The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 2164: Cheap brothers want to recognize!

"Xiao Xian is really you!" Cao Xiaoxian shouted, Su Hong sleeve's face immediately "exposed" infinite surprise, step by step, and Cao Xiaoxian hugged tightly. It seems that they are not only familiar with each other, but also have a close relationship with each other.

Cao Xiaoxian has some emotions. For example, today's Xinshanzhuang was broken. Lu Congrong also became the public enemy of the entire fairyland. However, the Su-red sleeves can still be hers as always, and this situation is particularly heavy.

"Red sleeve sister, these days, I want to die you!" Cao Xiaoxian also hugged Su Hong sleeve, whispered in a low voice, tears flowed down. Latest novel Baidu search ""

Su Hong sleeve gently wiped the tears on her face, his face full of deplorable words: "Xiao Xian, you ... you really should not come back."

Cao Xiaoxian couldn't help but laughed and said, "Red sleeve sister, how can you say this to everyone, will not be discussed in advance?"

Su Hong sleeved and asked, "Who else said this?"

The moon was heard, and the lotus step was taken. I walked up and smiled. "The red-sleeved sister, is there only a sister in the eyes of Xiao Xianjie?"

The moon is gentle and well-behaved, making it hard to think about it or not. Su Hong’s sleeves were lightly lifted, and when he saw the New Moon, his face immediately showed a surprise. He reached out and pulled her over. He smiled and said: “Of course not! When did you learn to take care of this girl? ?"The latest novel Baidu search ""

Cao Xiaoxiandao, "Red Sister, you don't know, the sister of the New Moon is almost killed by He Mingyang."

"What!? Is there such a thing?" Su Hong sleeves were shocked and turned to look at the moon.

This incident is afraid that it has become a pain that can never be healed in the heart of the moon. Su Hong’s eyes are cast in, and the face of Yue Yan has a thick mourning and sorrow, and his eyes are slightly reddish.

The look of Yuelu is undoubtedly equivalent to confirming Cao Xiaoxian’s words. Su Hong’s sleeves are both heartache and annoyance. “It’s said that tiger poison is not a child. How can He Mingyang be such a thing, even his own rumored disciples will kill! But what is the reason for this month? I think that He Mingyang seems to be very affectionate to you on weekdays."

Cao Xiaoxian snorted and said, "Who knows if he is pretending to be out on weekdays? But the moon is met by his poisonous hands, and it is also dragged down by me and me."

Cao Xiaoxian said this, Su Hong sleeves understand everything, put his hand and anger, "He Mingyang, this person, on weekdays, the appearance of the road, in fact, is a wind rudder, ruthless and meanless villain! He Mingyang not only did not distinguish the half sentence for the landlord, but instead immediately turned to Xue Qianfeng, turned around and became the accomplice of Xue Qianfeng to the landlord. Losing the landlord still with this The capricious villain is arrogant, so trustful!"

Cao Xiaoxian smiled and said, "The heart is speculative, who can really understand the people? But the red sleeve sister, I did not expect that you and Lingzhangmen are so passionate and righteous, and now, can still support me steadfastly. father."

Su Hong’s sleeves are a little bit sloppy. “Small fairy, don’t say it. It’s really embarrassing to say it. Now I’m wearing a Yunge family, I’m almost in control of the whole fairyland. We’re simply unable to Confrontation. In desperation, only on the surface of the virtual and the snake, secretly killing a few dog thieves wearing the Yunge out of gas, it is really not on the table."

Cao Xiaoxian clung to the arms of Su Hongshou and quickly said, "Red sleeve sister, you must not say this. You and Ling Shushu can have such a mind, I and I have already been grateful. Red sleeve sister assured, don't look through the Yunge Now the joy of the noisy, hey, I am afraid of their end, this is coming!"

"The end of the road?" Su Hong sleeve smiled and shook his head, apparently not optimistic about Cao Xiaoxian's statement.

Cao Xiaoxian did not elaborate on it. He took Su Hong’s sleeve and came to Qin Dong’s face. He smiled, “吟”, “吟”, “Red Sister, I will introduce you.”

Seeing that Cao Xiaoxian pulled himself to the front of Qin Dong, Su Hongshou was already in the heart. When he heard Cao Xiaoxian’s words, his heart was filled with an indescribable surprise. It seems that Cao Xiaoxian and Qin Dong are not only aware of each other, but the relationship is still unusual. If this is the case, then it is undoubtedly a good thing.

Su Hong’s heart was excited. Suddenly, when Qin Dong looked at her, she even had a smile on her face. Although it was somewhat reluctant, it was at least ten times more powerful than the attitude that was just ignored. This is undoubtedly directed at Cao Xiaoxian's face, so that Su Hongshou's relationship with Cao Xiaoxian and Qin Dong can not help but add a little confidence.

"Xiaodong, this is my red-sleeved sister. Although the red-sleeved sister is not my sister, it is better than my sister. What are you doing there, not calling your sister?"

When I heard Cao Xiaoxian let Qin Dong call her sister, Su Hong’s sleeve had a feeling of being flattered. She couldn’t help but panic and chaos. She hurriedly waved her hand and gestured to Cao Xiaoxian not to talk nonsense. If it angered Qin Dong, it would be worse.

Cao Xiaoxian saw the tension of Su Hong’s sleeve, but he did not care. He smiled and said, “Red sleeve sister, this guy is my newly recognized son and my brother. He called your sister, that is what it should be.” After all, Cao Xiaoxian took advantage of Qin Dongdao. "You still don't shout, do you want to rebel?"

Qin Dong smiled and shook his head. It looked like, and no longer gave Cao Xiaoxian a face. Cao Xiaoxian really wanted to worry. In addition, after listening to the dialogue between Cao Xiaoxian and Su Hongshou, Qin Dong also had a brand new understanding of Su Hongshou. Although Su Hongshou is a woman, she has a sense of righteousness. This alone is enough to make Qin Dong feel admired.

No longer hesitating, Qin Dong slammed Su Hong’s sleeve and owed a slight sigh, and shouted with respect and respectful “red sleeve sister!”

"No... I don't dare to act, please pick up!" Su Hongshou is also a person who has experienced countless phoenix waves, but at this time it is inevitably a little panic, and he will help Qin Dong.

"Sister, there is me, and me!" Su Jie said with his elbows on top of the red sleeves, said low.

"You? What is this about you?"

Su Jie’s smile said, “You are Xiaoxian’s sister, I am Xiaoxian’s brother.” He said, and he secretly rushed Qin Dong’s mouth.

If Su Hong’s sleeve doesn’t know that Su Jie’s point is careful, is it also his sister? At that time, I understood the meaning of Su Jie, and couldn’t help but squat on his ass. This kid actually wants Qin Dong to call him a brother, not to want to eat swan meat, what is it? Don't say to Cao Xiaoxian, she will veto here first.

Seeing that Su Jie’s mouth was licking his mouth, Cao Xiaoxian couldn’t help but giggled. But she also thinks like Su Hongshou. Although Qin Dong is her younger brother, she still listens to her words, but it does not make sense to bury people!

Even if Qin Dong’s age is light, the fairyland and the heavenly heavens are the same, and the theory is repairing, not looking at age. Is it true that Qin Dong is such a quasi-precious emperor, whoever he meets, will he bow down and yell at his brother? Even if Qin Dong doesn't mind, those who are called by Qin Dong to be brothers are not afraid of being thundered?


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