The Secret of the Chaotic Heavenly Emperor

Chapter 540 War begins (Part 2)

Chapter 540 The war begins (Part 2)

Seeing this scene, Du Ling was immediately shocked. She never imagined that Chu Jianqiu was so powerful.

She had a sword fight with the bloody tentacle and knew how powerful it was, even though she was slightly injured in that fight.

Although the bloody tentacle had not struck with all its strength, Chu Jianqiu was still unscathed, which was still shocking.

You must know that Chu Jianqiu just used the power of his physical body to fight with the bloody tentacles. Under such a huge attack power, he did not suffer any damage. How strong is this guy's physical body?

After being stopped by Chu Jianqiu, Lu Xiangdi and others had already left. They flew a hundred miles away and watched everything here from a distance.

The monster in the hall obviously didn't expect Chu Jianqiu to be so powerful. He said "Huh" in surprise, and then said coldly: "It's interesting."

Yang Ze's disciples on the inner sect list were not surprised at all by this scene. Chu Jianqiu hadn't really used his true skills yet, so this little thing didn't matter.

You know, Chu Jianqiu's real strength is not his boxing skills, but his swordsmanship.

The battle between him and Dong Guo Leng could be said to have shocked the entire inner sect.

After the bloody tentacle was repelled by Chu Jianqiu, it shook slightly and stabbed towards Chu Jianqiu again.

Chu Jianqiu still didn't take out the long sword, and was still dealing with the bloody tentacle with his bare hands.

You haven't figured out the other party's details yet, and rashly exposing your own trump card will give the other party more opportunities to take advantage of.

When the two are fighting, the one who exposes his trump card faster will inevitably be at a disadvantage.

Once the other party fully understands his own details, but he knows nothing about the other party's methods, this is an extremely dangerous thing.

Boom boom boom!

Chu Jianqiu and the bloody tentacle continued to fight fiercely. Even though Chu Jianqiu had mastered the sixth turn of the Nine Turns Golden Body Technique, but in such strong collisions again and again, terrifying cracks began to appear on his body. There were huge cracks and his clothes were stained with blood.

When Du Ling saw this, she immediately vibrated her sword and stepped forward to help.

But at this moment, another bloody tentacle flew out from the hall and attacked Du Ling.

Du Ling had no choice but to concentrate on fighting.

When Bei Wenbo, Yang Ze and others saw this, they did not continue to sit idly by and joined the battle one after another.

But when Bei Wenbai, Yang Ze and others joined the battle group, several bloody tentacles flew out from the hall and fought with everyone.

This monster flew out a total of six bloody tentacles before and after, fighting with everyone respectively.

As expected, Yang Ze's strength was not inferior to that of Du Ling and Bei Wenbai. He could handle a bloody tentacle alone.

Among the crowd, Chu Jianqiu, Du Ling, Bei Wenbai and Yang Ze each dealt with one bloody tentacle, while the remaining disciples dealt with the last two bloody tentacles together.

The strength of this monster is too strong. Among the people, except Chu Jianqiu, whose condition is better, the others are having an extremely difficult time supporting it.

After a moment of burning incense, Du Ling, Bei Wenbai, Yang Ze and the other disciples were all injured, and the situation was very critical. according to

If the current situation continues, no one can sustain it for long.

Du Ling was filled with regret at this time. If she had known that this monster was so terrifying, she should have listened to Chu Jianqiu and prepared well before coming, and she would not have ended up in this situation.

And Chu Jianqiu, whom she had always despised, was actually the most powerful among them all. He was the only one who could fight with that bloody tentacle on a par.

Boom boom boom!

Chu Jianqiu used a pair of fists to continuously fight against the bloody tentacles. The energy aftermath of the collision between the two set off extremely violent waves of air that swept in all directions.

The bloody tentacle suddenly became a little anxious when it saw that Chu Jianqiu had been holding it for a long time. Suddenly, the bloody tentacle stretched several times and rolled towards Chu Jianqiu in circles.

The circle formed by the bloody tentacles blocked all of Chu Jianqiu's path and was about to strangle Chu Jianqiu to death.

When Chu Jianqiu saw this scene, he didn't panic at all, and allowed the bloody tentacles to roll over his body, binding him tightly.

When Du Ling and others saw this, they were shocked. Chu Jianqiu was their main force. If Chu Jianqiu died under the bloody tentacles, then all of them would eventually be spared.

Du Ling and others immediately fought hard to fight off the bloody tentacles that entangled themselves, trying to rush over to rescue Chu Jianqiu. However, the power of those bloody tentacles was too great, and it was difficult for them to break through the blockade of these bloody tentacles.

Facing Chu Jianqiu falling into danger, they could only watch anxiously.

After Chu Jianqiu was rolled up by the bloody tentacles, the bloody tentacles immediately produced countless sharp blood thorns, which pierced into Chu Jianqiu's skin and absorbed and refined Chu Jianqiu's flesh and blood.

When Chu Jianqiu saw this, he suddenly sneered in his heart, and automatically removed the defense of the Nine Turns Golden Body Art, allowing the blood thorns to pierce into his skin.

If you want to refine your own flesh and blood, this is simply a supplement delivered to your doorstep, don’t give it up in vain.

After many dealings with the Blood Evil Sect, Chu Jianqiu had long known that his Chaos Supreme bloodline had a natural restraint effect on such bloodline-based techniques.

Whether it was Lou Yemeng in the secret realm of Xinze, or the Blood Evil Sect's Heaven-Sealing Formation used by the Blood Evil Sect at the Qingyun Conference in the Imperial Capital of Daqian, all these methods that attempted to refine one's own flesh and blood ended up being counterproductive. Give yourself a supplement.

Sure enough, after these blood thorns pierced his skin, the Chaos Supreme bloodline in Chu Jianqiu's body immediately became excited and jumped towards the blood thorns.

When those blood thorns were trying to absorb and refine Chu Jianqiu's flesh and blood, they suddenly felt a huge threat coming. This threat seemed to be their natural nemesis, making them tremble instinctively. .

When these blood thorns were so frightened that he wanted to withdraw from Chu Jianqiu's body, it was already too late. The power of the Chaos Supreme bloodline had already rushed forward. Through these blood thorns, it in turn absorbed the power of the bloody tentacles.

A huge amount of power poured into Chu Jianqiu's body through the blood thorns on the bloody tentacles, turning into extremely pure blood power.

The monster in the hall originally wanted to refine and absorb Chu Jianqiu's flesh and blood through the blood-colored tentacles, but suddenly felt his power flowing rapidly along the blood-colored tentacles, like a flood that bursts a dam, flowing thousands of miles away.

The monster was immediately shocked. He had never encountered such a situation before. He had always been the only one who absorbed and refined other people's flesh and blood. When would someone else absorb and refine his own power?

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