The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 2133: Angry Lunar New Year!

"Master, you..." With a burning cheek, the face of the New Moon is full of panic and grievances. |Sanba Literature

The moon is full of temperament, and the words of He Mingyang have always been listened to, so He Mingyang is relieved and loved. For so many years, He Mingyang always said to her with Yan Yue, not to mention playing, even if it is a little heavier, he never said it. In the eyes of Yuesao, He Mingyang was more than her own biological father, and never dreamed of it. He Mingyang would actually beat her.

He Mingyang's slap, fast and embarrassing, almost no mercy, so that Chai Yu is not happy, standing aside, his face full of pride.

"Do you still have a face called my master?!" He Mingyang at this time, just like the same head was completely angered by the lion, constantly screaming roaring, like that, I can't wait to eat the moon before I hate. With the image of Master in the past, it is simply a matter of two.

"Master, this time the teacher is really doing something wrong. If it wasn't for her obstruction, I would have taken Cao Xiaoxian long ago, and would you let her escape?" Chai Yu, who fell into the stone, dared to be more than her repair. high. [

Lunar New Year can't believe his ears, and even more can't believe that Chai Yu would be so brazen. If it wasn't for the moon, she would be sympathetic to her, she was afraid to die in the hands of Cao Xiaoxian. Chai Yu did not read the old feelings, but even so on the fire, reversing the right and wrong, even if the moon is born with "sex" and kindness, it is also intolerable, shouting at Chai Yu, "Sister, you... how can you Is this shameless?"

"Ha! I am shameless? You are too old to reverse black and white! It is obvious that you are ignoring the Master's life, eating and drinking, and privately swearing." I didn't expect that you could still beat it! It seems that I used to be a little sly. is you."

"" Speaking of fangs and teeth, ten months is not the opponent of Chai Yu. At this time, Chai Yu robbed him of the white, and the tears of the moon sighed in his eyes, but he even said a word. Not coming out. !_三^八^文^学_>

"What are you? Don't I still marry you? Cao Xiaoxian is not letting you go, you said it yourself!"

"Yes, Xiaoxian sister is letting me go, but I don't think I am doing it wrong!"

"What do you say?" He Mingyang's face became more and more gloomy, and in a pair of scorpions, he even sheds his sorrow.

"Master!" Looking at the face of He Mingyang's sinister face, the moon is certainly shocking and scary, but it makes people brave enough to say, "Master, Lu Zhuang is always not thin to you. Seeking truth from facts The achievements you have made today are made by the landlord. Now that the landlord is in trouble, you can’t help him. How can you make such a thing to fall into the rocks?”

"Shut up! You stink, you are accusing me of He Mingyang's character!?"

"Don't dare! The disciples are just telling the truth! Master, you often teach us that the grace of dripping water is reported by the spring, but your approach to the landlord and the sister of Xiaoxian is really chilling!"

"What do you know about this gimmick? Lu Congrong is divorced from the virtues, secretly doing things, trying to dominate the three realms, is the public enemy of the immortal world! The man's husband, the top of the earth, acting when the grievances are clear, the righteousness is very sitting on the chest, I can because Lu Congrong’s a little friendship, he will ignore the justice of heaven, and make things that are right and wrong, and that are not distinguishable?

"Yes! Master's first name, so that you are ruined, you can still say that you have not done anything wrong!"

"Master, are you really trying to kill the little sister?" The moonlight's eyebrows are desperate, and the tone is also a few minutes.

He Mingyang's eyebrows are tight, and he screams, "That is natural!"

Yue Yue shook his head and looked sad. "I am afraid this is not the case? You saw that the landlord lost power and could not rely on it, so he abandoned him without hesitation and turned to the snow that is gaining momentum. Feng. You are so unhappy with Xiaoxian’s sister, in order to please the snow thousand peaks and seek his trust!”

"You are nonsense!" The words of He Mingyang in the words of Yueyue, let He Mingyang become angry, murderous and no cover, directly from his eyes.

"Moon, how dare you dare to smear Master? Well! Master disdain to see you in general, but I can't sit back and ignore it. I will replace Master and teach you well!" Chai Yu snorted and flew Rising up, I didn’t even read my sister’s feelings, and I swung over to the moon.

This kind of jade jade was born with viciousness, and it was clearly a bad heart, but He Mingyang was as if he had not seen it, and he did not mean to block it.

The moon was disappointed and more sorrowful. I didn’t think of it. I grew up to be an idol, and the master who worshipped it was such a small man who couldn’t stand on the table. Seeing Chai Yufei fluttering, and "sex" a bite of silver teeth, swayed and greeted.

Although Lunar New Year looks very weak, her talent is very high. It is even more unambiguous to cultivate. Compared with Chai Yu, it is not inferior to color. [

Chai Yu even took dozens of palms, but it was easily solved by the moon. Chai Yu bullying the moon is a habit of bullying. I didn’t even think that the moon will actually fight back. I didn’t even think that the repair of the moon was so powerful that I couldn’t help it.

And just take her a glimpse of this, the moonlight turns into an attack for a moment, the jade palms fly, the English is colorful, the road is palm-struck, and they are connected to each other, and they are intertwined into an invisible big net, and they will cover the wood. In it.

"What!?" When Chai Yu discovered that the situation was not good, her situation was already in jeopardy, almost completely lost the room for rescuing, a pretty face, full of horror.

"Hey! Chai Yu, on weekdays, I am reading that you are my sister, bullying against you, and forbearing it. But I never thought that my tolerance, in exchange for your ruthless betrayal! From From this moment on, I am in love with you!"

"You are stinky, you are arrogant!" Chai Yu could not accept the defeat in the hands of the New Moon, under the wrath, lost his mind, and released the whole body as a brain, like a crazy woman. I ran into the moonlight.

The moon was not moved at all, and the figure was slightly stunned. A pair of jade palms, and the sky was smashed out, and they heard the sound of a thunderous blast. They rushed to the side of Chai Yu’s body and screamed at the wind. The shape of the moon is like a dead leaf, and between the heavens and the earth, it is the shout of shouting.

"Smelly head, but also against you!" Seeing Chai Yu completely lost, He Mingyang brows wrinkled, his right hand hollowed out, a huge claw shadow, like a virtual reality, and instantly fell on the top of the moon.

"Master, forgiveness has offended!" Seeing He Mingyang's shot, the moonlight's "color" changed slightly, and even became a firm. The palms swayed in front of the chest, and it was getting faster and faster. In the end, the direct shadows were difficult to distinguish. Only a white light could be seen. They gathered in front of the moon, forming a light group like the sun, dazzling. ......

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