If we concentrate our resources on development, maybe we can make it. Currently, no one is studying how zombies can distinguish between similar species. Kara looked at the modified Veronica virus she developed indifferently. This has not been successful yet. If it can Human experiments would be more suitable.

Simmons was extremely angry, picked up the walkie-talkie and said, Kill him and find his secret.

What greeted Simmons was constant screams. His men were dying miserably. The screams before death and the sound of broken bones all indicated that his men were ambushed!

In fact, Eddie and Jessica were enjoying the scenes of private armed teams being besieged by zombies and lickers. The reason why they were not attacked was entirely because they hid well.

Zombies, in addition to their own kind, will attack any creature that is not infected by the T virus, including Eddie and others who have been strengthened by the virus.

Eddie's principle is to control the virus and fuse it. Zombies are actually creatures dominated by viruses. What dominates zombie actions is not the zombies themselves, but the virus's desire to reproduce and spread.

I have to say that the leader does have a bit of his own personality. In the zombie swarm, even when being besieged, he appears to be very calm. He uses head turning and kicking skillfully to gain some attack power for himself.

However, strength is limited, and the most indispensable thing in the dormitory building is zombies. After killing one, two others rushed up, one after another, and finally drowned the team members who had run out of bullets and ammunition.

Once you get into close combat and are surrounded by zombies, no matter how brilliant your skills are, you won't be able to use them.

After ten minutes of fierce fighting, Bakr finally picked up the grenade and pulled away in anger. He had been bitten in many places. His sense of honor as a soldier did not allow him to turn into an irrational beast.

Boom! As the bomb exploded, the entire stairwell was filled with a burst of smoke, which dissipated as the smoke dissipated. The dead body of Bucker became shattered, and the surrounding zombies were also blown to pieces.

It's over, let's go. It's really a good show. Did you enjoy it? Eddie's smile was extremely cruel.

But Jessica relied on Eddie, As long as you are happy, I can do anything.

Really! Hehe, what I want you to do is not ordinary. Eddie said with a bad smile. If you don't take advantage, you are a bastard.

As long as you say it, I will do it. Jessica's beautiful eyes flashed with an extremely determined look. She is a woman who is willing to do anything for Eddie.

Leave here first, this is not the place to talk. Eddie smiled, as long as the bodyguard was loyal enough, he could wander around as he pleased.

In the multimedia classroom of the University of Mechanical Engineering, several fat-headed senators were trembling here. They were holding a meeting here to give speeches and promote propaganda. As a result, one of the students suddenly mutated into a zombie. The entire campus was affected, forcing them to Had to hide.

When Rachel came here with her sister and others, her team had already taken over the classroom, which contained several professors and more than a dozen students.

Get out of here now, let's go. Rachel waved directly without stopping at all.

Wait, just a few of you are calling for rescue? No, send troops in, otherwise I won't leave. A fat senator with a fat head and ears yelled loudly.

Then you stay here. I won't tolerate you as a person. Rachel picked up the gun, Who else won't leave? If you don't leave, stay.

Everyone was suffocated. The lady with her blond hair covering her eyes was too tough and queenly. Those boys couldn't take their eyes off her. Such a woman is really very lethal to boys of their age.

Rachel was not polite at all when facing the arrogant Senator Rachel. If she had not met Eddie, she might have given him some advice or called Morgan to negotiate. That was when there was no way out.

Now she is not afraid. If she is fired, she can help her little husband, or she can choose to give birth to a baby at home, give birth to a baby for the man, and fulfill her responsibilities and obligations as a wife.

You will be impeached by me! The warned senator shouted forcefully with a red face.

Tch, useless men are worse than women. Rachel sneered, with an extremely sarcastic tone, and left with the team and other survivors, not caring about the life or death of the senator.

Chapter 377: Beautiful women can act

Eddie soon took Jessica to meet Rachel at the gate of the University of Mechanical Engineering. You guys are moving really slowly. Go faster. A lot of people have been infected here.

Quickly walking through the campus square, there are not many zombies wandering here, only a dozen or so zombies. Rachel led the team members forward and used melee combat to eliminate the zombies. The sharp attack directly cut off the zombies' heads.

This made the senator behind who wanted revenge feel suffocated. That woman was too tough. General Morgan, an old dog like this, would not easily send her to die.

Crossing the square, we have arrived at the former Medical University. As long as you pass through the university floor, you can go to the gate. There are troops waiting outside the gate of the university town, so you will be safe there.

Boom! A man covered in sarcoma jumped down from the third floor. His eyes could no longer tell that he was human. There seemed to be a lot of toxins hidden in the huge tumors.

Bang! Rachel shot the sarcoma man's head open with one shot, and a burst of gas began to fill the air.

That's poison gas. Disperse quickly. It's not like turning into a zombie. Just leave quickly. After Eddie said that, he took Gina and ran away, running into the teaching building next door.

Rachel gritted her teeth and said, Break through the teaching building.

Enter the teaching building through the side door, close the door behind your back, and block the room door to prevent the poisonous gas from entering.

As soon as he came in, a licker appeared, pulled a student over, and bit him to death instantly. The soldiers who reacted hurriedly fired, but the licker had already left, climbed on the wall with all four limbs and slipped away.

Maintaining the instinct of a predator, he hid in the dark and watched quietly.

Hurry up and shoot! Kill it, otherwise we will never get over. The fat-headed senator who was following him suddenly roared.

Eddie turned around and asked, What's your name and what do you do?

Quick, I am a senator from Cuencaterra and a member of the House of Representatives. Boy, there is no use in currying favor with me. I serve federal citizens. The fat senator snorted proudly.

Serving the citizens of the Federation? I think you want the citizens to die. Don't you know that yelling will attract the attention of those monsters? Idiot! Eddie snorted, looked at the other person like an idiot, and pulled Gina walked away a few steps.

You bastard, how dare you talk to me like this, I'm going to make you pay the price, wait until you receive the lawyer's letter! Quick roared angrily.

Really? The boss of Mysterious Pharmaceuticals, the honorary advisor of the Federal Biochemical Anti-Terrorism Committee, a member of the Global Pharmaceutical Association, and the savior of thousands of patients, what do you have compared to me? Throw away your ridiculous status as a senator, what else do you have? , what are you? Eddie said while poking the other person's heart.

The aggressive momentum, coupled with the extreme ridicule, and the mocking and amusing looks of the people around him, all of this made Quick extremely ashamed and angry.

Rachel didn't stop her husband. She also disliked the senator. He was just a senator. If he died, he would die. He is not a member of the Senate. If he were a member of the Senate, he would not be as ignorant as him. At least they would be somewhat educated and dignified people.

How dare you talk to me like that! Quick was so angry that he couldn't speak. He could only use pale language to fight back, but he couldn't say anything, and he couldn't speak well.

I'm just talking to you. Didn't I hear that you didn't want to follow me? Why did you follow me again? This slap in the face is too fast. Do you still have dignity? Huh? Are you still shameless? ? Eddie mocked without leaving any room. He had already learned from Gina that this guy seemed to be preparing to deal with Rachel?

That's not okay. Since you have this idea, just wait to be retaliated. Only he can bully Rachel, no one else can.

You! Are you crazy? Don't you know you can't yell? You want to kill people. Are you satisfied with killing everyone? Quick pointed at Eddie and scolded him.

Oh my God, what a shame! Eddie slapped him in the face. I'm warning you, keep your mouth shut and don't point your finger at me. Are you provoking or preparing for a personal attack?

Quick was stunned for a while after being beaten. He had no idea that the other party would take action. He immediately shouted, Is there any other way? If he hits someone, he hits someone! After that, he asked everyone for help.

A university professor couldn't bear it anymore and stood up and yelled, Mr. Quick, you'd better stop shouting, you will attract zombies.

Bang! Eddie directly picked up the gun and shot the licker who was about to attack in a sneak attack. He didn't even take aim. The speed of shooting was so fast that even the licker could not react.

Hmph, stop arguing. If you say one more word, I will kill you all! It's better to kill one person than to kill everyone! Rachel snorted, seemingly scolding, but in fact she was secretly helping herself. husband.

This made Quick very unhappy. He was so angry that he almost exploded, but he could only be helpless and furious. Frustrated and helpless, I can only endure it, like a green turtle!

The group continued walking forward and could get out simply by walking through the hall. Outside was where the National Guard was located.

There are obviously more zombies here. They seem to be instinctively looking for places to hunt. If they go out, they can get food, so they are all concentrated in the hall.

The team members used grenades to blast a passage in the middle of the hall, preparing to rush out at this moment.

Now, everyone, rush out, don't stay. Rachel waved her men to rush out with the survivors.

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