Chapter 1059 Blood Howl

Could it be that it was my misunderstanding just now?

The blood-robed young man couldn't help but have doubts in his heart. Logically speaking, that aura was left behind by his own secret technique, and there shouldn't be any mistakes.

However, the environment in this Cold Mist Valley is so weird that it is possible that my secret method may go wrong.

The young man in blood robe searched for a long time but couldn't find any clues, and finally had to give up. It seemed that his feeling just now was really wrong.

The young man in blood robe did not dwell on the matter anymore, and disappeared again in a flash.

Murong Qingying was almost frightened to death in the hiding formation. How could this damn blood howl catch up to him so quickly? And how on earth did he find his traces? He had obviously used the Great Movement Talisman to move countless people. A hundred miles away.

In this cold mist valley, it is difficult for spiritual thoughts to reach even ten miles, let alone hundreds of miles.

Fortunately, he acted quickly enough and deployed the concealment formation in time, otherwise, his life would really have been lost this time.

The concealment formation that Chu Jianqiu gave her was extremely magical. It could not only hide the figure, but also the breath.

Frightened by the blood howl, Murong Qingying became even more determined. During the month of life and death battle, she would never take a single step towards hiding in the formation.

Wait until the test time is over before coming out on your own.

Anyway, the result of the competition only depends on which side has more people alive in the end. Saving her own life is her greatest contribution to the Southern Continent Alliance in this competition.

Murong Qingying stayed in the concealment formation for a stick of incense, when suddenly a bright robe flashed before his eyes, and the blood howl appeared in front of him again.

Xuexiao looked around and found that there was still no clue. He immediately murmured to himself: "It was indeed my illusion just now. It seems that in this place in Cold Mist Valley, we really can't use common sense to deduce some things."

Just now he wondered if the woman had used some secret method to hide her figure, so he pretended to leave, but in fact she was lurking not far away, waiting for the woman to reveal her figure.

However, after lurking for a while, he found that there was still no movement, and finally believed that his feeling was wrong.

Seeing that nothing was found, Xuexiao flashed and disappeared into the forest again. This time he really left.

Being tortured repeatedly by Xuexiao, Murong Qingying was almost frightened to tears.

This guy must be sick, he keeps running around like this. Murong Qingying kept cursing Xuexiao in her heart, but this time, she stayed in the hiding formation more cautiously and did not dare to come out.

After Xue Xiao left the place where Murong Qingying was, he quickly shuttled through the mountains and forests, constantly looking for those warriors from the Southern Continent Alliance.

Although there is a strange power in the Cold Mist Valley that prevents him from flying, his running speed on land is not slow and he can run thousands of miles in an hour.

Moreover, he used a certain secret technique to greatly improve his perception. Even in an environment like Cold Mist Valley, he could easily perceive all movements within a hundred miles, so Xuexiao could easily avoid some dangerous places. .

In this competition, the Nanzhou Alliance is bound to lose. Unless Meng Xiuyun can also break through to the Divine Profound Realm, will it be possible to compete with him?

The strength of one battle, otherwise, this time, the Southern Continent Alliance is destined to be completely annihilated.

In fact, he had already reached the edge of breaking through to the Divine Profound Realm. Just to prevent the South Continent Alliance from changing his mind, he kept suppressing the level and waited until he entered the Cold Mist Valley before breaking through.

Otherwise, if he breaks through too early, the South Continent Alliance will see that he has broken through to the Divine Profound Realm, and they will definitely not agree to this competition anyway, because it is destined to fail.

No fool will do anything that is destined to fail.

This competition is meaningful only when victory or defeat is in between.

It's a pity that the Southern Continent Alliance could never have predicted that it would break through to the Divine Profound Realm in the Cold Mist Valley. After all, such a big breakthrough would have to be achieved in just one month. This possibility was almost impossible. zero.

Except for Murong Qingying, the other warriors of the South Continent Alliance did not realize that a huge danger was about to befall them.

It is a pity that all the communication jade talismans in the Cold Mist Valley have failed. Otherwise, Murong Qingying could still tell the news to other warriors of the Southern Continent Alliance so that the other warriors can take precautions.

Fan Feian looked at the extremely charming woman in front of him and couldn't help but reveal a hint of sarcasm.

A mere warrior in the late stage of the Divine Human Realm actually dared to challenge myself, who was in the Half-step Divine Profound Realm. I don't know whether to call her naive or ignorant or commendable for her courage.

Although this woman was very good-looking and coquettish, it would be a pity to kill her, but since she was from the Blood Shadow Alliance, she had to kill her. She could only be blamed for joining the wrong camp.

Fan Fei'ang pulled out the long sword in his hand and was about to attack this extremely charming woman, but when his eyes came into contact with the charming woman's extremely charming pair of water-cut eyes, Fan Fei'ang felt his heart startled, and then his eyes began to gradually sluggish.

At this time, all he could see was the boundless spring scenery. These extremely fragrant scenes directly touched the most primitive desires in his heart, making his heart gradually become restless.

After all, Fan Feiang was the second strongest person among the younger generation in the South Continent Alliance, and his ambition was incomparable to ordinary people. He was stunned for a moment, and immediately woke up, knowing that he had fallen into the opponent's secret technique.

Fan Feian couldn't help but turn pale in shock. He calmed down and wanted to look away from the other party's extremely charming eyes, but at this time, the other party's extremely charming eyes seemed to have a fatal attraction, like a magnet. It attracted his gaze tightly like a magnet, making it impossible for him to move his gaze away even for an inch.

Just after waking up for a moment, Fan Feian's eyes fell into sluggishness again, and his whole mind was completely controlled by the other party's seductive eyes.

At the same time, little bits of blood began to appear on Fan Feian's body. More and more blood began to appear, and soon it gush out like a spring. In just a dozen breaths, Fan Feian turned into a bloody man.

Next, Fan Feiang's whole body slowly melted like a snowman under the spring sun, and finally his whole body turned into a pool of blood. The whole process seemed extremely weird.

During the whole process, Fan Feiang died without any explanation.

Liu Tianyao looked at Fan Feiang, who had turned into a pool of blood. The seductive light in his eyes faded away, revealing a hint of mocking coldness.

She stretched out her hand, and the pool of blood transformed by Fan Feian flew to her hand, spread all over her body along her arms like snow lotus roots, and then gradually seeped into her body.

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