The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1954: Sisters love!

w "Brother, you are merciful. Use the reader to read thousands of novels, completely no ads!" Seeing the winter shadow will be killed in the hands of Cai Dingjun, Cai Dingshan suddenly sighed.

Cai Dingjun frowned and asked, "Two brothers, when did you become a bodhisattva, would you like to ask for this girl?"

"Qiqi? Hey!" Cai Dingshan hated the sip of a bite, and then gnawed his teeth. "I am afraid that you will kill her in the palm of your hand. It is too cheap for her! If it is not a slap in the face, it will attack me, why should I fall into this?" Miserable situation? Big Brother, you leave her a "sexual" life, I am hurt, I want to take the humiliation I have received, even from the profit of her back!" The latest novel Baidu search ""

"Cai Dingjun, Cai Dingshan, you two are also famous people, and you are ambitious and want to rule the entire heavenly heavens. Is it just a little bit of energy? I think, before you rule the world, you are first laughed at. "Cao Xiaoxian can be said to be cold as iron, only use winter shadow as a tool, never regarded her as a living life." At this time, I saw the winter shadow for myself. I was trampled by the Cai Dingjun brothers. I felt very unbearable in my heart. I even felt sorry for it. I don’t want to be in danger at the same time.

"When I have informed the world, who else dares to make irresponsible remarks in front of my brother? Cao Xiaoxian, is it because after being repaired, your brain is also abolished?" Cai Dingjun screamed and pointed The head, directed at Cao Xiaoxian, is full of ridiculous laughter. The latest novel Baidu search ""[

" two will be retribution!" Cao Xiaoxian was suffocated and screamed.

Cai Dingjun not only did not take it seriously, but instead laughed and laughed. "We are two compared to what Cao girl did. It is nothing but a small witch. Besides, I can have Cai Dingjun today, Cao girl, you have a great job, you must Said to be retribution, afraid that it is necessary to repay your head to Cao girl, hahaha..."

Cao Xiaoxian repented and groaned, and a pair of apricots were about to spurt out the flames. "How can I not see it earlier? Your brothers and sisters are clearly hungry wolves with human skins!"

"Oh... Thank you for your compliments! For a long time, you must be tired, or go to the side and cool down!" Cai Dingjun sneered, his right hand swept away, immediately rolled up a gust of wind, and immediately rolled Cao Xiaoxian Five or six feet outside.

"The surname of Cai, this girl has fallen into your hands, there is no plan to live again!" Winter Shadow's "sex" style has always been strong, at this time it is showing its staunch side, even though it is bloody, but Still standing like a man, a pair of apricots are dying to look at Cai Dingjun, which is full of deep hatred.

"My second brother said yes, just let you die, it is too cheap for you! In order for everyone to understand, with my Cai brothers in the end, I decided to live in public!"

"Don't!" Cai Dingjun's cold voice was just an exit, Cao Xiaoxian couldn't help but utter an exclamation. Wan did not expect that Cai Dingjun would be poisonous.

The **** of the winter shadow is also a slight change. It is not fear and fear, but despair.

"Big brother, this idea is wonderful! It is a bad smell in my heart, and let our brothers stand up! I like it!" Cai Dingshan made a burst of laughter and nodded.

"Come on, let me put this stinky head down, take care of it, but don't let her die, otherwise there will be no good play!"

The disciples of the two Suntech hospitals heard the words and immediately rushed toward the winter shadow. The shadow of the winter shadow hate the teeth, only want to open the killing ring, kill him a faint, but she has almost stood still unstable at this time. Just in the winter shadow, desperately desperate, began to think about it, whether it should be broken, but also can avoid the pains of the thousands of knives, at this time, the two stabs in the oblique thorns swept past, not waiting for the winter shadow In response, the disciples of the two Shangde’s hospitals were volleyed and turned into a muddy mud.

"Come on!" Winter Shadow was shocked. I don't know who made it so decisive. The ear of the spring suddenly came with a voice full of anger and murderous voice.

The cause was shocked, and the meaning turned to look at it. If it wasn’t, it’s spring shadow.

"Spring Shadow Girl!" Winter Shadow was so strong since childhood, never served the Spring Shadow, she did not open her mouth and yelled at her sister, but at this time, under the circumstances, seeing the spring shadows come, the winter shadow is almost I shouted out when I blurted out.

Chun Ying is always the same as the winter film and television as her own sister. At this time, she was so hurt, and her heart was so angry that she could hardly control herself. This was the first shot, and the two disciples of Shangde’s hospital were torn apart.

Angry and angry, Spring Shadow is not impulsive to desperately with Cai Dingjun. Taking advantage of Cai Dingjun, he still did not react. He took the winter shadow's arm and ran away. Unexpectedly, the winter shadow did not want to go, but also the spring shadow also stunned.

"Spring Ying sister, the wife was controlled by Cao Xiaoxian with sorcerer, only Cao Xiaoxian can lift this sorcerer and let her lady get better!"

Spring shadow was shocked, and then suddenly said, "What have you done to save your wife?"

Winter Shadow nodded, said, "Mrs. I brought me up from a young age, just like my biological mother. Can I watch her being controlled by others and be someone else's jealousy? If my winter shadow is dead, I must save my wife! ”[

Chun Ying listened to this statement, and his heart was both moved and embarrassed. She always thought that the winter shadow was always against her, and her behavior was arrogant. It was because she was not sensible and never thought about it. Winter Shadow’s actions were entirely out of great meaning.

"Stupid girl, you want to save your wife, you should also tell us, our four sisters fight side by side, it is better than you alone." Spring shadow looks at the winter shadow, his eyes are full of pity.

Winter Shadow is a little embarrassed. "This blames me for being too "sexual" before, and the relationship with the three sisters is so stiff, I..."

Spring Shadow held down the shoulders of Winter Shadow and shook his head. "No, this can't blame you. Also blame us never try to understand you, or my sister is not competent..."

"No, it is not like this."

Winter Shadow is about to deny that Cai Dingjun suddenly gave a sneer, and the faint road "is really a sister's affection, it is moving!"

The winter shadow "color" changed, full of worrying look to the spring shadow, said "Spring Ying sister, you should not follow."

The shadow of the **** of spring shadow is as before, calm and waveless, directed at the winter shadow "How can I continue to let you carry it all alone? Yes, I have to tell you a good news, Cao Xiaoxian applied The sorcerer on the lady has been broken by the wife with a tenacious will."

"What? Is it true?" Winter Shadow's eyes immediately lit up.

Spring Shadow nodded a bit, and Yang said "Of course it is true! Madame, she has recovered her consciousness."

"Great!" Winter Shadow cheered, but did not want to touch the injury, Jiao body swayed for a while, but fortunately, Spring Shadow helped her in time, this did not let her fall.

[Author's off topic]: I am finally stunned! ! ! ! ! ! ! a ha ha ha! ! ! ! ! ! ! m

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