20 episodes

And 12 o’clock to the next day.

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On the official SNS account, a photo of the employee IDs of six First Light members and another employee ID with a question mark was posted.

Immediately after the photo was uploaded, the number of retweets increased rapidly.

[And 7 Crazy]

[What are the real 7 employee ID cards?]

[Did you run TRV hahahaahaha]

Two hours after the photo was uploaded, it recorded the most retweets among photos posted on social media accounts.


[There are only real swear words]

[What do Fara fans do?]

[But when I think about it again, the kids constantly mentioned Jung Hae-won… … .]

[Para’s kids are naive… … .]

[TRV is also Bae Soo-jin, but I think it’s the first time I’ve seen Pura being talked about so much since Kook Seon-ah hahahaahaha

Seeing the rapidly increasing number of retweets, CEO Park Hee-taek clicked his tongue.

“Fast, fast.”

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One topic that the company wanted was certain.

After the contract with First Light, even before the release of their first debut album, TRV took out all the cards they had to float this team.

Not only have they received songs from famous producers with great effort, but they have also contracted with the best professionals for video and photography. In addition to that, I’ve done all the promotions that TRV has been doing in the entertainment world, including the contract with the choreography team UO, which I’ve been with since the days of Seonah Kook.

Nevertheless, First Light was on a downtrend. It felt like the way up was blocked by the ceiling.

Then, with the rice cake of ‘joining a new member’, a topic that had never existed before was being created.

From the company’s point of view, even a negative reaction needed topicality.

Jung Hae-won’s exclusive contract period was 6 months.

TRV did not have to be held responsible for dragging only aggro during that period.

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On the other hand, if Jung Hae-won safely joins First Light, he would be able to demand much better conditions at the negotiating table when renewing the contract.

In any case, given the current reaction, the possibility of the latter seemed very slim.

President Park Hee-taek murmured.

“There is a place like a fire moth, Cheol-ga.”

I made the proposal first out of a rush, but I didn’t know that it would be accepted as such a head-on breakthrough.

Haji, who jumped into the fire without knowing the fire moth, Jung Hae-won was running even though he knew it was a fire.

* * *

The first round of First Light Company’s own entertainment new series.

In the game divided into two parts, I, Hwang Sae-byeok, Han Hyo-seok, and Park Seon-jae, who belonged to the ‘Light Company’, entered the third floor marked ‘First Company’. Although I had never worked as an office worker, it was a set that embodies the feeling of the company in my head.

After the other members entered first, I sat down. There was a camera inside the set, and each member had a camera director.

Anyway, I thought I’d be as quiet as possible, since it can be completely edited depending on the situation. In the first place, as soon as I stood in front of the camera, I couldn’t hide all my tension, and the members didn’t push me like that.

We opened all the drawers in the 3rd floor set and went looking for information.

The drawers were filled with documents and stationery in subtle detail, so it took longer to find useful materials.

After about 4 minutes of searching, Park Seon-jae found an envelope that had fallen between the partition and the chest of drawers.

“Brothers, this… … Uh, oh, it must be 2043.”

Since now is 2023, it was set to be 20 years from now. Park Seon-jae said while reading the documents.

“The data on the data measurement system error are being kept in Archive Area B. This system error… … . It seems impossible to recover, you say?”

“What, what data are you measuring?”

At Hwang Sae-byeok’s words, I pointed to the library door.

“You’ll find out if you go to Area B.”

Before I could finish my words, Hyo-seok Han ran to the archives. And it took 7 minutes to open the lock door.

The penalty for less than 3 minutes was huge, with me not helping much. We went down to the first floor before Percoms, who still had three minutes left.

“Isn’t this some kind of apocalypse?”

“Oh, I guess I do too.”

“Aren’t zombies coming out? Oh, it’s a little scary when the sun goes down… … .”

So, when we speculated and wrote down everything we found on the whiteboard on the first floor, the three members of First Company, Shin Ji-woon, Ahn Ju-won, and Min Ji-ho, came down.

In the first round, we were sure that the three people over there would have found a lot of data, but Min Ji-ho said something unexpected.

“We did not find any data.”

So our team Han Hyo-seok said in a bewildered way.

“Do not lie.”

“Oh, it’s true.”

We are fighting like that, and PD Kim Jae-seong said.

“The first round will naturally be a victory for Lacoms. Then, please discuss with the moderator of the acquisition meeting at Lacoms and make a decision. Then before the second round starts, both teams can go back to their companies and find out.”

After those words, I headed to the second floor where my teammates and our company were located.

When I arrived at our company, these words came out of my mouth.

“Hey… … They are lambs.”

Box tape was wrapped around all the drawers of the Light Company. It seemed that the three Percoms members blocked them all at the same time as they were looking for materials.

We took off the tape all the time, so we had no idea what this company was doing.

* * *

And we ate before the start of round two. The first meal was eaten at four o’clock in the afternoon.

While eating the first and perhaps the last meal, Min Ji-ho dared to turn on the ‘Turn on the Light’. His attachment to his own song is really great. To be honest with myself… … Is proud.

[Night to you is night to me, we look at the same place from the same place]

[It’s a white night, and the night doesn’t come to us anymore. Darkness can’t catch us running now]

Min Ji-ho asked as Shin Ji-woon’s part passed.

“Jiwoon hyung, but where is that running?”



When Min Ji-ho answered, Shin Ji-woon said with a look of ignorance.

“Don’t you understand? the earth rotates So, if you run at a constant speed without stopping, you can stay in the daytime.”

“Oh, so the night doesn’t come?”

As Min Ji-ho understood and admired it, Shin Ji-woon shook his head.

“You even recorded the lyrics and didn’t understand the lyrics. I feel sorry for you, Minjo.”

“No, I just thought Haewon hyung was excited to be running.”

“That’s right. Let’s join and run so that we don’t go back to the dark room.”

Hearing that, I almost spit out the water I was drinking. So, this time Shin Ji-woon asked with a pouty face no matter who looked at it.

“What, you didn’t even know? Isn’t it?”

“… … I had no idea.”

“No, you say you like the lyrics?”

“I thought the midnight sun was the light, so I kept running to find the stage.”

“That’s right. But everyone interpreted only half. What, did I not write it?”

Shin Ji-woon grumbled.

I didn’t think I’d be included in these lyrics.

He said he would join, but it was only six months. Considering the reactions of people I’ve seen over the past two years, the chances that I’ll join you safely are slim.

Maybe that thought was bigger than I thought, I didn’t read the lyrics telling me to stand on stage together.

After that, for some reason, I felt like I was cheating on the six of you here, and my stomach churned. I’m just pretending to eat no more food,” said Min Ji-ho.

“Can’t you do this? It’s like running after something like a pin light.”

So, for some reason, Han Hyo-seok was next to me.

“If we have a concert, we can use it.”

“Wow… … .”

At the word concert, Min Ji-ho was unable to speak any more and gave an ecstatic expression. Not only Min Ji-ho, but the rest of the members had the same face.

I tried to calm my heart that was overwhelmed with just the word ‘concert’.

I let it go, and then when I thought of the possibilities realistically, it felt like all of a sudden, everything was swept away by the waves inside me. I need to calm down.

As I looked around to calm myself down and distract myself, I saw Joo-won Ahn holding the iPad from a distance. I sneaked a peek at something and found that it was an artwork based on the story we are talking about. On one corner was written ‘Turn on the light’. From the looks of it, it seemed like a job he had been working on for a long time.

Ahn Joo-won knew what I was watching and tried to hide it immediately, so I took the iPad by force. I’m pretty strong again. hahahaaha.

Ahn Joo-won was next to him, but he was so quiet that it was just enough noise to chew on.

There are times when fans call Ahn Joo-won ‘artist oppa’, but I don’t think he actually showed any artwork.

If it was released for the first time, what could be better than an album cover?


Ahn Joo-won was shy because I was telling the truth. I was talking.

“Let’s send the company.”


“uh. Are you fine?”

“What are you going to do with it?”

“Can I use it as a cover, please?”

At my words, Ahn Joo-won put on an embarrassed expression.

“That’s what a pro should do.”

“What do the fans like more than what the pros do or what the members pick and bring?”

“… … .”

“It’s like you know. Contact the company?”

“… … Do what you want.”

As soon as I heard the answer, I immediately called the album production team. And after telling the story of the cover made by Ahn Joo-won to Manager Jeong Seon-mi, he immediately handed over the file.

Ahn Joo-won was watching me on the phone from a distance, and after hanging up, he said to me.

“You look like an adult today.”


“Promoting work.”

At Ahn Joo-won’s words, Hwang Sae-byeok, who eats a lot for a long time and ignorantly, not matching his decadent appearance, interrupted while eating.

“So. I must have always been the leader.”

“You are still the leader.”

I cut up and checked my phone. There was a chat right away from Manager Jeong Seon-mi.

[If you have other artwork, please send it]

“You say?”

When I showed Ahn Joo-won my cell phone, my ears turned red because I was embarrassed. I asked.

“Can I see something else?”

“You can see it, but don’t say anything. Because I’m embarrassed.”


I squatted next to Joo Won An and looked at the other artworks.

I didn’t know it, but it all had to do with the First Light album.

I could feel Ahn Joo-won’s love for First Light more than I thought.

“No, I’m crazy… … . What if I hide this?”

Still, when my older sister talks about emerging Korean writers, she is always one of the top people. I was confident in my own eyes.

And all of Ahn Joo-won’s artwork was more than useful as an album cover.

By the way, as I was flipping through it like that, there were things I was scribbling around in the corner… … .

“Anzu, are these lyrics?”

“… … uh.”

It had very soft lyrics written on it.

I didn’t expect it at all because he was a handsome man who would be popular with anyone looking at his appearance, but the lyrics were just like the first love of a shy high school student. It was about being shy and unable to say that I liked you, but because I was worried and sorry for being tickled all night, I woke up earlier than usual and apologized and apologized.

In First Light’s last active song, the first proposal, what I thought was a pity was filled here. It was a fresh love story that the current First Light Age members would do.

“Joo Won-ah.”


“Would you like to work on this with me?”

The moment I asked that question, the status window popped up.

[First Light Regular Vol. 1]

[The keyword ‘first love’ has been registered]


This is the status window you saw last time.

“Oh, I will.”

And contrary to what I thought, Joo-won Ahn answered almost immediately.

“You absolutely have to.”

Anyway, for the first time since I’ve seen Ahn Joo-won’s eyes lit up.

He seemed to have been suppressed without realizing it all the time, but when his turn came, he immediately grabbed it. Hell, I must have survived the survival program because of that aspect.

I replied with a laugh.

“Oh, let’s do it.”

We may not be able to work together, but anyway.

Then the break was over, and we started filming again.

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