The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1345: The real Moxie dragon! (2)

Qin Dong glanced around for a circle, nodded slightly, and rushed to Wuliang, saying: "They will not interfere with you anymore, you can shoot."

"That's good!" Wu Liangpin is also extremely crisp, his body shape, the long sword in his hand, immediately like an electric light, straight to the Moxielong, Mo Xielong seems to have no chance of reaction, a burst of blood on the shoulder Flowers, sprinkled to the sky.

"Teacher!" Left to let Yu sorrow, they must rush to Mo Xielong, but was arrested by Qin Dong, can not move.

Feiqing and others have to go forward, but just one step, they were given the town’s eyes on the spot by Qin Dong’s sharp eyes. They only listened to the cold voice of Qin Dong’s voice. “I talked to Qin Dong, always count, you can’t force me to shoot. !"

"Qin Shaoxia, we..." Fei Qing looked at Qin Dong, who was looking at the iron and blue, and could describe it with regret. I knew that there would be today, they would never be the masters of witchcraft. Now that Qin Dong has clearly defined his mind, they have no way at all. The flight was extremely helpless, and he couldn’t help but burst into tears. [

"I don't care! Qin Shaoxia, you want to kill me, even if you kill, anyway, I can't watch the teacher die in the hands of this despicable villain!" He Sanjin's temper was violent, and he couldn't help it anymore. I jumped out loud.

"Looking for death!" Qin Dong's body shape, the right palm swung out, an invisible pressure, instantly pressed on the head of He Sanjin, let He Sanjin even take another step forward, it is impossible!

He Sanjin is not arrogant, he is about to transport the whole body of spiritual power, and confronts Qin Dong, clearly has a mortal heart. This made Qin Dong somewhat helpless. If he goes on like this, He Sanjin is seriously injured if he is not dead. Although He Sanjin’s temper is violent, but people are extremely simple and very loyal, Qin Dong is very fond of it.

"Sanjin, you retreat!" When He Sanjin was not dead and Qindong was more energetic, Mo Xielong suddenly snorted.


Everyone looked at Mo Xielong and saw that Mo Xielong slowly raised one hand and held the Jianfeng tightly. Wu Liangpin wanted to take the long sword back, but he did not twitch.

"Mo Xielong, you..." Seeing the evil eyes of Mo Xielong, full of killing gas, a heart of Wuliangpin suddenly felt a cold chill, and even a few chills.

"Uncle Shi! This is the last time I called you like this." Mo Xielong bitten his steel teeth, word by word, as if it was squeezed out of his teeth, and passed to the ear of Wu Liangpin, especially shocking. .

"In any case, you are going to die, I don't care!" Wu Liangpin felt bad, gave up the long sword, suddenly pulled out a palm, and the spirits rolled, slamming the chest of Moxielong, preparing to come first to be strong, set Moxuanlong To die.

When I saw that the palm of my hand was going to pour on Moxuanlong’s body, everyone’s eyes suddenly felt a flower. Moxun’s figure disappeared like a ghost, and Wuliang’s palm did not hit, but went under the air. It drove the whole body to be unstable and took a few steps forward.

I haven't waited for the good products of the sorcerer to keep the gods coming. Moxunlong is like the voice of the ice, and it has been passed from behind him. "This sword and this palm are the ones that I have cleaned up and owe a door to you and your witch." Love! From now on, you and me are no longer uncles, but endless enemies!"

Mo Xielong said as he slowly pulled out the long sword running through his shoulder. In the **** arrogance, Moxielong’s full-fledged husband’s pride and enthusiasm are displayed, and everyone present is awe-inspiring.

Qin Dong naturally is more excited and excited. The Moxielong in his memory is finally back...

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