The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 2167: Evil is not winning!

Qin Dong smiled and said, "Predecessors, as long as you work hard here, you will not be able to use it for a long time, you will reach the realm of Xianjun, even higher.%&*>

The deep sea giant turtle smiled and said, "When I reach the level of Xianjun Sanpin, you are already a fairy king, even higher?" said, the deep sea giant turtle gave a sigh, recalling his mind in his mind. A scene when I saw Qin Dong. At that time, Qin Dong, the breath of the Holy Emperor Weilong had just awakened on his body. The cultivation was only the realm of the monks of the 5th and 6th grades. But how long ago, Qin Dong is now high above, let him look up. Think about it at this time, all this is like a dream.

"It seems that my judgment was correct at the beginning. Only you can save the edge of the demise of our sacred beasts." For a moment, the **** of the deep sea giant turtle suddenly rose up.

Qin Dongmei's "Mao" picks, "If this is the responsibility that God gave me, my Qin Dong will be dead and nine, and I will not leave!"

The deep-sea giant tortoise nodded heavily. "Small east, although your current cultivation is already the environment of Xianjun, let the countless people look up, but the enemy you face is also extremely powerful. According to me It is known that Xue Qianfeng is sprinting to the Three Emperors. Once he is successful in sprinting, I am afraid that no one is his opponent in the entire Three Realms. And this person’s temperament is terrible! He almost has the entire fairy world. They are all in the palm of their hand, but those outside, but not only are not alert, but they applaud him. Speaking of it, the means of this snow peak is extremely powerful!"[

Qin Dong sees the deep sea giant tortoise's **** "color" for a moment more than a moment of dignity, Lang laughed "predecessors, I don't know so much, I only think that one is the best of ages - evil is invincible!"

"Good! A good evil! You have this kind of spirit, plus your cultivation and wisdom, I believe that you will be able to overcome the snow and peak, to turn the tide, save the Three Realms!"

"Predecessors, have you seen Fen children when you were wearing Yunge?"

"Finer? That golden bird?" The deep sea giant turtle thought about it and asked. |

Qin Dong nodded in a hurry. "Exactly! She was also invaded by the colorful scorpion, and she was okay?"

When the deep-sea giant tortoise sees the face of Qin Dong, he knows that his relationship with Mifen is extraordinary. "Faner is the nobleman of my sacred beast. It is the most promising growth of the new generation. The sacred orc of the Holy Beast. After she was brought into the Yunge Pavilion by the colorful scorpion, she was handed over to Xue Xue, the son of Xue Qianfeng."

"Snow Yao?" Qin Dong brow wrinkled, this name he is not the first time I heard, Cao Xiaoxian's sweetheart. Just did not expect that Fen Er actually fell into his hands.

The deep sea giant tortoise sees Qin Dong frowning, the road "This snow is the son of Xue Qianfeng, but the work style is different from the snow thousand peaks. The light is upright, the count is a gentleman. Fen children fall in his hands, but not Worried that you will be bullied."

Whether Xue Yao is really bright and upright, Qin Dong has to see it with his own eyes before he can judge. However, there is one thing, but he is puzzled. He asked, "Predecessors, although Finner is a nobleman of the Holy Orcs, in terms of status, it is completely incomparable to the five great sacred beasts such as the predecessors. The son of Feng, the snow thousand peaks should let him choose among the five holy beasts, how can he be repaired as far as your Fin children?"

The deep sea giant torment frowned. "I am not very clear about this, but I heard that it seems to be the baby of choice."

Listening to the deep sea giant turtle, Qin Dong’s eyebrows suddenly jumped, and Xue Yao took the initiative to choose Fen’s? He chose this way, certainly not because of the cultivation of Fen's, and it is because of the beauty of Fen. If this is the case, then Xueyao is not as bright as the deep sea giant turtle said. It’s just how the truth is, or you have to wait until he sees Xue Yao’s eyes to be clear.

As soon as the words turned, Qin Dong asked "predecessors, the other four predecessors of the five great beasts, how are they now?"

The deep-sea giant tortoise gave a heavy sigh and shook his head. "What else? Like me, all of them become slaves of others, and they are served by others."

"What about the Holy Emperor of the Holy Orc?"

Qin Dong’s question, the **** of the deep sea giant turtle, added a bit of heavy weight and shook his head. “I don’t know. I tried to get in touch with him, but I’m always Audio. I even suspect that maybe the family is he... he is no longer in this world."

Seeing the deep sea giant tortoise, I was very worried. Qin Dong said with comfort. "Predecessors can rest assured that Qin Dong will do his best and will definitely check the whereabouts of the Holy Emperor Weilong. If the Holy Emperor Weilong is really dead, In the hands of Xue Qianfeng, I decided to kill him and take revenge for the Queen!"

The deep sea giant tortoise nodded heavily and looked at Qin Dongdao with gratitude. "Everything is here!"


"Xiaodong!" Qin Donggang walked out of the fairy ring, Nangong Yao screamed and flew into his arms. [

Qin Dong was caught off guard, and the body shape that was hit by Nangong Yao was shaken. He finally managed to stabilize. Looking down, Nangong Yao’s pretty face was full of tears, and he could not help but feel a pain. Full of concern, "Yao, what's wrong with you? Who is bullying you?"

"Well, you still have a face to ask! Who else can you besides?" Nan Gongyao hasn't made a sound yet, Cao Xiaoxian and Yu Yue, Su Hong sleeve, and screamed.

"I? When did I bully Yao?" Qin Dong looked inexplicably.

Cao Xiaoxian snorted and asked, "Are you still confused here? I asked you, what happened just now, why did you disappear when you squat?"

Cao Xiaoxiao asked, Qin Dong was suddenly stunned, and he was very busy with Nangong Yao. He was full of apologies. "I am sorry Yao Yao. I was eager to save the giant turtles. I didn’t think much, let you I am worried."

Nan Gongyao shook his head and whispered, "I... I thought you were in danger..."

I felt that Nangong Yao’s concern and love for himself was heartfelt. Qin Dong’s heart was so touched. Gently scraped the nose of Nangong Yao, and smiled, "Do not worry! Even if the snow is coming, I will not be a little bit dangerous!"

Qin Dong is not bragging. After Nangong Yao cried so much, Qin Dong suddenly discovered that this fairy ring is not only a cultivation treasure, but also a treasure land for escape. If you encounter snow thousand peaks in the future, if you can beat him, then you have to fight. But if you can't beat him, it doesn't matter. If you see the situation is not good, go to the fairy ring, and the insurance snow thousand peaks will be caught on the spot, and 10,000 are safe.

"All of us have to worry about your death, but you can still laugh out! How about, hurry, just now, have you gotten into the seam?" Cao Xiaoxian still has a bit of annoyance, Zhangkou Asked.

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