The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 2037: Hey!

w Qin Dong’s heart is not arranging for the qi of the Yunyun Pavilion. However, the left tiger has come together at this time, and the cow is forced to squat, and a pair of sloppy looks, will Qin Dongyi be polite with him? It’s just hard to make a hard time, but it’s really not saving any effort. It’s clear that it’s good to let the left tiger look good. If you look at the search, www>

The shape of the left tiger rolled straight out of the dozens of feet, and it was hard to stop. It’s like a pain in the body, and the kind of taste, the left tiger has not experienced it for a long time.

The pain is painful, and the heart of the left tiger is even more shocked. I wonder if I am in a dream. In the heavenly heavens, where he has always been despised by him, he has been planted in the hands of a child who seems to have not yet had a long hair. This matter, in the eyes of his old man, how can he see it all? Then a hint of fantasy. Latest novel Baidu search ""

"Bad boy, you..." I realized that Qin Dong’s identity is not simple. Zuo Hu’s mouth wants to ask Qin Dong’s origins. Clinker’s words have not yet been exported, and Qin Dong’s figure has suddenly come to him.

"You..." Qin Dong's speed is so fast, even if it is repaired by the left tiger, it is completely invisible. As if he had licked his eyelids, Qin Dong had stood in front of him thousands of miles away. Zuo Hu was so horrified that his eyes widened and his tongue stretched out. The latest novel Baidu search ""[

"Stinky kid? Hey!" Qin Dong did not talk to the left tiger, nonsense, a fist, the old fist swiftly swayed, the left tiger just felt a flower in front of him, then the cheeks on the cheeks received a punch.

Good guy, Qin Dong’s fist is full of strength. Poor left tiger, it is like swallowing dozens of peppers in one breath, another burst of scent filled with a whole bottle of vinegar, all kinds of strange and exciting tastes took turns, straightening his tears out .

But these flavors add up, and can't stand the pain that can go straight into the brain. I only heard a mourning from the left tiger. The body was dripping on the ground and even hit a dozen or so, and it rolled out more than ten meters away.

"It’s a fun for him!" Seeing the murderer of the left tiger, under the hands of Qin Dong, it’s like a fur-dog, rolling around, and the sigh of sighing in Fu Yanshan’s heart is completely vented, excited hands. It seems to be itchy.

Seeing the horror of the left tiger, the beautiful "women" sighed and shook their heads. Although this left tiger is a fierce god, it can be regarded as a famous figure in the fairyland. Today, it is like this by Qin Dong. No matter it is face or lining, I am afraid that it will never be picked up again.

The left tiger wandered up from the ground, and the hegemony and arrogance at the beginning saw the ghosts, and the rest was only frightened and shy.

"Smelly..." The left tiger used to be "sexual" and had to open his mouth and drink it. He suddenly went to the cold eyes of Qindong, and he couldn’t help but swallow the evil words of his mouth. The face was ugly. Asked, "What the **** are you?"

"Just ask you to ask?" Qin Dong sneered, his eyes filled with the "color" of disdain, without any disguise.

The left tiger did not have such a shame, even if Xue Qianfeng had a few verticals on him, he never fell behind him.

" don't want to bully too much!" The left-handed bite of the steel mouth was screaming, and the eyes seemed to spurt fire at any time.

"How about bullying you?" Qin Dong was angry at the left tiger before the slang of the American "women", unceremonious, burst into a bang, and the figure once again forced the left tiger.

"There is no reason for this!" Zuo Hu saw it and was shocked and angry. He couldn't think too much. The figure was actually taken up in front of Qin Dong. The two palms were full of Xianli, and the mouth was so loud that they had to fight against it.

Still, the left tiger has a little bit of brain, knowing that with Qin Dong’s cultivation, if he only defends, he has no chance of winning. If you fight hard and succumb to the full attack, you may still be able to make a living.

Zuo Hu’s abacus is good, but unfortunately he used the wrong object. He did not even think that Qin Dong’s cultivation is a fairy tales, but his heart is a dual sacred force. The real power is enough to be with the emperor. The super master of Yipin’s realm is beautiful. He’s a little abacus and wants to start in Qindong’s body. It’s just an idiotic dream.

Seeing the left tiger flying and attacking, Qin Dong’s mouth was lifted up at once, and “Liang” showed a cold sneer, and the “sexuality” paused in shape, and it came to an effort.

"Zuo Hu, today, Xiaoye will let you know that this heaven is not the place where you can say that wild can be wild!" Qin Dong said coldly, squatting the shape of the left tiger, the right palm Swept out. A white brilliance, immediately like a whip that went out, rushed toward the left tiger.

The power of the dual sacred powers is what the general Xianli can compare. The shape of the left tiger flies, as if it was entangled by countless invisible silk threads, it suddenly became stiff, and the left tiger dreamed that this would not happen. The whole face was immediately incomparable. Occupy and fear are occupied.

"Go back!" With the sound of Qin Dong's blast, the sensation of the genius, like a whip, slammed into the left tiger. The left tiger, really like a spinning top, spinning, rolling, and mourning, and flew for dozens of feet before stopping.

Qin Dong’s palm is a complete wake up to the left tiger. The fierce light in the eyes disappeared without a trace, and the whole person was completely softened. Only the pleading and fear were left in the eyes. [

Seeing Qin Dong step by step toward himself, the left tiger could not help but tremble, and the subconscious retreat a few steps backwards. The voice trembled and said, "Don't come over, don't come over..."

Qin Dong gave a sneer, and asked faintly, "Is this two strokes softer? Where did your previous arrogance go?"

"The arrogance of shit, I see him is suffocating! I thought that in heaven and heaven, I can do whatever I want. He is not stupid and what is it?" Fu Yanshan was in a good mood and said with a loud voice.

"You are looking for death!" Zuo Hu was afraid of Qin Dong, but he did not mean that he was afraid of Fu Yanshan. After listening to Fu Yanshan’s words, my heart was annoyed and I immediately blurted my voice.

"Looking for death?" I know, the left-handed tiger, immediately provoked Qin Dong's anger.

Zuo Hu didn't even have a chance to open his mouth, and a big foot of Qin Dong was already printed on his chest. Qin Dong this foot, less said to kick off the left ribs of the two ribs, the left tiger can not stand, immediately spit bleeding.

"I thought you learned it, but now it seems that you can't change the dog to eat, this "sex" is difficult to move!" Without waiting for the left tiger to slow down, Qin Dong will follow up again, right hand straight He lived in his throat and slid his entire body from the ground.

The mood of Zuohu at this time can be described as a ghost. Especially when he was close to Qin Dong at a close distance, from the eyes of Qin Dong, he felt the murderous murder with a bit of chill, and even the breath was blocked.

In his left brother is a comet, you can look at the left tiger, their left brother is compared with the Qin Dong in front of them, it is simply a small witch, not worth mentioning. m^-^

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