3 episodes

– How many times have I been scolded for bringing you? If you go to the first team, I will restore my honor immediately.

Director Kwak was ignorantly curious as to whether or not I was going to go smoothly as team 1, and then hung up. It seems that team 1 is such a tough place.

I finally went to the carnival to pick up infertility.

And just as I was about to leave, I suddenly saw a strange roulette in front of me.

“… … Are you still drunk?”

I rubbed my face hard with my hand and looked again, but the roulette was the same. When I reached out and grabbed the switch on the roulette wheel, I actually got it.

[You have acquired a bronze ticket.]


[You can obtain FF~C grade potions.]

I remembered the story of alcoholic dementia that my mother told me in the morning.

It was clear that either the dream or the alcohol was less awake. I was so tired of wishing to win the lottery, but it seems to be in vain.

I don’t get drunk even when I tap my forehead. Eventually I decided to play that damn roulette wheel. Then, laughing at that roulette as a joke, it might be resolved.

When the button is pressed three times in a row, a warning window appears.

[Tickets are given out one at a time. wait for me.]

I waited for the first spinning roulette, thinking that I was very picky about the subject of my dream.

After a while, the needle stopped at FF.

[FF-class HP Potion]

[The stable state is maintained for 30 seconds.]

The second was F.

[F-Class Stamina Increase Potion]

[Stays stable for 1 minute.]

I pressed the button for the third time, thinking that I had no dreams or hopes like this.

[Class C Fatigue Relief Potion]

[The current state of fatigue is reduced by 10%.]

Then three small potions fell into my hand one after another.

I alternated between two light green drugs and one near green.

I thought it was crazy and decided to try it. Even in the midst of that, I am a thin human being, so I took the lowest FF bottle for the experiment.

He poured the potion into his throat and it was almost immediately.

“What, what!”

The hangover was gone.

“… … Fuck you, don’t eat it.”

only for 30 seconds.

FF-class potions have an effect that cannot be considered as FF-class, and at the same time, FF-class potions also have a poor durability.

Just 30 seconds later, the hangover of hell started, and I had no choice but to eat the second bottle. After drinking, the bottle disappeared after about 5 minutes. Trying to recycle

When the hangover went away again, my drug addiction began.

“Where do you get it, tickets.”

I have never been able to understand people who suck on drugs. Cheung Tae always said that whenever he ate Korean beef, it was the only drug recognized by the state, and it was the same for me.

But now he seemed to understand why humans fall into drug addiction.

As soon as the potion effect was over, I went into the apartment parking lot of the immature apartment, and vomiting came up again.

When I put my head on the steering wheel, I got on the back in pain as well.

“Did you say you were cheating?”

“I thought I was going to freeze to death then. Oh, the hangover is so bad.”

“Still, it’s a will for a long time, so you’re thinking of going backwards first, you?”

After saying that, he lay flat on his back.

When I offered the hangover-relieving croissant, cream bread, and Coke Zero that I had bought on the way home, I did not receive an infertility.

“What is this.”

“Coke Zero.”

“What? Zero?”

“Just eat. It doesn’t make much of a difference.”

“Why are you like this since yesterday?”

“I mean, my brother’s death dream was really real.”

When I spoke out again, Jeong-tae opened the Coke Zero lid with one hand the size of the pot lid and said.

“What do you see in Altari? My father-in-law sees it every day and tells me to stop instant, so it’s crazy.”

“My mother saw that and said that I had alcoholic dementia.”

“uh! Hey, you must have watched the same episode as my father-in-law.”

After giggling with infertility, I barely raised my head and said.

“But, Manager Kwak wants me to go to Team 1 now.”

“Team 1? Hey, I’ll tell you. Keep going with your brother.”

“We need to restore the honor of Director Kwak. I have grace.”

“What kind of grace is that, Yunyong hyung first acted like something in Guk Seon-ah… … . Oh, I raised it for two months, and then I took it out.”

People who feel sorry for going to the 1st team like that after seeing them for two months are irregular. As the other staff members said yesterday, he is also a good person who entrusts the steering wheel to a hikikomori who has just received his license.

That is why I must have cried like that at the funeral hall of the infertility in my dream.

Fortunately, it was the last day, so there was no more talk about giving Coke Zero today.

* * *

Park Hee-young. Queen of events.

A 13-year trot singer who debuted at the age of 23 and had six hits, including two mega-hits. In the broadcast, Jung Tae-tae shows his face much more, but the pillar of the company was Park Hee-young without any objection.

And 28 hours after starting Park Hee-Young’s road work, I regretted that it might have been better to go out with Majesty in order to learn something.

Right after I joined Park Hee-young’s team, I was driving for 28 hours. Except for the fact that I slept for about 4 hours during the event, it was still driving. It is a miracle that there has been no accident in the 1st team that has been to Mudepo like this so far.

There was hardly any conversation with Park Hee-young for 28 hours. Because Park Hee-young slept immediately after getting in the car.

Arriving at the venue, I ran, grabbed my parasol, and opened the door. Park Hee-young got out of the car and said.

“Hey, you heard it too high.”

“Oh, I’m sorry, sister.”

“When did you say you saw your sister?”

Park Hee-young looked at her with eyes that felt intense energy. However, there is no frills to attach seeds because of the big age difference, and the singer looks like someone else… … .

Soon, Park Hee-young entered the building first, followed by a stylist.

“Heeyoung unnie is not that kind of person, but this is not a schedule that you can do without your humanity. It’s been on the move for 67 hours.”

That’s right. Now, the staff was also divided into two teams.

What is interesting is that Park Hee-young is performing with the same quality as 67 hours ago. So she had great abilities.

The stylist continued.

“Buy an iced Americano at Starbucks, please. Vantiro.”

“Again? You ate it before.”

I went to Starbucks, a 20-minute drive away from the venue, and got ice and coffee separately. On the way back, I kept worrying about my potions.

“… … pour?”

I kept thinking, but I felt guilty about pouring drugs into someone else’s coffee.

Eventually I gave up. First of all, I thought I should know if this was the right ingredient.

* * *

This is absolutely nothing to brag about, but I was the one who carried the ratings of the idol chosen by the people, Kook Seon-ah. as human garbage.

At that time, I ate an amount of swearing that I couldn’t even eat for the rest of my life, so I became a human being who regarded the dislike of me as the worst fear.

But this time, from the first day, it seems that Park Hee-young is studded with ugly hair.

More than that, I finally finished my 76-hour schedule after not having a conversation with Park Hee-young.

Park Hee-young, who was lying down with the chair fully reclined, looked at the staff and said.

“Tell me who you want to drink with later.”

Then Park Hee-young fell asleep.

At that moment, the atmosphere of the staff became cold. Everyone started talking frantically in the group chat room in case Park Hee-young would wake up.

[I really can’t. I go home after 76 hours and I get a divorce if I go in again drunk]

[I drank twice in a row last time, so this time I will miss it.]

[Are you leveling the ladder?]

If Park Hee-young drinks alcohol, he will definitely get drunk, and then he will curse at his ex, and taking care of it seems like hell.

I volunteered without hesitation.

[Then I will talk and go in.]

As soon as I wrote in the group chat, the staff looked at me at the same time.

“Ji, really? are you okay? You’ve been driving the most.”

“It’s okay because I joined in the middle.”

“Hey, it’s good to be young.”

Actually, it’s not good and it’s not good.

To be honest, I was on the verge of dying, but I had a potion worth experimenting with.

* * *

“So the child… … . I have to ask you to come out.”

Park Hee-young, who was swearing at her ex-boyfriend, suddenly called her ex-boyfriend.

“Teacher! calm down!”

“Who is the teacher! Call me sister!”


Finally got the name sorted out.

Park Hee-young had such a bad drinking habit that it was understandable that the staff avoided it.

“I will call you! right now!”

“No way, sister! You’ll regret it tomorrow!”

“I will! Call me, Song Kang-won!”

I desperately stole my phone. And after getting hit a few times, he turned around.

It was when I drank the potion because my eyes were spinning and I felt like I was going to collapse.

The power of recovering 10% of HP was enormous. After the extra stamina converges to 0, 10% of my stamina fills up again.

It was only then that I was able to control Park Hee-young’s power. No matter how drunk he was, Park Hee-young was much thinner and shorter than average adult women.

I grabbed Park Hee-young’s arms and lowered her, and when my eyes met, Park Hee-young looked at me in tears.

“What man, what?”

“Are you going home now? I spend so much time thinking of my ex.”

“that… … Yes it is! still!”

“Go to sleep, sister. I’m tired tomorrow.”

It’s amazing to have the stamina to heal. When I was also annoyed, Park Hee-young’s anger, who was stepping on the accelerator more and more, subsided like a wind in a balloon at the soothing voice.

From then on, Park Hee-young cried and nodded her head.

Everyone in Team 1 liked Park Hee-young. Because he was originally a human and kind person as much as impure. Isn’t it okay to see that busy person taking care of the staff every holiday season?

If you are a human who doesn’t give up your personality with a 76-hour continuous travel schedule, you should be suspicious of whether it’s a machine. I got a lot of stamina, so I got such a generous evaluation.

I picked up Park Hee-young, who was not able to say goodbye, laid her down at her parents’ house, and went out.

When I got into a taxi and passed out as if I was going home, I immediately lay down on my bed, and a status window popped up in front of my eyes.

[Achievement Achievement]

[First Fellow Singer]

[You have acquired a bronze ticket.]


[You can obtain FF~C grade potions.]

“Are you really giving me this?”

Since I had used up all my remaining stamina, I thought it would be good if I caught anything. The part called ‘colleague singer’ is a bit annoying, but… … .

Anyway, when I lay down and press the button, the roulette wheel rotates and the system window appears.

[God’s potion does not have human ingredients.]

[No matter how much you take, you will not become addicted.]

I guess you knew what I was suspicious of.

I raised my upper body. Or maybe it’s just a notice to people with all those weird windows popping up. I don’t know why it started popping up in the first place.

“But do I have to play roulette five times?”

[All tickets can be used at once when you achieve the first Silver Ticket.]

“Can you hear me?”

I flicked through the status window with my hand, but nothing caught on.

Anyway, after I played roulette four times without checking, four potions came out.

There were two FF grades, one E grade and one D grade. E-class was a 3% recovery potion, and D-class was a 5% recovery potion.

I drank all four bottles once, and did the last one.

Then the flashing ticket fell.

[First Silver Ticket Achieved]

[From now on, all tickets can be used at once.]

[You have obtained a silver ticket.]


[You can acquire D~B grade potions.]

“Somehow, they only gave me four pieces of trash!”

I was on the verge of becoming addicted to gambling along with drug addiction.

I had a vain hope that if I spin a silver ticket, a gold ticket will come out, but roulette usually fails when I am overflowing with water like this, so I just put the ticket in my wallet.

When my stamina was restored even a little, I had a job to do.

I opened the rooftop door and pulled out a cigarette and asked. I don’t know how many people called and threw away if I complained. Cigarettes smoked after 76 hours in a jolly state were exhilarating.

I quickly smoked a cigarette and dialed the number I found on the Internet.

“Ah, I smoked a cigarette that a foreigner gave me in that club, and I was worried that it might be a drug.”

Anyway, I’ll have to do a drug test before feeding it to someone else.

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