31 episodes

Before the start of the broadcast, Jung Hae-won was giving notice to the manager before the mukbang. Stork Dawn asked gently.

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah, good.”

“Are you really okay?”

“What if it’s not okay? without me? I hate that more.”

Jung Hae-won replied indifferently.

Hwang Sae-byeok, who was watching Jung Hae-won’s back to check every angle that could appear on the show, said to Shin Ji-woon, who was adjusting the amount of ramen water with a similar concentration.

“Seeing that she’s all good and starting to say that she’s in a similar state as when she was Guk Seon-ah.”

“You expected it. Putting someone with stage fright on stage, of course, tastes good.”

“What do you do, that one?”

“Just leave it alone, you signed the exclusive contract. Even if you run away, the boss will catch you.”

“It’s not a problem, but he’s like a son of a lawyer and he’s reliable.”

“It won’t help. My parents don’t even help their son.”

Then he said to Hwang Sae-byeok.

“Hyung, I’m going to add ramen from now on, so prepare quickly. Urgent.”

“Uh, okay.”

Hwang Sae-byeok, who was always slow to move and react, was the only moment when he got faster. Hwang Sae-byeok said while looking at the camera with the broadcast turned on.

“Goodbye, sunshine, I’m in a hurry to stop making ramen right now, so I’ll start with the ramen.”

And on the table in front of him was a pail of ramen noodles. Hwang Sae-byeok divided the 7 servings wonderfully. Park Seon-jae said.

“Jiwoon hyung cooks ramen well, and Dawn is good at serving meals.”

At that, Min Ji-ho was right next to him.

“It’s a real talent. Will they all weigh the same? Haewon hyung, let’s do this as a content sometime.”

“okay. I have to write it down.”

Jung Hae-won turned off his cell phone and wrote the contents. The ramen was finished between greeting and talking for a while, and the delivered food started arriving immediately.

[How much food did you make hahahaahaha]

[This is not a cheat day level… … ?]

[Guys, how many ramen did you cook?]

“The heat overview!”

Park Seon-jae’s exclamation, who checked the comments, sent a shock to the chat window.

Even while the noisy broadcast continued with the meal, the members took turns reading the chat window.

“Oh, Hae-won hyung. Are you asking if there is a behind-the-scenes song for ‘Turn on the Light’?”

Jeong Hae-won, who was eating the pork feet at Park Seon-jae’s words, put down his chopsticks and said.

“there is. This is my first time doing rap making since I was born.”

As soon as those words came out, I covered my mouth with my hand for fear that the members would spit out the food they ate. After leaving the members who burst into laughter because of the lyrics he wrote, Jung Hae-won continued.

“I laugh now, but at first it was so serious that the kids couldn’t even laugh.”

“Brother, it really wasn’t. It was the most shocking rap I’ve ever seen in my life.”

“I believed in Shin Ji-woon and just wrote it roughly.”

In response to Jung Hae-won’s excuse, Shin Ji-woon mumbled food.

“What are you writing about? I’ve been working hard to match the rhyme.”

“… … You can’t just use a demo and bring it in. Anyway, it was not at the level to be touched by editing, so I deleted everything and re-written it by Jiwoon. Next time I compose again, I’ll just leave it blank.”

[Hyoseok almost spit ramen hahahaaha

[No, how did you use it hahahaahaha

[But even if I wrote it like that, it passed. After all, life is a network]

There were some posts that showed discomfort in the middle, but as long as the First Light members were watching, there were no very negative comments.

Joo Won Ahn said.

“Lee hyung hyung really suffered. You watched Haewon live in the studio every day.”

“No, he’s lonely, so he secretly likes sleeping there. You’re just pretending not to like it.”

The members giggled again at Jung Hae-won’s brazen words.

After that, while the topic changed, Jung Hae-won checked his phone for a while and handed it to Han Hyo-seok.

Han Hyo-seok checked his cell phone, straightened his original posture once more, and pretended to tidy up his clothes once more.

“The company said you could tell me. Let me tell you officially. Our first regular album is coming out in September.”

After those words, the chat window was silent for a moment.

Then, soon the chat started to come up so fast that the chat window stuttered.

[Ah crazy regular ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ]

[It’s coming out regularly ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ]

[I’m glad ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ]

The team activity was unprecedentedly happy news for fans who thought that this digital single might be their last.

* * *

So the mukbang ended after eating a huge amount. I clicked as I cleared the table while weighing the food.

“How many servings did you eat?”

Ahn Joo-won, who was washing the dishes at my words, said.

“We’re normal, don’t you feel like we’ve got the news?”

“It sounds great.”

Hwang Sae-byeok and Shin Ji-woon eat at the level of food fighters, and Min Ji-ho and Park Seon-jae tend to eat well, but Han Hyo-seok was surprising. I’ve been doing ballet all the time, so even if it’s cheating day, I tend to eat it with extreme restraint, but today I just decided to eat it.

“Hyoshik ate well.”

Han Hyo-seok, who was cleaning the table with me, said.

“It’s been about a day since the activities are over.”

I’ve given up, so I don’t say ‘Hyung, that Hyoshik’ anymore. Huh. finally.

“Yeah, for a day or so.”

“And bro. I want to prepare for my transfer. Just like the other members, go to the concert.”


Even though it seemed like it was good to eat well today, I was worried about it for nothing.

I can’t even remember the fact that I entered the ballet as a ballet because I’ve been doing ballet since I was young. I thought it would be difficult to bear the feeling of being left behind by my classmates due to lack of practice.

There must have been times when Han Hyo-seok was tired of ballet, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t love it. Just because you choose a different path doesn’t mean that what you’ve been doing so far is completely gone.

To Han Hyo-seok, I thought that quitting ballet would be like ending a long relationship. It feels like I’m giving up half of my life to give up ballet because there’s been a ballet for so long in my life.

Well, I haven’t been in a long relationship, but it seems like it is.

“But once a ballet, always a ballet?”

Although she chooses to transfer school to throw it away as much as possible, I and Han Hyo-seok know that she cannot completely erase her from her life.

Han Hyo-seok glanced at me and smiled.


“I will use it for the rest of my life. Especially at concerts.”

“I thought that too.”

Han Hyo-seok’s expression brightens at the word concert. When I look at it like this, I want to say that there are really no members in First Light who don’t like the stage.

* * *

Arriving at the hostel, we played rock-paper-scissors to occupy the living room sofa that seats three. I won and got the sofa.

Even though the company offered to buy me more sofas, the members refused because they didn’t like it. They just play rock, paper, scissors, and a few sit on the sofa, and the rest sit on the floor, and it seems to be in good shape. It seems like a bit of money, but so am I.

Anyway, as of today, the hyungs were sitting on the sofa after winning all the time in age order. And since Hwang Sae-byeok’s uncle ran an orchard, there was always enough fruit, so he brought all the fruits he had and piled them up.

“Eat really well.”

As I was muttering, Shin Ji-woon asked, muttering a fruit.

“So what are you going to discuss first?”

“Wait a minute.”

Han Hyo-seok, who was sitting diagonally, said as I pulled out a memo on my cell phone.

“It’s so nice to finally have another person who can do the tidying up.”

“The youngest also does.”

“What the seonjae does is apprenticeship. It’s not a cleanup.”

Park Seon-jae nodded at Han Hyo-seok’s words.

“So. The hyungs and Minjo fix the accident, I.”

“You’re in a lot of trouble, youngest. Anyway, for now… … .”

Hwang Sae-byeok, who was almost lying on the sofa, said as the members were making a lot of noise while I was checking the memo.

“Hey, you’re talking.”

summed it up in a nutshell. It immediately became quiet and the members looked at me.

To say that Hwang Sae-byeok has no power in his words is bullshit. I’m just extremely shy and can’t speak in a soothing tone, so I’m just quiet because I think it’ll escalate the fight. Well, it doesn’t have to be this quiet, but I read the memo first.

“There are two things we would like to have decided, one is a concert concept and the second is a fan song.”

“Ah, that’s what I heard. Both are really urgent.”

Ahn Joo-won sympathized, and Shin Ji-woon said next to him.

“Personally, linking with the regular album is also important, but I hope the concert will be linked with the First Light Company series. our worldview.”

Then Min Ji-ho said next to him.

“It’s my first concert, so I like the feeling that it’s the first time. You will remember it for the rest of your life, your first concert.”

“I don’t remember the second time for the rest of my life.”

“still. the first is the first Ah, bro. I want to do that. After we do that, when the fans just shout, we pop out.”

Min Ji-ho was in a hurry and omitted everything and said, but Park Seon-jae noticed roughly and asked.

“Team relief?”


And Han Hyo-seok put it together and told me.

“I think it would be good if we came up from the underground passage after the fans chanted ‘first’ when we were third or second.”

hey… … .

For the first time now, I think that I’m lucky because the three of them are the same age. Min Ji-ho has good ideas, and the other two can interpret and organize.

I dictated the members’ sparkling ideas and said.

“Then we will have a meeting again next time focusing on the concept Shin Ji-woon and Minjo talked about. The second is a fan song. Throw in a few words that come to mind when you think of sunshine.”

Hwang Sae-byeok, who had been quiet all the time, said.


And after a moment’s silence, the members agreed one by one.

“I have an umbrella too.”

“Actually me too.”

“That’s right, it’s an umbrella.”

Since I got to know these six people, for the very first time really, opinions were put together at once. Shin Ji-woon said.

“From the name of our team, the word ‘light’ plays an important role. So rain and darkness are the villains, but if you think of it that way, it’s just an umbrella. sunshine. You protect us.”


It just felt so weird.

“I have to use an umbrella. First… … Let’s make it as much as possible.”

“Your brother makes it.”

At Han Hyo-seok’s words, I nodded my head.

“yes. But you write the lyrics. I wish it was very lyrical But my language is a bit weak.”

I thought that I would never be able to write this lyrics.

I like the fans, and I think the fans definitely welcome me much more than I was afraid of. So, I felt a joy that I had never felt in my life.

I still couldn’t understand what it felt like to have fans protecting me.

For a while, I tried to think of something like the top line (melody), the track (accompaniment), or the lyrics under the theme of umbrella, but in the end I couldn’t think of anything.

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