The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1461: Eliminate dissidents! (2)

"How could it be?" When he saw the man in the prisoner, Shen Daojun also lived. See \"target=\"_blank\"class=\"linkcontent\">http://www>

"What do they want to do, how can they treat my uncle like this?!" After a short stay, Mu Tianyi showed great anger, and gnashing his teeth.

Qin Dong reached out and blocked him behind him. At the same time, he turned his eyes to Shen Daojun and asked, "What happened?"

Shen Daojun frowned and said, "The man in the prison car is called Mu Fei. He is the younger brother of Mu Zheng. He is also the uncle of Mu Tianyu. But I don't understand. He is the iron hat king of the Tuwa. How can he be locked? In the prisoner?"

Qin Dong looks cold and faint. "He may have been an iron hat king in the past, but don't forget, now the Tuwa patriarch has changed people. He is the iron hat king, and naturally he becomes iron. Hat thief. As soon as the emperor and the courtier, the new Junjun can accommodate him?"[

Shen Daojun shook his head and said, "No! Although the door lord is angry with Mu Zheng, he will be the new patriarch, but he knows that Taiyi and the Tuwa are dependent on each other, so the Tuwa must not be chaotic. The owner of the door had ordered me to warn Mu Hong. After he was in the position, he must not squander his dissidents in order to consolidate his position, and the whole Tuva chickens and dogs will jump!"

“Do Xiao Siteng really say this to you?” Qin Dong asked unexpectedly.

Shen Dao Jundun first "Of course! I don't have to lie to you!"

Qin Dong smiled and said, "So, Xiao Siteng has not completely burned his brain with anger. But he wants to restrain Mu Hong with a simple warning. He is too simple to think about things."

"I think it is this daring and daring, even if the door owner's words dare not listen, it is damn!" Shen Daojun angered.

"Qin Shaoxia, they... they are going to kill my uncle, you must save him." Mu Tianyu was shocked and angry, but he did not completely lose his mind. He knew the current situation, and he alone Can not save the uncle, only with the power of Qin Dong.

"You can rest assured! There is me, your uncle can't die!" Qin Dong did not answer, Shen Daojun took over. When he was about to murder and go out, he would be able to protect himself, and a burst of smashing clothes broke the wind and sounded again and again.

"Let me lie!" With a crisp drink, a pretty figure came out of the air, people did not land, shaking hands and a sword, a shining light of the sword light, they first swept to the big group of monks . At the same time, in addition to about twenty or thirty people, they also fell, and they rushed to the ground.

"It's my cousin, Mu Hui, and the guards of my uncle's house." Mu Tianyi took the eye and swept away, and immediately recognized the identity of these people, so he became more anxious, and he wanted to take it.

"Slightly safe, don't wait, let's wait." Qin Dongqiang held down Mu Tianyu, not letting him come.

"What are you waiting for?" Mu Tianyan anxiously widened his eyes and slammed into Qin Dong.

Qin Dong certainly won't be at this time, so he blames Mu Tianzhu, just chuckled, "I have peace with Shen and my predecessors. What can you worry about? If you can't even keep this breath, how will you do it in the future?" Can it be a big event?"


I can't help but say that Tian Dong directly pushed him to his back, and covered it with pressure, so that he could not move.

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