The Secret to Picking Up Girls

#263 - Cheated by QQ guy (3)

With his mental power, Zhang Yuze directly controlled the terminal through the QQ connection, then took over the host computer. It felt as easy as eating a meal. Then, Zhang Yuze quietly turned on the camera. The person sitting in front of the computer had no idea they were being watched.

But when Zhang Yuze saw the person's face, he almost fainted. His mood could only be described as being on the verge of tears. The person who kept calling him 'Brother Yuze' was actually a guy. Even if that were the case, he had actually been tricked out of several Q Coins by this damned transvestite. Thinking about how he happily responded every time he was called 'Brother' so sweetly, a wave of nausea washed over him.

Anger, boundless anger, Zhang Yuze felt extremely humiliated.

Soon, Zhang Yuze typed a message and sent it over.

Supreme Universe: WTF! How could you trick me? You're too wicked!

Apple Doll: ??

Supreme Universe: Don't deny it, I know everything.

Apple Doll: So what if you know? What can you do to me? You idiot, come and bite me? Haha!

Zhang Yuze was enraged. This person tricked him and was still so arrogant. He would have let it go if they had apologized a little. He didn't expect them to be so tactless. It seemed that if he didn't teach them a lesson, they wouldn't know they were wrong.

Using his mental power, Zhang Yuze gathered a massive amount of internet garbage and directly attacked the port of that guy's computer. Soon, the guy's firewall instantly collapsed, and a massive amount of internet garbage instantly poured into his computer. The computer couldn't possibly accommodate so much stuff, and it instantly crashed. The hard drive burned out directly.

On the other end of the computer, a young man stared blankly at the black screen of his computer, somewhat unaware of what had happened. Looking at the crashed computer, he was on the verge of tears.

After hacking the other party's computer, Zhang Yuze finally vented his anger and smiled contentedly, saying, 'Although I'm not such a petty person, who told you to be so tactless?'

Feeling somewhat bored, Zhang Yuze started playing Meteor on Haofang again. He created a character with the name 'Weakest Noob' and entered a room in the server that was empty. On the Four Square stage, a MM (pretty girl) was waiting for him with a sword. (Although he didn't know if it was a guy or a girl, the character was female, and the name was also feminine, so he'd tentatively consider her a MM! Although the possibility of a transvestite was very high.)

"Please enlighten me!" the MM named Xianxian sent a message.

Zhang Yuze was using daggers, which could be said to be the lightest weapon in the entire Meteor game. The attacks were very fast. Although the damage was limited each time, it couldn't withstand the frequent life steal! Although the MM's moves could be considered to have some skill, Zhang Yuze was the most hardcore player of Meteor. He had been happily playing since he was 8 years old. He wouldn't take these newbies seriously.

Slaughter! Rampant slaughter! With 300 points of health, Zhang Yuze killed the MM three times, making her type out several question marks in anger. But Zhang Yuze didn't care about her. To vent the anger of his young heart that had been severely hurt earlier, he continued to rampage against this newbie, not even giving her a chance to use her ultimate move once, and killed her several more times. Until the time was up, Zhang Yuze saw that he still had 5 points of health left. Sweat! But Zhang Yuze didn't continue and directly quit.

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