47 episodes

The sparkling purple roulette slowly stopped.

[Choose a reward (Choose 1)]

[One. Remove 5% of negative images]

“… … uh?”

wake up suddenly

The moment I thought of this without looking back.

[2. Corrects the cognitive dissonance of appearance normally]

“What the hell is this?”

I was sitting in bed, making facial expressions and talking to myself, seriously looking at the reward.

Deleting negative images is quite understandable, but cognitive dissonance about appearance… … What do you mean in the first place?

By the way, does deleting negative images mean deleting videos that have been there… … .

If that happens, that’s a really good thing in my current situation. But at the same time I hate it.

I don’t know if these things are erased from my mind. It felt unfair that it remained on my head and erased from other people’s heads.

[2. Corrects the cognitive dissonance of appearance normally]

This… … Does it mean a lot, I wonder.

Does this mean that I am correcting the preconceived notions caused by my bad image?

I thought about it for a while, but this time withdrew my choice. I wasn’t on the indecisive side when I was young, but somehow I became such a weak adult. hahahaaha… … .

It took me a while to think about it, so Shin Ji-woon, who had finished his late night meal, came into the room.

“What, you haven’t slept yet?”

“Now to sleep.”

While I was answering, Shin Ji-woon lay down on the bed and looked for earphones. And just before I put it in my ear, I said.

“Jiwoon, do you have any friends among The Thirteen?”

Shin Ji-woon answered my words by putting down the earphones.

“No, not a single person from our agency went out this time. Hyo-seok’s agency seems to have gone out quite a bit. why?”

“I was wondering if there are any trainees who need some aggro. A person with a lot of topicality and eagerness.”

“What do you do?”

“Let me appear on the phone.”


Shin Ji-woon continued to speak, showing his absurdity on his face.

“What are you going to do? I’m just calling out that topic.”

“It also has ratings, but you sell me. I need to get something off me too. Anyway, no matter what I say, I’m not going to let it go because of the topic. Rather, are you waiting for me to curse VMC on the air?”

Shin Ji-woon still didn’t understand what I said, but since I’m making my own decisions, I didn’t meddle anymore and put the earphones back in my ears. So, he’s a pretty cool guy.

I asked Han Hyo-seok if there were any trainees who could come out on the air and call me, and after about 10 minutes, I got a call.

[Hyoshik: Seungjoo is an older brother, please do it for me. I have a lot of questions for you.]

[What are you curious about? It shouldn’t be too strong.]

[Hyoshik: Wait a minute]

[Hyoshik: How to receive the amount of evil pieces]

[Hyoshik: Sorry]

This friend is a bit like me. I answered the question I wish I had asked.

[Why are you sorry? thanks Let’s do it if the company allows it]

I ended the call and laid down on the bed. Rather, I slept well.

* * *

After taking the first light concept photo, Hee-eun, who suddenly started working hard, recently created a video industry using her own job. Hee-eun’s high school friend Su-jeong said by subscribing to her friend’s video system with loyalty.

“No, do you want to come home from video editing and do video editing again?”

“That’s it.”

“Is the kid okay?”

“Because it’s perfectly fine. And the real thing… … under. really. How do you put this into words?”

“I can’t believe my eyes in your man… … . By the way, Jung Hae-won’s fans are really one hundred per day. Both the meme and the video industry are at the professional level. No, not your level, even you are just a fat expert.”

“The face that makes an artist work!”

“… … You really have been around a lot.”

“In your life, you are a person who works in the video industry, but you meet someone who is still of the opposite s*x, right? Harm. That person is a real psycho.”

In fact, if you measure the hours Hee-eun usually works, that statement is understandable. However, I was working on a video again in my spare time because it was not enough.

Sujeong played the video to increase the number of views and streaming time on the video uploaded by Hee-eun while squeezing. It was a video uploaded by editing the part where Jung Hae-won appeared in First Light’s own entertainment that was uploaded this time.

[First Light/Haewon] I’m not afraid, but I’m afraid of thunder

Looking at the video, a surprisingly mature figure for his age is attached to the front part, and in the second half, he found and pasted it in every scene he looked around the window while it was thundering. There aren’t a lot of things that I’ve been caught in the main, and most of them are scenes that were caught on camera after being in the background.

“Do you think you are really surprised? Isn’t this traumatic enough?”

“What kind of trauma does my child have or two?”

Hee-eun, who was working on the video almost at the level of a machine, answered and sighed involuntarily. Then, I continued editing another video.

The cut editing was instantaneous, but it was taking a while to brighten the whole video because it was filmed at night.

After watching Sujeong’s video, I tried to click ‘Like’, and the ‘Dislike’ was quickly rising on the video that had been uploaded for an hour. Sujeong said by clicking ‘Like’.

“I just came to this fan account and clicked ‘dislike’. Is it good to spend your life on negative things like this? It’s a waste of my time.”

“That’s what I mean. It was also a boy who was 18 years old when he was a Kuk Seon-ah. You’re still young, but you were a real baby back then.”

When I saw the sincere antis that even came to the video world of fans, clicked ‘dislike’ and posted malicious comments, I could understand why the few fans became so militant.

Sujeong suddenly had an unknown sense of justice, so she commented.

“In my experience, the law is the answer in this case.”

[soo_1818: We are collecting pdfs related to malicious comments by artists. Please send to the email address below.]

After the comment was posted and Hee-eun fixed it, only positive comments were left on the video. Hee-eun glanced around and asked.

“Is this really your email address?”

“yes. unwritten mail. If it really comes as a pdf, I get it and send it to the company.”

“TRV? The legal team doesn’t work there.”

“They say that children who don’t work should be given a job. If an individual sends it, they reply with a copy, so you have to put together what many people have gathered and send it with a fuss in the neighborhood.”

“Did your company make you so militant… … .”

“yes… … .”

Sujeong nodded bitterly and went into her original email. I opened the mailbox that already had 99+ mails, but the mail was already coming in.

“what. The mail has already arrived.”

“We are one hundred per day.”

Sujeong put on an absurd expression on the emails that piled up in an instant.

In the meantime, Hee-eun’s hand moved quickly. The highlight medley will be up at 12:00 today, so I had to finish it sooner. Sujeong said while concentrating on moving her hand.

“Uh, I heard that Jung Hae-won appeared in The Thirteen in the comments?”

“uh? why?”

Hee-eun’s heart was pounding and she looked back. Sujeong found the video that was just uploaded on her cell phone and showed it to her. It was TYT’s new variety show <The Thirteen>.

It was a scene where a trainee who was on the verge of being dropped out took the phone and called. It was a video call from Han Hyo-seok, who was preparing to debut at the same agency.

-Uh, Seungju-hyung.

– Yes, Hyo-seok.

The trainee’s strange feelings toward his younger brother, who entered the agency later than him and debuted long before him, were revealed on his face. Hyo-seok Han, almost like a teacher at her alma mater, told me what to be careful about as a survival performer before continuing.

-Oh, did Haewon say he had a question for hyung? I’ll change it.

-really? are you by my side


And soon Jung Hae-won appeared on the screen. Seungjoo Lee said, restless.


-yes. Are you the same age as me? Twenty.

-Ah yes.

– Next time we see you, take it easy, us.

-Oh, how can I tell you… … . Oh, by the way. What I’m really curious about is that it’s okay to be bad, so I want to get a lot of volume.

Seung-Joo Lee was really in a hurry, so he went straight to the point. Jung Hae-won answered with a tone mixed with a somewhat clever disposition.

-ah. But I’m just going to say this, so I’m embarrassed because I’m a music expert.

Jung Hae-won spoke.

-You are greedy for the center, and you keep fighting with the trainees in your group. Let’s do it in my opinion.

-uh… … .

-It’s best to keep an angry face when announcing rankings. Oh, if you fall asleep while other people are practicing, that scene will appear at least 10 times. You can do that. would you like to

-uh… … .

-why. don’t you?

-… … Oh, that’s it.

After a moment of awkward silence, Jung Hae-won asked.

– Am I envious? Securing the quantity?

-… … .

– Actually, you don’t want to be like me, do you?

-… … .

– So did I.

And as if to bring the atmosphere back up, Jung Hae-won finished the call with a joke in a light tone.

* * *

Ahead of the release of the highlight medley, the atmosphere inside TRV was quite good.

A clear upward trend was evident in pre-orders. 7 million pre-orders. It was more than double the number of pre-orders last time.

There are fans who have flown into new entertainment shows, and the existing fans, whether negative or positive, have been solidly united after the recruitment of new members, and album sales have increased significantly.

“After all, I have time even if this company doesn’t have anything else.”

“Isn’t that the worst?”

“Is not it. But you still work for that company, am I?”

All the employees had no disagreement that this concept and song looked like a perfect suit for First Light, and when we looked at the pre-orders, the predicted shipments were exactly right after such comments.

“When Haewon brought the worldview for the first time, the reaction wasn’t good, honestly.”

“Because, at that time, even the team did not understand what this was.”

The First Light Company series, which started in such a long and unpretentious state, attracted fans to the point where the word “Paracom’s Ibduk” was raised. In particular, the day before the tracklist was released, First Light Company 2 was released and the identity of the villains was revealed. As it went up, the reaction got hotter and hotter.

The number of pre-orders continues until the first week, and the last gate to cross was Jung Hae-won’s phone call, which flowed from The Thirteen to On Air today.

TRV has a conservative atmosphere, so they tend to refrain from making unpredictable results just before the album’s release, but this time, for some reason, they followed Jung Hae-won’s opinion.

As expected of Jung Hae-won, even if he said something favorable to him, The Thirteen, who was thirsty for topicality, could not cut this phone off.

And before the highlight medley was released, an employee from the PR team said:

“now… … Haewon, are you on the phone’s silt?”

“… … uh? Is that enough?”

Although personal birthdays were listed on Silt, First Light’s debut date did not go up. The most obvious part was that individual recognition outweighed the team.


[You don’t want to be like me, do you? This word is real ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

[Jeong Hae-won got a lot of volume by writing a piece + stitching, so people who say it’s an advantage must be heard]

And exactly 12 o’clock.

After the highlight medley was uploaded, TRV shook.

Shipment forecast is wrong.

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