The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1431: Gifted! (2)

"This is true!?"


The voice of Qin Dong landed, and both Hetian and Zhuanghu shouted at almost the same time. Tu>

Fang Hanzheng wants to say something to stop Qin Dong, but Qin Dong is swinging his hand and directly blocking his words in his mouth. Undoubtedly, "I have decided, I don't have to say more!"

"But..." Fang Han was not reconciled, but just a mouth, it was the cold light of two colds from the eyes of Qin Dong, which was blocked by life. [

"Oh... then I am not welcome!" The chance of living came so suddenly, and Hetian was surprised, but also decided to grab it. Zhuang Hu is approaching him, and when he is still a short distance, Hetian can't help but violently launch a rush.

Faced with a weak opponent like Zhuanghu, Hetian actually launched a rush to attack, which is a bit shameful. In order to be able to live, where will Hetian take care of that?

In an instant, it was a dozen or so palms, and it was as fast as a thunder. Even if it was changed to Fang Han, it had to be handled with care, not to mention Zhuanghu. Zhuanghu’s feet are still not falling in the air, and the raging palms are swooping over.

However, the screaming sound of listening to the cockroaches continued, and Fang Han was stunned by the eyes. Zhuang Hu had at least a dozen palms. There is no doubt that Zhuang Hu was hit by the volley on the spot and flew out a dozen times.

"Hey... I can go now!" Hetian didn't even look at Zhuanghu again, and he smiled and said to Qin Dong.

"What is the urgency? Zhuang Hu, he still hasn't died yet!" Qin Dong also smiled and reached out and took Zhuang Tiger to him. As before, after shooting a few times on Zhuang Hu's body, Ben Zhuang Hu, who should have been killed, will stand up again and be alive and well.

"This...this is impossible!" Hetian's expression was really like a ghost, and his body trembled like an electric shock.

"What the **** is going on?" Fang Han’s heart was full of curiosity, and couldn’t help it anymore. He asked aloud.

Zhuang Hu is also on his own body, touched and touched, and his expression is equally wonderful.

Qin Dong still did not explain, but slammed Zhuang Hu and shouted "Go again!"

"Drink!" This time, Zhuang Hu did not passively beat, but when he came up, he launched a rush. The right fist was launched, and the thunder was heard. The spiritual power was rolling, and the power was different.

"Damn!" Hetian seems to have been teased. In the face of Zhuang Hu's fist, he does not evade, and the whole body's repairs are almost concentrated. In one fell swoop, Zhuang Hu's boxing force is defeated, and then close to the front, One palm and one palm, all of which are solidly printed on Zhuang Hu's skin.

Although Fang Han is standing far away, he can still clearly see it. With the offensive of Hotan, he has a spiritual power and is constantly pouring into Zhuanghu's body. This is not a strange thing, but Fang Han found out what is wrong.

With so many spiritual powers, it was forcibly poured into the body of Zhuanghu. With the cultivation of Zhuanghu and the scale of the meridians, it should have collapsed and even exploded. But this is not the case. Although Zhuanghu’s face is full of painful colors, his body does not show any signs of damage, even the blood is not sprayed...

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