The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1126: Pull it! (2)

Pang Qiu smiled slightly and said, "The national teacher, Pangmou asked for help today, in fact, for my son-in-law."


Pang Qiu got up and said, "Yes! My daughter-in-law, Feng Lang, wants to save his sister Feng Wei, and made a special trip to the National Teacher's Office to borrow the Lingbi Stone. Should the National Masters see him?"

After painting the heart, he laughed and said, "The original Fenglangfeng hero is the son-in-law of Pang Zongzhu! Haha... Pang Zongzhu is really good!"

Listening to the choice of heart, Pan Qiu’s eyes are bright, and he asks, “So, have you seen the young masters?”

"I have seen it before! A few days ago, Feng Lang was indeed on my house, I want to borrow the Lingshi." After that, I chose a heart, and I said that it is not a good old man. It’s a matter of concern to the old man, so he refused.

"And then?" Pang Xiu looked nervously and asked.

"Then the Feng heroes left." Tu Jiexin is definitely a acting school, and his face is relaxed and easy, and people can't find a flaw.

However, Qin Dong’s heart is very clear. Feng Lang regards Feng Yu as life. If he can’t borrow Lingbi Stone, can he be so easy to stop? If you choose your heart, you can’t understand it clearly.

"Why, Feng Daxia is gone?" Tu Xingxin made a look of surprise and doubt.

Pang Qiu nodded heavily and painted his heart, saying that Feng Lang’s current situation is not good.

Pang Qiu nodded, the expression of the choice of heart immediately dignified, stood up and walked back and forth a few steps, said "Before the disappearance of Feng Daxia, since the door of the old man, the old man can not sit and ignore. Pang Zongzhu assured, This is the old man who is looking for him, and he must find Feng Daxia!"

Painting the heart to do things can be described as dripping, so that Pang Qiu has nothing to say, can only shake his head and say, "That is the national teacher."

Tuxin smiled and waved his hand, while indicating that Pang Qiu was not polite, while the words turned sharply, he smiled and asked, "Pang Zongzhu, I heard that you are the commander of the battle, the disciples are numerous, the master is like a cloud, the forces are not small. Oh!"

Pang Qiu is also a human being. When I heard this, I immediately understood the meaning of the choice of heart. The eyebrows wrinkled. "The National Teacher said that he was laughing, what did my fight count, and where did you get your eyes?" ”

"Oh... Pang Zongzhu is really modest! Dou Zong is known as the head of the seven sects, and the name is Hehe, who doesn't know?"

Pang Qiu's face is accompanied by a smile, but in my heart, it is a secret. "I don't have enough blood for swallowing Laozi. I still want to swallow the Laozi's battle. You are too greedy!"

"Pang Zongzhu, the old man does not treat you as an outsider, you may wish to open the skylight and speak brightly. You have seen the things today, and the Heavenly Empire will soon have a tumultuous autumn. At this time, if Pang Zongzhu can seize the opportunity, then There is a huge benefit to the future of Doosan!"

If you choose to choose your heart, you have already said it is quite explicit. If Pang Qiu continues to be confused at this time, then there is some deliberate suspicion, I am afraid that I will offend the choice. Pang Qiu's face was dignified, and he pondered for a moment. He looked calmly and looked at his heart. He said, "The meaning of the national teacher, Pangmou understands. But this is too important. Pangmou must carefully consider it. In order to make a decision."

Pang Qiu’s request is reasonable, and he also believes that Pang Qiu is a smart person. He can see the situation clearly, so he smiled very refreshedly. “Good! Pang Zongzhu may wish to go back and think carefully. You are the master of Pang Zong, the old man. Have time and patience, wait!"

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