The Secret of the Chaotic Heavenly Emperor

Chapter 201 Traveling Together

Chapter 201 Traveling together

The Blood Evil Sect warrior surnamed Miao was very angry when he heard this, but when he saw other Blood Evil Sect disciples looking at him with doubts on their faces, they did not dare to take offense.

Finally, under the pressure of everyone's gaze, the warrior of the Blood Evil Sect named Miao had no choice but to walk towards Chu Jianqiu. He reached out and pulled out the long knife from behind, and slashed at Chu Jianqiu.

Since the other party was seeking death, Chu Jianqiu was not polite. He opened his palm and the Qiu Shui Sword appeared in his hand, and struck the warrior named Miao with one strike.

With a loud bang, the sword force of the warrior named Miao was actually torn apart by Chu Jianqiu's sword. The sharp sword energy fell on the warrior named Miao of the Blood Evil Sect, and a stream of blood shot out like an arrow.

The Blood Evil Sect warrior surnamed Miao couldn't help but feel horrified. Although he guessed that Chu Jianqiu would be very strong, he never expected that he would be this strong.

Zaifu had already hurt himself as soon as they fought.

Although Chu Jianqiu's sword energy had weakened a lot when it tore apart his own sword, although the wound caused by this sword looked terrifying, it was actually not serious.

But even so, the Blood Evil Sect warrior surnamed Miao was already frightened and did not dare to fight anymore. After drawing out a few swords in succession, he retreated with a feint, and with a flash of body, he fled towards the distance. The other Blood Evil Sect disciples ignored them.

The disciples of the Blood Evil Sect couldn't help being shocked and angry when they saw this, and they cursed in their hearts. This person named Miao was really not a thing.

These Blood Evil Sect disciples did not dare to stay any longer, and they all immediately dispersed and fled.

When Chu Jianqiu saw this, he did not pursue it. He had achieved his goal by getting the Red Fire Jade Flower, and there was no need to spend more energy chasing down the Blood Evil Sect disciples.

There are dangers lurking everywhere in this grassland. If you are not careful, you may get yourself involved.

Chu Jianqiu saw that among the fleeing Blood Evil Sect disciples, because they were flying too high, they were suddenly pulled straight from the sky by a giant furry hand stretched out from the grass, and they saw that they would not survive.

Seeing this scene, Chu Jianqiu became even more vigilant about this grassland and did not dare to relax at all.

After the disciples of the Blood Evil Sect fled, the disciples of the Yinfang Pavilion came forward. The leading disciple bowed his hands to Chu Jianqiu and said, "I'm Gao Yangbo, a disciple of the Yinfang Pavilion. What do you call me, senior brother?"

Chu Jianqiu also bowed his hand in return and said, "Xuanjian Sect Chu Jianqiu."

"It turns out he is a senior fellow from the Xuanjian Sect. No wonder he is so powerful." Gao Yangbo flattered him and said with a smile, "Brother Chu, there are many dangers here. How about we go together together?"

After seeing Chu Jianqiu's strength, Gao Yangbo started to think about it. There are many dangers here, and it will be much safer if a powerful master like Chu Jianqiu is with him.

As for the red fire jade flower, Gao Yangbo didn't mention a word.

With Chu Jianqiu's strength, even the warriors of the Blood Evil Sect were no match. If he still brought up this matter, he would be asking for trouble.

It would be troublesome if Chu Jianqiu was angered and killed them too.

This is not impossible. Although Yinfang Pavilion and Xuanjian Sect are both righteous sects, who can control so much in a place like this that inherits the cave world.

Historically, in those secret realms, in order to compete for opportunities, fellow disciples and brothers would fight to the death, let alone other people.

Chu Jianqiu thought for a while, then nodded and agreed.

Although Gao Yangbo and the others are not as strong as him, they are still a strong fighting force, and they can still share the burden when they encounter danger.

However, although colleagues can do it, there is one thing that must be made clear to them.

"If we encounter treasures, how will we distribute them?" Chu Jianqiu looked at Gao Yangbo and said. Chu Jianqiu must reach an agreement with them in advance on this point, otherwise, it would be pointless to argue and fight due to different opinions.

"If we encounter a treasure, Brother Chu will pick it first, and we will distribute it according to the amount of effort." Gao Yangbo said without hesitation.

After seeing the terrifying monsters lurking in the depths of this grassland, and after a battle with the disciples of the Blood Evil Sect, Gao Yangbo thought about a problem clearly. No matter how important the treasure is, it is not worth it in the face of life. Mention it.

As long as he can survive, with the abundance of treasures in this inheritance cave, he is afraid of not getting the treasures.

"Okay, then it's settled." Chu Jianqiu nodded.

Now that they had reached an agreement, everyone continued on their way towards the huge cave in the distance.

After walking for a long time, everyone met another group of people.

This group of people is smaller in number, only three people, but their strength is much higher than that of Gao Yangbo and others. Even the weakest man in blue shirt has the cultivation level of the fourth level of sea transformation realm.

The pretty woman is called Ou Yulian, and she is a disciple of the Seventh Peak of Xuanjian Sect. The tall man was a disciple of Fenglei Villa named Yu Mingjie.

The man in blue shirt who was at the fourth level of the Sea Transformation Realm was a disciple of Yinfang Pavilion, named Gu Xingyun.

When Yu Mingjie and Gu Xingyun saw Chu Jianqiu, they both had expressions of disdain on their faces. A mere waste at the eighth level of the True Qi Realm dared to come to this inheritance cave. They really didn't know whether to live or die.

Especially Gu Xingyun, he felt even more unhappy when he saw Gao Yangbo and other Yinfang Pavilion disciples' respectful expressions towards Chu Jianqiu. When Gao Yangbo and others paid tribute to him, he snorted coldly: "To a waste Being so groveling is a disgrace to our Yinfang Pavilion."

Gao Yangbo couldn't help but look embarrassed. He was just a little respectful to Chu Jianqiu, and it couldn't be said to be condescending. But he didn't bother to pay attention to Gu Xingyun's cynicism.

The reason why Gu Xingyun looked down on Chu Jianqiu so much was because he didn't see how powerful Chu Jianqiu was.

To be honest, if Gu Xingyun and Chu Jianqiu were to have a life-and-death battle, Gao Yangbo would not be optimistic about Gu Xingyun.

It was true that Chu Jianqiu's previous performance was too amazing. In the battle with the Miao warrior from the Blood Evil Sect, Gao Yangbo felt that Chu Jianqiu was far from giving his best at that time.

When Ou Yulian heard Chu Jianqiu's name, her eyes suddenly lit up and she looked at Chu Jianqiu in surprise.

"You are Chu Jianqiu!" Ou Yulian looked at Chu Jianqiu with interest and said. Ou Yulian was no stranger to Chu Jianqiu's famous name.

This kid showed great power in the secret territory of Xinze. Not only did he pick the Tianji Xuanlong Grass, but he also severely defeated the Blood Evil Sect, making the Blood Evil Sect's plan come to nothing, but he established the Xuanjian Sect. Great contribution has been made.

The most important thing is that this kid is someone who even dares to threaten her master Qin Miaoyan, so how can Ou Yulian not be interested in him.

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