The Secret Code of Monsters

Chapter 377 Ch376 Compromise

Chapter 377 Ch.376 Compromise

The reason why Rebecca Fiennes had to be tried publicly was because the case involved two important people.

Madeline Terry, the daughter of the Arbitrator of the Golden Scales, and John Shelley, the son of the Shelley family.

The church could not let the barbarians of the Inquisition throw these two precious goods into the damp and cold dungeon and torture them with crude tortures according to their simple and monotonous imaginations - that would put the Holy Cross at a disadvantage in the subsequent confrontation.

Especially facing the Church of Justice, they could not give the other party the opportunity to occupy the moral high ground.


Rebecca Fiennes will confess her sins in the main hall of the church, under the huge cross that people look up to.

In public.

At that time, the Private Alliance and the Church of Justice will send people to witness the trial, including the head of Scotland Yard - they will of course invite Thomas Terry and James Shelley, but it is not certain whether these two people will be present.

Taking advantage of the night, several carriages full of bailiffs, escorting the middle one, filed out of the courtroom and headed for the real Holy Cross.

To be honest, bailiffs rarely go to church.

Although they believe in the same gods, differences arise because of different angles and ways of interpreting doctrines.

What's more, religion is just religion.

It exists based on reality.

And the reality is that since Victoria came to power, the Holy Cross has been split.

"Those stupid pigs always have so many wonderful ideas in their heads." Crow's low voice could not pass through the gap in the glass to another gap - as they moved forward, a carriage staggered past.


"How should the little mouse be eaten?"

The man and woman sitting opposite each other in the carriage were the two people the bailiffs were chasing.

John Shelley and Madeline Terry -

No, it should be said that it was John Shelley and the strange woman wearing the skin of "Madeline".

She sat in the stable carriage, facing the round mirror on the dining table, carefully pasting the thin human skin.

At their feet, a girl who was knocked unconscious and tied up was curled up.

"You have no choice now, my Mr. John, my dear 'husband' - I told you a long time ago, I told you at the beginning, right?" The woman seemed to be over seventy years old, and there seemed to be a lot of dark brown dirt hidden in the wrinkles.

But the half of her face that was 'pasted' was very young.

Madeline Terry was not big.

"...Skin Changer." John's face was livid.

"This is the name I told you, dear." Madeline faced the man with the half of her face that was pasted, smiling and busy: "You are just a mortal, you understand the name of a certain ring, and learn to be like a ritualist - didn't I fulfill your wish?"


'Madeline' fulfilled John's wish - to have divine power, not to be a ritualist.

He did.

The young Shelley pulled up his sleeves, and the brown pustules on his forearms that expanded and contracted like a heart reminded him that there was really no turning back.

"You plotted against me."

"I didn't plot against anyone, dear. From the beginning to the end, I just wanted that box - who made you as stupid as a pig, and your father noticed something was wrong, otherwise, I should have gotten what I wanted long ago..."

She narrowed her eyes, revealed her face from behind the mirror, and said in a bad tone: "You promised me to give me the box..."

"It's your problem!" John was annoyed: "If you hadn't seduced me, taught me to eat people, and fell into the cult, I should have given you the box long ago!"

Before Madeline and John were targeted by the executive, James Shelley noticed his son's abnormality:

He refused to hand over the mystery box to him, but instead planned to change someone and find another way to throw away this precious treasure...

How can that be?

"You are too stupid, John. That's your father, and you are his son - how can you be so stupid as to ask me to teach you little by little, how a son can get what he wants from his father?"

"You have never learned it all these years, right?"

The woman's voice kept changing.

Sometimes she was like a young girl, crisp and sharp; sometimes she was like an old woman with drooping eyelids, hoarse and low.

When John Shelley began to eat people actively, she no longer had to hide her identity.

He and she were now riding in the same carriage and on the same ship.

"At least I am Shelley."

"Look, you don't know Shelley as well as I do." Madeline sneered: "If you are really caught, will he offend the Holy Cross for you?"

John Shelley didn't speak.

"You are now, just like before, you have no choice."

Madeline put her face on and pressed the mirror.

She was young again.

"Don't show me this face of yours... When did you eat her? Half a year ago? Are all the cultists as disgusting as you?"

"A truly mature man will not let anger control his emotions, dear," Madeline smiled glamorously, stepping on the curled girl under her feet with her legs, in a good mood: "I found her in Bristol - in a bathroom, guess what she was doing?"

Madeline leaned forward.

"…She was chanting her father's name as she ascended."

John Shelley was expressionless.

"You don't chew your intestines like this," Madeline teased. "No matter how you look at it, you are now a real cultist - cultists should be burned to death, don't you think?"

"I can still kill you and tell my father everything."

"Yes, that's right." Madeline nodded: "But I'm afraid you and your father can't do anything to me... Oh, are you willing to gamble? Before you report me and I am burned to death by the executioner, you can save your life." Your life and that of your father?”

John raised his head: "My father is a ritualist."

"Yes. However, he is a ritualist who has been poisoned by "Dragon Poison". "

Madeleine flicked her pale pink nails.

"'Dragon Poison', do you know what it is? A deadly toxin remains in his body - this turns high-level ritualists into low-level rituals, and teaches low-level ritualists to become apprentices... If it weren't for this toxin, I wouldn't dare to easily provoke Shelley and the private alliance..."

John was stunned.

He suddenly remembered that his father once said that Mr. Jeffrey Banks and a group of alliance ritualists were seriously injured when they killed a monster and captured the treasure a few months ago, and they have not been able to recover now——

It is precisely because of this that the alliance can't wait to throw this hot box out.


Poisoned too?

"It seems you don't know anything."

Madeleine laughed:

"The ignorance and stupidity of mortals are most vividly reflected in you."

John Shelley ignored his anger, and for a moment, the memories of the past connected together: because the upper-level ritualists of the Private Alliance were injured, they had to abandon the cryptic box.

At the same time, this evil monster got the news from somewhere and came to the door.


If only he could hand over the mystery box sooner...

Maybe nothing will happen.

John Shelley.

It's you who caused all this.

As 'Madeline' said.

The ignorance and stupidity of mortals are vividly reflected in him.

Yes, but...

His thoughts suddenly stopped, he opened his hands, held his eyeballs and slowly moved them down.

The curled-up girl with green eyes.

A thief who followed them and was caught by Madeleine.


human intestines…

and eyeballs.

It’s really delicious…

He licked his lips and felt his stomach become dry and rumbling again.

He is hungry.


Going to starve to death.

"Look." Madeline seemed to know everything about him. She smiled and held up her chin, and opened the curtains as she spoke: "I don't understand, what's wrong with this? I didn't force you to believe in something you don't want to believe in." God."

"I'm not forcing you to eat anything you don't want to eat."

"I don't have to teach you any scriptures to recite or any rituals to perform."

"I didn't do anything to you, John Shelley."

"I'm not like your father who asks you for this and that all the time."

"That's all your own choice..."

"Even now, you can stop the carriage and turn towards the Inquisition - you know where it is, right?"

Madeleine shook the hem of her skirt and stared at the ugly-looking young gentleman.

She has seen too many people like this.

No one, no one can get rid of cravings.

That comes from soul hunger.

Just try it once…

I can't let it go anymore.

"...You can't hurt my father." John compromised.

"Of course, of course, I don't need to offend the Private Alliance... Although, they are in a bad situation now." Madeleine showed two rows of fangs: "I only want the box, and I will not kill you and your son... As for after it is over, you and Should I leave or stay in London to face trial..."

"That's your business, right?"

John bowed his head and said nothing.

He wants to go home and take away the bank notes.

He can't be in London anymore.

There was no room for a cultist in the Shelley family.

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