad!”

“Ballad, ballad.”

Rather, the eleven INO members talked about it, so the First Light members were still unfamiliar with it, but because they went to the place, everyone was silent. Guys taller than the INO members were crumpled in the corner. The kids are shy, but they look like they’re catching stingrays because of their faces. I am very worried… … .

Anyway, considering the contest program so far, and my personal taste, I think the most effective thing is rock.

Because of the audience reaction, I think that there will be more rock-like arrangements automatically in the second half… … .


I wanted to say that, but my mouth didn’t fall out.

Wow, did I look so stupid. I can’t spit out a single character in Korean… … .

Ballads are good, but singing ballads to people who don’t know us can feel boring, unless we’re all Mebogam… … I want to say it beautifully.

“I’m probably… … there. excuse me. Probably… … Ballads are good, but… … members?”

I tried to speak softly, but I couldn’t get the right to speak. The First Light guys are so unfamiliar that they can’t seem to hear me, and there are eleven people talking over there.

“Jiwoon-ah, shall we go to the ballad then?”

asked Oliver, an American member of INO. Then Shin Ji-woon looked at me.

“brother. what should we do.”

The problem with the First Light guys is that they don’t listen in the meantime. Until now, the INO members next to me set the mood for the ballad with all kinds of smirk, but these bastards are talking as if the conversation was just for laughs. Fortunately, the INO members were distracted, but they were good friends, so they started talking again without saying anything.

I found it impossible to speak softly in this atmosphere. In the end, the same tone of tone came out of Guk Seon-ah.

“I think a ballad would be boring.”

To put it bluntly, it’s greed for the stage, and to be honest, it’s like selfishness. Making the same mistakes over and over again while knowing roughly what the editing will be like.

It was then that INO finally calmed down and looked at me. I was talking.

“To the audience. Many of you may not know us. we all… … I’m not saying this because I’m not a good singer.”

Suddenly, seventeen or thirty-four eyes were looking at me. I suddenly had a cold sweat.

“… … I’m sorry, but I have some stage fright, and some of you are different, can you please take a look?”

I thought it was a joke because I said it, so INO members laughed. That relieved some of the tension. INO’s leader Kang-woo said.

“Then what do you want Haewon to do?”

“I personally rock… … .”

“Rock good. So, collectively, a rock ballad?”

“Rock ballad… … Rock hair?”

“I want to eat chicken feet.”

That team never really ends with a single word. It’s almost like some kind of spinning song.

I was convinced from the start that my image was ruined anyway. This time, I wanted to show a different image, but it seems to be my nature.

I was used to survival-style editing, so I had a good idea of how this broadcast was going to go.

Anyway, the given time is short, and when the results have to be paid. I think division of labor is one of the best ways.

“The first stage is probably our group’s introduction, isn’t it? So, I want to mash up the songs of our two teams instead of other singers’ songs.”

“Oh, good, good!”

“Then let’s talk separately. Vocals, dance, rap, etc.”

Above all, if you break it up into small groups, the First Light guys will be less shy. I’m not parenting and I don’t know what I’m doing.

Fortunately, INO members followed others’ opinions well. It’s probably the less-fighting way that the eleven people have learned to live.

“Come, children of the vocal class.”

“Let’s dance!”

“Jiwoon-ah, you only need to come to work.”

The 18 members were only divided into 8 vocalists, 6 dance members, and 4 rappers.

* * *

‘The Rising first broadcast.’

The first thing that came out in the first light episode was Jung Hae-won’s reaction after hearing the fan song. First of all, a scene where he returned to the car and covered his face with both hands and cried came out with subtitles.

[Haewon cried so much?]

[During the mefan, it seemed that only tears were welling up… … .]

[No, why do you go alone and cry and your heart hurts?]

[I’m very concerned about Jung Hae-won these days… … .]

Then, after the mission announcement, First Light and INO gathered in one practice room.

[All six teams in The Rising have really different atmospheres]

[Pera and Aino seem to be the most extreme hahahaaha

[I think the Aino members are making more noise because the Pura members are holding each other up]

[He makes a fierce fight]

[↳If the steamship is overpowered here, one team will have no choice but to be dragged]

[Dawn members treated me as a tired person, so I forgot for a while, but the atmosphere is really difficult because it’s there… … .]

[↳In fact, if we meet, we will never be able to talk… … .]

In that situation, there was a scene where Jung Hae-won tried to gently express her opinion a few times, but was buried in the voices of the Aino members.

– I’m probably… … there. excuse me. Probably… … Ballads are good, but… … . members?

[How many times are you chewing on Jung Hae-won’s words hahahaahaha

[If it were me, I would already be pissed hahahaaha

[I think I’m chewing on purpose]

[↳ Of course you chew on purpose]

– I think the ballad would be boring.

[Because I’m an idol, I’m patient. If it were me, I cursed once.]

-… … I’m sorry, but I have some stage fright, and some of you are different. Could you please take a look?

[All Aino smiles, but Fura doesn’t… … ?]

[Isn’t he a real stage fright?]

[They say they are good on stage]

The editing of the first episode of ‘The Rising’ was mild.

* * *

As I was going into the dance group and talking, INO’s rap member Oliver came over to me.

“Hae-won. Shall we talk about arrangement separately?”

“Ah yes.”

There are a few members who compose songs on Aino’s side, but none of the members put the songs on it. Oliver was a member who had released a mixtape.

Although his parents are Korean, Oliver was born and raised in the United States as an American. Still, there was no reason to stop talking about music.

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Oliver asked.

“You composed something. Can you tell the A&R people everything?”

“Yes, I send demos whenever possible.”

“Can I too?”

We might be working on the arrangement together, so while we were having a conversation with Oliver to be comfortable, Min Ji-ho jumped to his feet. And I asked the members who had gathered.

“Brothers, are you going? Are you going to this?”

“Let’s go, Minjo!”

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Obviously, the members with common interests are grouped together, so it seems that the conversation went well. Among them, the first thing to reach an agreement was the dance part.

“The dance class has an opinion!”

At Min Ji-ho’s words, Shin Ji-woon laughed and said.

“Are you in kindergarten?”

“Yeah, there’s a rap class there.”

INO’s Lee Soo-han said the word rap class.

“Why isn’t the rap class so cute? Vocal class and dance class are like kindergarten.”

I didn’t know when they were mixed, but the atmosphere is completely different because the same majors are grouped together. In particular, the place where the rappers gathered was the same low tone. And strangely obsessed with cute things. They look like crazy… … .

Anyway, Min Ji-ho continued.

“I want to mash up Aino’s ‘DEMON’ and First Light’s ‘Turn on the Lights’!”

“… … .”

I’m at a loss for words.

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On a stage for all ages, I couldn’t understand the flow of thoughts at once to pick out the most difficult song among our two teams’ songs.

‘Turn on the Light’ was almost like a song made to attract aggro with the sole purpose of making the First Light team memorable.

And DEMON is… … .

read at https://readwn.com

Oliver asked from the side.

“Haewon, don’t you know this song?”

“Ah, I know.”

“It’s a b-side song, you know?”

“Listen to that new song at least once if you can.”

“Ha, the hard-working genius is annoying.”


I remember it as music that is crushed so that the lyrics are barely audible in EDM. It was a song I got from a foreign composer, but after paying the composition fee, I hired him, and he expanded his art world.

So it’s not that the song is bad, but it’s not if it’s music that you can use your energy on stage or in the sound source.

While I was having a hard time, the members of the dance club added one word at a time.

“To tear up the stage!”

“Oh, tear it apart!”

And fortunately, Han Hyo-seok, who had to sort things out like me, translated it into a language that I could understand.

“The audience likes it and it is important to give a good score, but as hyung said before, we are a team like this, and I think it is important to show it. So it’s memorable.”

Rather than score, it’s about remembering our two teams. I nodded.

“You mean the goal is to make the team memorable, not the song?”


Then Kang Han-woo said to Hwang Sae-byeok.

“Dawn, your team is in good shape.”

“We also didn’t get organized when Hyo-seok was doing it alone.”

People started talking about these two songs again, and I tried to figure out whether a mashup would be possible.

The lyrics to ‘DEMON’ were about depression.

[The devil is swallowing my life. I am in hellish sorrow]

And ‘Turn on the lights’ is about First Light to burn and tear this stage down.

Combined… … .

I will rip the devil (depression) apart… … .

So the devil hunter… … .

… … It’s kind of complicated, but maybe it’ll be okay?

As I was scribbling in my notebook, I heard Oliver’s voice.

“The devil, I will tear apart the brackets and the melancholy… … Wow. Demon hunter concept? Good?”

“Ah, tongue.”

I whimper at Oliver, who reads what I’m writing, and raise my head, and another 34 eyes are looking at me. oh, it’s buzzing

“No, I’m just thinking about it… … .”

“Haewon! good night!”

“Let’s go slay the devil!”


Even the extrovert Min Ji-ho and Park Seon-jae among introverts, who quickly broke down the wall of shyness toward INO, and surprisingly extroverted Joo-won Ahn were assimilated and became noisy together.

I can’t control my facial expressions because I’m crazy. My image seems to be ruined this time too.

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