Lisa's hair was still white, and she nodded seriously with a pretty face, I will do it. They are all my family. My mother said that Lisa should protect her family, and Lisa will work hard to do it.

You're so good, I'll give you a candy when I come back! Eddie laughed and glanced at Jessica with a faint expression. It seems that after the second treatment and repair, Jessica and Lisa changed. He has become more like a human being, and maybe he can regain human emotions in the future, although it is not bad now.

The existence of Jessica and Lisa must not be known to the people of Umbrella, especially Spencer. If he knew that Jessica, who was originally sentenced to death for thirty-two years, was still alive, he would definitely put Jessica to death. Grab it and do some slice research.

My dear, be careful on the road. Jill smiled. She didn't really want to go out at night. As a pregnant woman, she still needed to be careful even though the serum had enhanced her physique.

Along the way, there weren't many people on the streets, they were all hiding at home. But from time to time, a scream could be heard, as if someone was being attacked in the house.

Eddie, what's going on here? Claire was puzzled and felt very confused at the same time. This place looked like it was in hell.

The incident was caused by a large multinational company. They colluded with the federal senators. Even Raccoon City was built with their investment. So this is just their experimental site, and I used to work for that company. The employees have now resigned. The less you know, the safer you are, they will kill people and silence you. Eddie said calmly.

Then my brother is going to investigate matters related to this company. In Raccoon City, there is only Umbrella Group! Claire immediately guessed which company it was.

Yes, we went to investigate a mansion in the Arklay Mountains two months ago and found that there were unknown experiments inside that created many monsters. And the monsters ran out and polluted the forest. Over time, Raccoon City has also been polluted. Eddie briefly told the story of the mansion incident, and also used a little embellishment to beautify himself.

Claire frowned, Eddie, you are so great!

Svetlana sat silently in the back seat and didn't make a sound. She wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh. This would embarrass the man, so she could only hold it in, hoping not to cause internal injuries.

In general, I just did what I was supposed to do. You know the drugs that suppress leukemia and AIDS, I invented them. Umbrella's top executives were jealous that my drugs could be sold at very high prices, and wanted to threaten my cooperation. Don't let me leave Raccoon City. If I hadn't still had some connections, they might have killed people and taken possessions. Eddie laughed at himself.

I'm sorry to hear this news, Eddie, don't be sad, I believe you can get out of this predicament! Claire encouraged her new friend.

You're right. By the way, Claire, have you ever thought about what kind of person you want to be in the future? Have you ever had a dream? Eddie drove the car skillfully. The streets were empty. Trust him. Can't turn it over!

Dream? No, but I want to help other people! To the best of my ability, I hope the world can be a better place. Claire smiled, sweet yet heroic, she is a very independent and special girl.

Well, maybe we all have something in common, but after you witnessed the tragedy in Raccoon City, I think we will have more topics in common. Eddie drove the car, and the vehicle came to Ennerdale Street, near The wandering zombies suddenly appeared.

There was fierce gunfire from the front, and it seemed that the police officers were fighting zombies. Among them were more than 3,000 police officers transferred from other cities, all of whom were escorted by the guard to Raccoon City for coordination. Defend.

What happened in front? Claire was confused, but the zombies wandering around had already set their sights on the sports car and began to surround it.

There is a big truck behind us. We have to get out of the way quickly, otherwise we will turn into meatloaf! Svetlana reminded.

Eddie immediately stepped on the accelerator, knocking all the zombies in front of him away. At this level, there was no way he could kill the zombies. But the windshield was obscured by blood, and even the road ahead could not be seen clearly.

Claire, unbuckle your seat belt, we're getting out of the car. Eddie stepped on the brakes, helped the other party unbuckle his seat belt, and opened the car door at the same time. There was a samurai blade to help Claire clear the zombies on the road.

The tanker truck from behind quickly collided with a large high-rise building in front of it. The tanker truck knocked over the sports car, and then the car overturned, and the explosion blew Claire away.

For a moment, the fire was blazing into the sky, and it seemed like two days were separated in this way. There is a raging fire in the middle, which is impossible to cross, and a large number of zombies are surrounding it from behind.

Eddie frowned, then took a quick run, ran directly to the wall, and stepped hard on the wall a few times. Using acceleration and inertia, and relying on his extraordinary strength, he jumped over the wall and crossed the nearly eight-meter sea of ​​​​fire.

Claire was a little shocked. Is this still a human being? Is this Superman? When she was in college, even the best sports students couldn't do such amazing things.

Eddie was just about to pretend to compete, but he also saw Svetlana tumbling to the ground lightly. The other party was still wearing high heels, showing off her queenly style!

Eddie, you are really awesome, your move is really cool. Claire praised.

It's normal, you can walk in the future. Are you okay? Are you injured? Eddie helped Claire up.

Claire waved her hand, It's okay. I exercise regularly. My brother Chris taught me a lot of fighting skills. This is not a problem for me. Thank you for your concern.

PS: If you are short of books, you can read the old book Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes. It is an old book with 3 million words. It does not guarantee your character!

Chapter 208: T103 model tyrant appears

Raccoon Street, there are more than 3,000 combatants gathered here, including detectives, police officers, elite police officers and various combatants from the branch, as well as a hundred guard members.

The mixed personnel launched a fierce defensive battle on Raccoon Street, where there was a temporary shelter nearby. The mutated zombies began to besiege the shelter. Sound is the most intuitive stimulus for the zombies. Wherever there is sound, the zombies will go there and keep wandering. In the process, their vision will gradually degrade.

At the same time, two helicopters flew out of Raccoon City with Umbrella's logo printed on them. There are six large scarlet cans hanging below the helicopter, which contain the latest model and the most cost-effective T-03 Tyrant.

This Tyrant is for sale, and now is the perfect time to monitor the data. Although it is the same model as the Ivan Tyrant, it is very different. One is in a high-end hotel and the other is in a small alley. There is a big difference in price!

Let's go. We just need to cross this street to reach the branch. The situation tonight is a bit bad. It seems that the outbreak happened too fast. Eddie looked around and found no hunters or lickers. This is a good thing.

Claire suddenly stopped Eddie, Eddie, thank you. In such a dangerous time, you still accompanied me to find the news about my brother. Thank you very much!

This made Claire very sad. She didn't realize that Raccoon City was dangerous when Jill said it. She thought it was just a joke, but she didn't expect it to be a real hell. Now that Eddie was involved, she felt really bad.

What does it have to do with it? I'm glad to have made you as my friend. Maybe we will become good friends, right? Eddie smiled and stretched out his hand to shake hands.

Thank you. I'm glad to have you as a friend. You're a good person! Claire also shook hands generously.

No, no, no, I'm not a good person, I'm just a bad person. Let's go. We need to hurry up, otherwise the zombies will surround us. Eddie smiled and led the way.

Svetlana watched silently from behind. Is she really an innocent woman or a good person? This is a wolf in sheep's clothing!

The four of them walked forward, and their location was still some distance from Raccoon Street. There was still at least ten kilometers, but the night was too quiet, and the sound of gunshots could travel a long distance.

Whoosh! A taste bud suddenly popped out, it was a licker's attack!

Eddie pulled Claire over, causing the latter to narrowly avoid the licker's attack. The taste buds poked into the ground and made a small pit, which shows how terrifying the Licker's signature attack is!

Bang! Svetlana raised the Merlin gun, her beautiful eyes locked on the licker. When the gunshot sounded, the licker had already realized the danger and crawled over the wall with all her limbs.

But all this is useless. As an instructor of the special forces, Svetlana's firearms skills are top-notch and she will basically never miss a shot.

The Licker is very fast, but he still can't escape the fate of being shot in the head. A marlin gun can penetrate even an elephant, so what does a licker mean? Besides, the brain is still exposed, so if you don't hit it, you won't be able to bear such an obvious weakness.

A bottle was dropped on Airon Street near Raccoon City Avenue.

The heavy scarlet jar fell from a height of fifty meters, smashing the zombies below into pulp. A few seconds later, the jar exploded, and a tall man wearing a special coat and over three meters tall appeared.

This is the T03 model Tyrant, currently the most cost-effective Tyrant. This is not a mass-produced model, but an authentic full-strength configuration. The mission this time was to eliminate the insiders in the Raccoon City Bureau, including reporter Ben and Director Bryan who had colluded with Director Bryan and had mastered a large amount of black information on Umbrella.

After the tyrant woke up, he looked over and saw that everything was being analyzed by electronic instruments. If a zombie blocks his progress, he will be slapped on the head and disappear.

The zombies seemed to be aware of the rich T-serum on the tyrant's body and did not attack this behemoth, which seemed to be bullying the weak and afraid of the strong.

The lickers hiding in the residential building seemed to have discovered the existence of the tyrant, and they also sensed a similar aura. Therefore, no attack was launched. The instinct of hunting is to bully the weak and avoid the strong. It is also a very wise choice to avoid the tyrant.

Boom! Boom! The tyrant began to walk towards the target location. Every step was heavy. The zombies on the road were slapped away by the tyrant. With a random slap, the force had reached three tons. The zombies were knocked into the trash can, with fragile bones. He was beaten and crippled all of a sudden.

The Sixth Echo Team also returned to Raccoon City again, this time fighting alongside them was the Death Tyrant. Caprondo accepted the family's gift, joined forces with General Morgan, and decided to test the Death Tyrant, and the test venue was naturally Raccoon City.

As long as the data is good, they will mass-produce the Death Tyrant. In exchange, they will provide Dr. Muller with G serum information and research support, allowing him to create more powerful and perfect works of art.

If there are better works of art, then it is not unacceptable for Death Tyrant to be mass-produced. People are always realistic. Why go to a small alley when you can go to a five-star hotel?

It's so ironic that we actually act together with biological and chemical weapons. Demoman Marissa laughed at herself.

We are just following orders, don't think nonsense. Captain Jedingham encouraged the team members. He also felt very uncomfortable. This kind of thing is obviously very inhumane. Who would want a zombie to be a teammate?

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