
Still can’t say enough.

The champagne still can’t be opened at halftime.

Tony silently shoved the champagne back into the corner.

Keep looking at the screen.


Director Nick Fury immediately understood the problem.

The reason why Tony’s armor freezes in the air.

the most important reason.

It’s also a matter of armor material.

It can only fly at an altitude of 40,000 feet at most.

Some more.

The cold air at high altitude is enough to destroy the entire mecha.

“If Tony’s armor is going to fight in space…”

Director Nick Fury muttered.

After hearing this, Black Widow raised her eyes.

“Just wearing this armor and fighting alone in space?”

“This,, this is impossible!”

“It’s impossible for a human being to fight in the universe by just one person.”

“Even Tony, in the future battle of war, only followed the nuclear bomb into space for a while before he fainted from lack of oxygen.”

“Although we were able to eventually blow up the Chitauri Legion’s mothership, it was only by the explosion of the nuclear bomb itself, not by the power of humans themselves!”

No wonder Black Widow thinks this way.

After all, even S.H.I.E.L.D.

Although it also has the ability to fight in space.

But that’s a spaceship!

The area is equivalent to that of a small command fort.

In terms of equipment and personnel on the spacecraft.

But they are all fully furnished!

In other words.

They are professionals!

And we started preparing for this many years ago!

Even SHIELD needs such a big guy if it wants to enter space operations.

The widowed sister really couldn’t imagine that she could fight alone in space with Tony’s suit of armor alone.

Nick Fury didn’t say anything.

After all he knew.

Black Widow hasn’t been here for a long time.

Don’t know some of the past history.

Just go by Nick Fury’s experience.

He just knew one person.

You can fly into the universe and fight alone with your own power.

The man also gave himself a device similar to a BB machine.

Tell yourself to call her if you ever have trouble.


Director Nick Fury narrowed his eyes.

Recalling the woman who could fly like a comet.

I don’t know if she can still be called a human.

Hawkeye interjected at this time.

“However, let’s not worry about whether Tony can finally wear this suit of armor and fight in space.”

“Tony’s current behavior tells us that he is actually able to fly the Mark 2 into high altitudes.”

“We only need to change to a better material to overcome the problem of being cold at high altitudes!”

“If it can be mass-produced, then…”

The three people present fell silent.

It seemed that both of them thought about the horror of this possibility.

Think about it.

Comparable to the most powerful missiles on the market;

Too small to be located by radar;

Amazing speed, can rise to high altitudes, etc…

If Tony made dozens or even hundreds of such weapons.

Maybe it can sweep across Europe.

Director Nick Fury said at this time.

“Don’t think about these problems for now.”

“I think we need to solve the problem of the armor getting cold at high altitudes first.”

“If you want to replace ordinary materials, you can replace them with the gold-titanium alloy used by Seraph tactical satellites.”

“If you need special materials…”

“We can also get some vibranium from Wakanda.”

“When the time comes, when Tony comes to join the Avengers organization, it will be like giving him a newbie gift.”

Hawkeye and Black Widow nodded.

It’s considered an agreement.

on the screen.

Screen switching.

[Famous Scene 7: Mark II, the first battle! 】

Stank Building.

Tony became excited.

He was also curious.

In addition to being very good at flying.

Mark II among other things.

For example.

What kind of surprises will the military strike bring to you?


Then again.

Why do you want to pilot the Mark 2 to participate in the battle?

Could it be?

Tony’s eyes gradually widened.

You won’t be so unlucky.


Tony Stank…

Kidnapped again! ? ? ?

[After falling uncontrollably from the air. 】

[Tony seizes the opportunity and turns the emergency mechanical switch. 】

[Only a click was heard. 】

[The ice covering the armor shattered. 】[Mark 2 has resumed its flight function. 】

【at last. 】

[Tony lands smoothly. 】

[Go back to your home. 】

[When Tony turns off the thruster. 】

【Bang. 】

[Tony is like a meteorite, smashing directly from the ground to the sports car in the underground garage. 】

[Seeing this, the stupid robot began to perform its part-time job as a firefighter and began to spray dry ice. 】

Stank Building.

Pepper burst into laughter.

“Tony, this stupid robot is really cute.”

“You must keep it. I really want to see you get sprayed with dry ice by it.”

“Ha ha ha ha.”

Tony said something perfunctory with a smile on his face.

In fact, I was embarrassed inside.

I’m furious!

When I get back, I’m going to throw that broken machine into the stove and burn it as firewood! ! !

So embarrassing! ! !

[Back to the underground studio. 】

[Tony learned from the TV reporter’s report that tonight there would be his third annual charity event for the Firefighter Family Foundation. 】

[Tony asks Jarvis to check the invitation quota. 】

[His name is not in it. 】

[Seeing this, Tony had a playful smile on his face. 】

[So, he drove an Audi luxury sports car to the charity meeting. 】

[Tony arrived at the venue and took stock of the charity meeting. 】

[It is said to be a charity event, but it is better to say it is a nondescript place that combines dance parties, bars, press conferences, etc. 】

[Tony seemed a little less interested when he saw this, so he went to the bar counter to order a cocktail. 】

[At this moment, reporter Christine, who had a one-night stand with Tony before, walked towards him. 】

[Christine: Tony Stank, great to see you here. Tell me how you feel about me. 】

[Tony: Panic, very panic. Where’s the wine? Bartender, please pass the drink to me. 】

[Christine: Stop changing the subject! Are you panicking because I pointed out that your company was involved in the riot? 】

[Tony’s brain didn’t react for a moment, and he thought the female reporter wanted to entangle him and ask for hush money for the one-night stand. 】

[Tony: Don’t look at me, I was just invited here tonight…don’t know anything else. 】

[The female reporter laughed angrily when she saw Tony changing the topic and not knowing anything. 】

[Christine: I was so stupid at the time. I really believed every word you said, saying that weapons were produced to enhance national defense. 】

[Tony said seriously. 】

[Tony: I have been away for two months recently and I really don’t know what you are talking about. 】

[The female reporter continues to be aggressive. 】

[Christine: Is this what you call taking social responsibility? 】

[While speaking, he handed Tony a stack of photos. 】

[Christine: This town is called Mikola, have you heard of it? 】

[Hearing the female reporter’s words, Tony’s face suddenly became serious. 】

[Mikola is the hometown of Ethan, his only friend in the cave. 】

[Tony looks at the photo handed over by the female reporter. 】

[On the photo. 】

[Cow and sheep carcasses scattered across the village. 】

[Terrorists walking around carrying weapons. 】

[A large weapon with the Tank Industry logo. 】

[And…the latest missile weapon-Jericho missile! 】

[Tony’s face suddenly dropped. 】

[Tony: When was this filmed? 】

[Christine: Taken yesterday. 】

[Tony shakes his head. 】

[Tony: I didn’t approve any deals. 】

[Christine: Your company did it. 】

[Tony: It’s my company, but that doesn’t mean I can speak. 】

[Kristen’s face froze after hearing this. 】

[She obviously understood that this matter was an internal conflict within the company, so she found an excuse and left. 】

[The screen changes. 】

[Tony walked to the door of the charity meeting and found Oba. 】

[There is anger in Tony’s words. 】

[Tony: Have you seen these photos? What happened to Mikola? 】

[Faced with Tony’s doubts, Oppa still put a smile on his face as usual. 】

[Oba: Tony, Tony, you can’t be too naive. 】

[Tony: Yes, I know I used to be very naive and childish.

But selling arms to terrorists?

This is our bottom line, this bottom line cannot be crossed, this is the way of our business!

However, if we are the mastermind behind the scenes…]

【Tony RuHe kept talking like a machine gun. Finally, he took a deep breath and asked with the last hint of temptation. 】

[Tony: Do we…have one? 】

[Faced with Tony’s question, Oppa fell silent and did not answer. 】

[Instead, he put his arm around Tony’s shoulders, faced the reporter’s flashlight, and said. 】

[Oba: Come on, it’s time to take pictures. 】

[Although Tony was extremely confused, he still smiled towards the reporters and put his arm around Oppa’s shoulders, acting in an intimate manner. 】

[The camera in the hands of the reporters in the audience kept flashing, as if they wanted to properly record this pair of people who were not father and son but more than father and son. 】

【At this time. 】

[Oba whispers in Tony’s ear. 】

[Oba: Tony, do you know who doesn’t let you work?

I was the one who asked the board for an injunction.

I am also the one selling arms to terrorists. 】

[After that, Obama put on a white silk scarf, got into a luxury car, and left, chased by media reporters. 】

[Tony was left alone, his smile disappeared, standing alone. 】

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