The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 2181: The special envoy who cried!

After listening to these words of Qin Dong, the special envoy A even hit a few crickets, and the cold sweats flowed down. |

"I... I really didn't know that the giant turtles had such a close relationship with you, I..."

Special envoy A eager to explain, Qin Dong did not give him a chance, turned to the deep sea giant tortoise: "Predecessors, I think it is not good, I know that you are not waiting to see him, I should take him Hey, I will never bring him to you in front of you!"

The deep sea giant tortoise has lived so much age, what has not been experienced, and it is even more transparent to the human heart. At first glance, Qin Dong is determined to conquer the special envoy A, naturally to cooperate, and smile slightly. "Small East Wow, in fact, he said that it is not wrong, I don't know who is not blaming it! Besides, he just despised me. Compared with Jintong, it is quite good for me to fight." My old tortoise is not a small intestine, so this is the case!"

The words of the deep sea giant tortoise are really insensitive to the special envoy A, and they all want to put their heads down and put them on their hands. A strong child rushing to the deep sea giant to keep on whispering, and a grateful gratitude, the deep sea giant tortoise is almost embarrassed. [

Qin Dong turned to look at the special envoy, and saw the gratitude of the special envoy A to the deep sea giant tortoise. It was full of heartfelt laughter, but his face was still cold. "No! Even if you forgive him, you forgive him. Is there a Lingyuan Gate? Ling Yuanmen is also my friend. If you don't respect them, you don't respect me."


When the special envoy just wanted to speak, he was interrupted by Qin Dongyi and turned to the deep sea giant turtle. "Predecessors, you continue to practice, we will leave."%&*>

The deep sea giant tortoise did not stop, smiled and nodded.

When the special envoy listened to Qin Dong, he would bring himself out of this cultivation treasure. The urgent foreheads were sweating. They had to say something several times, but they never got the chance. Qin Dong was also unusually decisive. After speaking to the deep sea giant tortoise, he grabbed his hand and made a fairy ring.

Fortunately, Su Hongshou has already seen the ability of Qin Dong to flicker, and Qin Dong took the special envoy suddenly disappeared. He did not feel surprised and was no longer anxious. At this time, see Qin Dong with a special envoy A and suddenly appeared, laughing and Ying Ying ushered up.

I just settled in the Feiyundong disciple, and the returning dragon was emptied. I saw this scene but I was really shocked. I had to move forward, but my legs were like the wind, so I was in the air. In the middle, it will not fall.

Qin Dong just happened to see his stunned and surprised look, smiled slightly, and joked, "Dragon Brother, are you going to dance?"

Qin Dong’s voice, “Dragon Brother,” made the dragon clear and stunned. After a while, he was too busy to stumble. He was almost awkward.

Su Hongshou shook his head and wanted to teach him a few words. After all, his dragon emptied on behalf of Ling Yuanmen, so panicked and flustered, not only his face alone. I can think of it, this can't blame him. When she first saw Qin Dong's means, isn't that the case?

Su Hongshou was about to speak to Qin Dong. When he turned around and saw the special envoy, he couldn’t help but bow. I saw that the special envoy A was languid and lost his soul, as if he had lost something baby.

"Xiaodong, he is..."

Su Hong sleeve just opened his mouth and asked, the special envoy A was originally sluggish and gaze, and it flashed a dazzling look, and shocked Su Hong sleeve. Can not wait for Su Hong sleeves to slow down the gods, the special envoy suddenly burst straight toward her.

Su Hong’s sleeve sinks in his heart, and his eyebrows flew up. If the special envoy arrives at this time, he still has to play these tricks, then he is purely looking for death. Even if Qin Dong does not shoot, Su Hongshou has an absolute grasp, and can be under the command of the special envoy under serious injury.

Xianli rushed and circulated, and immediately condensed in the palm of Su Hong sleeve, a suffocating temper, immediately spread from the body of Su Hong sleeve. However, just as Su Hongshou had to face the shape of the special envoy A, when the slap in the palm of his hand, the special squadron suddenly became a short stature, and it was actually a straight squat in front of Su Hongshou.

Su Hongshou did not expect such a situation, the whole person could not help but live. Even if the special envoy A is a former sergeant, she does not have to compliment her to kneel down. Although Su Hongshou is the elder of Lingyuanmen, his status is second only to the owner. But it is only in Lingyuanmen, and it is placed in the whole fairyland. The identity of Su Hongshou really has no special envoy.

The prime minister's door-to-door seven-class official, not to mention wearing a Yunge is now almost the day of the fairyland, the special envoy is the special envoy of the Yunge Pavilion, it is almost imperial, the status is naturally not comparable to the Soviet red sleeve. In addition, the repair of Su Hongshou is also inferior to the special envoy A, and there is no one in the debut. How to say that they are all younger generations, can not afford this special envoy.

At the beginning, Su Hongshou thought that the special envoy A was forced to be forced by Qin Dong, but he could not see the meaning of being forced by the **** of the special envoy. The expression on his face is completely From the lungs, there is no sham.

"Elder Sue, only when you are... I am not right, I should not despise you, let alone despise Lingyuanmen. I beg you, adults have a lot, don't have a general knowledge with me, I... I really got it wrong. "Special envoy A said and said, straight into the crying, as if Su Hong sleeve does not forgive him, he will really cry out. [

Where can Su Hong sleeve understand the mood of Special Envoy A? From the fairy ring, the feeling of giving special envoys is like entering **** from heaven. Thinking of the mind, full of the twelve amazing mountains in the fairy ring, the thick can not be opened, such as the clouds of fog like the spirit of the spirit. If you never let the special envoy A, know that there is such a treasure in the world, then it will be, but once he is known, but also personally experienced, it is different.

This is like punishing a child. The most embarrassing way is to buy him his favorite toy and take it away!

Although Su Hongshou did not know why Special Envoy A made such a huge change, he was very clear in his heart that this must be the skill of Qin Dong. Can not help but look up to Qin Dong, the eyes are full of shock and admiration, this guy, is it really the omnipotent true God?

"Elder Sue, you... you are saying something!" Seeing Su Hongshou always keeps making noises, the special envoy is more anxious, and the voice is not trembled.

"You... Are you really willing to join us Lingyuanmen?" Su Hong sleeve asked with some hesitation.

"Yes! Of course! From then on, I was born to Ling Yuanmen, and the death is the ghost of Lingyuanmen! If you violate this vow, you will call me five thunders, not to die!"

"That... well, I will accept you for our doorkeeper!" Looking at a person who is above his own, regardless of his identity or qualifications, screaming in front of himself, not A piece of easy things, Su Hong sleeve long took a breath, and quickly agreed.

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