The Secret Code of Monsters

Chapter 425 Ch424 Linzhen Factory

Chapter 425 Ch.424 Linzhen Factory

On the way back, Roland 'heard' the old miner's wife.

She was busy with her 'work', on a dead end road with a young miner, separated only by two wooden pillars - her two daughters and three sons were sitting in the mine pile, throwing stones at each other and looking at each other from time to time. Overlapping people.

A beast-like sound echoed in the mine.

No one is surprised.

There will always be demand, and there will always be people doing this business.

“The weekly wages for women and children are so low that they don’t have enough to eat.”

Peggy's voice was cold: "Don't worry, sir, miss. I will also take you to see the factory that actually processes white ore."


Leaving the mine, Kingsley felt like he had died for once.

Dead and alive again.

This deep underground work brings people very close to the abyss - if such a place existed, these poor people would probably have witnessed it first.

They took a carriage and left the town of Inns:

We need to go to a nearby town not far away.

"It used to be Linzhen, but a turmoil turned that place into ruins."

This is the case for mining towns built on mountains. The danger comes not only from under the mines, but also from the mines - as long as there is a large-scale landslide, it will be a disaster of earth shattering.

The town that was once adjacent to Inns became history more than ten years ago.

Now, in the hands of the Street family, it has become a...


At least it looks like it.

"The answer you want is right there."

Nearing the town, guards appeared sporadically - all the police force in Inns Town may have been used here, so that in the few days that Roland and his party were in the town, they never saw a patrol policeman.

There aren't many police these days, and many people don't like them.

"They are all my brother's supporters."

Rose nodded: "What is a 'fan'?"

"You should really read more books," Roland sighed: "It means being a lover."

Rose was shocked, and quickly leaned into Roland's ear and asked in a low voice: "This wild dog* thing actually likes the same sex?"

Kingsley in the car:...


Paige also found out over the days.

This 'destined girl' in the divination does not seem to be as 'noble and polite' as her last name - from her behavior in the tavern to her willingness to risk going into the mines with her: all these behaviors are inappropriate This is what a well-behaved daughter and a timid and gentle lady should do.

She is more like a savage than a lady...

Forgive her for not using such vulgar words to describe the savior of Inns Town.

Paige thought as the two people in the car were still discussing the issue of 'fans'.

"So where did you learn this word? Don't tell me your uncle taught you."

Roland chuckled: "You're right."

He told Rose that old Collins had talked in his sleep, shouting things like 'Ms. Jones', 'You should touch my soul', 'I will always be your fan'...

Given the context, doesn’t this word mean lover?

"You are such a smart man."


I should be smarter than smart people, right?


After all, no one taught me, but I was asked to guess it myself.

"You're right, Roland."

"From today on, I will declare you a wise man."


Don't compliment me yet, this answer is... correct?

"That's right."

So, the two smart people murmured and discussed how an heir of Street could fall in love with the same sex - from his childhood experience, the scars on his soul, to the wealth flowing in the mining town that changed his personality. …

There is always one thing that will make him like this, right?

The confident teacher, the convinced students, and the weird-looking Peggy Street.

Kingsley silently covered half of his face and put the other half close to the window, trying to stay out of the situation as much as possible.

'I'm outside the car. ’

He wondered if he could clarify to Peggy Street that he was not familiar with Roland, nor was he their friend, nor was he a stranger, would it make the second heir think differently about him——

His education told him not to allow himself to be embarrassed like this.

What a shame.

"Fans, not lovers, you two." The unbearable Mr. Detective interrupted the two young doctors discussing their condition.

Roland looked suspicious, while Rose instantly changed sides and defected to Kingsley's side.

Obviously, she trusts the serious Kingsley more in this regard.

"So, what do you mean by fans?" Green eyes stared at the man.

"Supporter means: support, supporter." Kingsley's face was stiff, and he opened and closed his mouth: "Absolutely not, what kind of lover."

The carriage was quiet for a moment, and then, almost at the same time, the three people silently turned their eyes to Roland.




what to do.


I think what he said is the correct answer...




Does "supporter" mean something else?








While cursing the strange thing in his head, Roland smiled without embarrassment: "Actually... it also means 'advocate'."

Kingsley was more serious: "It's not 'also', Dawson. It's 'only' - that's what fans only mean."


"Mr. Kingsley."


"Do you know why you are a bad detective?"

"I don't think I'm bad - well, I'll just listen to what you have to say." Kingsley adjusted his sitting position and pretended to listen.

Roland nodded his forehead: "A good detective needs extremely accurate judgment."

Kingsley nodded: "I think I have it."

Roland touched his eyelids again: "A good detective must have strong observation skills."

Kingsley said "hmm": "I am not lacking in observation skills."

Roland continued: "A good detective must be patient. Enough patience allows them to wait for the prey to step into the trap that has been set up step by step like a hunter - patience can make people become hunters, not prey."

Kingsley frowned.

He didn't know what Roland meant, but he still nodded patiently and agreed with his words: "I have enough patience."

Roland was a little surprised, clapped his hands a few times, and smiled: "Very good! So now, I admit that you are a good detective, Mr. Kingsley!"

"Of course there is no need to say more -"

Kingsley was stunned.

Just now...

Weren't they debating about 'supporters'...?

Rose and Peggy laughed so hard that they fell backwards.

Kingsley also understood what was going on.

"... Mr. Dawson, I have to say that the characteristics you show in some aspects always give people bad misunderstandings."

"For example?"

"For example, in terms of being eloquent."

He also wanted to advise Roland not to be like his unreliable father, who obviously had a huge fortune, but always lived as a joke in the romantic world, without any dignity.

Fortunately, he didn't say it, otherwise Roland would tell him that this was already decent enough.

Because at this moment, Peggy interrupted their conversation.

"We are here, three of you."

She said.

"All the miners suffering from 'white disease' in Ince Town will be placed here." The girl smoothed her messy hair and took a deep breath: "You should say that they are friends of old Moore."

The town was transformed into a factory, but Roland didn't see the black smoke.

The town was so quiet, even frighteningly quiet, that apart from the idle guards smoking cigarettes, even the birds and the wind were gone.

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