The Secret Code of Monsters

Chapter 171 Ch170 Roland's mysterious friend

Chapter 171 Ch.170 Roland’s mysterious friend

Roland was not too surprised by Philip Chandson's overtures.

After all, Randolph Taylor was there.

But the difference is that the relationship between Randolph Taylor and Roland started largely because of Beatrice.

Where did the kindness of this fat gentleman with the title of baron start?

Roland didn't quite believe what he said 'because of Enid'. He could tell the difference between compliment and honesty.

In this regard, Philip Chandson told Roland a name before leaving.

"Cherry Chloe."

He said.

"Let's have a good chat next time, Mr. Collins."

He left the puzzle behind without giving Roland the answer, and left directly with a few serious executives.

In short, the trial court has so far released only two people in this cult case.

One was George Sutherland Benevento.

One is Philip Chandson.

After investigation, it was indeed proven that the two people did not go to the banquet on their own initiative.


Both men were wealthy enough.

Is this one of the conditions Enid is considering?

"You are right, Roland, because they are indeed rich enough."

In the office, Enid expressed her affirmation of Roland's guess.

"Benevento is a member of the blue-blooded aristocracy, rich and well-connected. Both of his sons are Grays, and he himself has similar tendencies."

"He would be a great friend to the present Inquisition."

Enid didn't seem to be very willing to tell Roland these complicated things, and she never mentioned where the ritualists who protected these two people had 'disappeared'... She only leaned over and poured him some black tea.

Today she wore a dark-coloured off-shoulder petticoat with a not too wide lace shawl-style ruff. Her long hair is tied up, like a plump fruit that is overripe but still restrained.

Full of fruit?

Roland blinked.

I feel like I'm getting weirder and weirder.

"You don't feel right today...What do you want to say, Roland?"

Enid looked at the boy who was looking down, and looked at his fingers that were resting on his knees and rubbing them slightly, and raised the corners of his mouth.

Roland coughed.

The words he wanted to say reached his lips, but the voice disappeared.

He opened his mouth, trying to muster up the courage, but he didn't know how or where to start.

Enid was not in a hurry, watching quietly as he fought with himself.

Until a few minutes later.

The topic restarts.

"...I do have a question, madam." Roland looked embarrassed: "This has nothing to do with the Tribunal, it is my friend's..."

"So, you came here asking for help? Well, tell me?"

"It's a friend I... recently made." Roland emphasized the word 'recently', as if to prove something: "My... friend. My friend, he recently fell in love with a lady."

Enid twitched her finger as she hooked the ear of the cup, but her face remained normal and she smiled and answered: "And then, Roland."

"He doesn't know whether the lady loves him or not." Roland looked at the cup of black tea in front of him and couldn't help sighing: "...If so, how to express it. Will the lady accept him? Or will she reject his love... "

"I know that a gentleman should be the first to express his love and avoid letting this embarrassment happen to a lady..."

"But I am worried about my friend. I am worried that he is full of enthusiasm, but does not have a pair of wise eyes. There is a huge disparity in status, and I am afraid that this relationship will cause trouble for the lady."

Roland finished speaking in one breath, took a deep breath, pursed his dry lips, and picked up the cup.

Drink it all in one gulp.

His heart was beating fast, but he still raised his head and looked directly at the woman in front of him.

Enid returned the same gaze.

She just looked at Roland like this, with some emotions in her eyes that he couldn't understand——

"I think that lady also loves her 'friend', Roland."

Enid whispered.

"Love deeply."

She put down the teacup and her brown eyes flashed: "But I hope you can persuade your 'friend'."

Roland didn't have time to smile.


"Please advise your 'friend'. That woman is not an excellent lover, nor is she a qualified wife."

Roland stopped talking.

"Perhaps a lover's relationship is enough. If your friend really loves that woman, he should try to understand her...right?"

Enid looked at the young man whose eyes were gradually losing focus, and her voice became softer: "Your 'friend' is still young and still has a lot of time and a bright future. You shouldn't put all your feelings like that of a gambler who can't extricate himself. On the same person."

"That would be a disaster."

This is a gentle and indifferent sentence.

Like a handful of biting water in a winter desert.

For a person who desperately longs for love, even a thin layer of foam can revive his dry and dying soul.

But this is a desperate tragedy.

Just like the poor and inexperienced gambler, after finally getting a good hand, his face becomes crazy, his hands and feet tremble, he looks around the gambling table with blood-red eyes, and he can't wait to open the cards.

I wish I could use that thin piece of paper as a knife and plunge it into the table at once.

Roland's 'friends' could be gamblers who lost all their money.

But not her brother.

Her brother must be a monster that swallows up the entire casino.

Enid felt every viscera in her body, including the flesh and blood, tremble slightly.

Excitement, anticipation and pain, they blended into a glass of sunset-colored liquor in a proportion that only she knew clearly...

Then she poured it all into the scar she had just left on the young man.

'cheers. ’

Enid pursed her lips, her face still calm.

This time, Roland didn't keep her waiting any longer.

He sighed with a relaxed expression that he had been holding for a long time, and finally smiled: "Well, it seems that my 'friend' will be sad for a while."

"You have made a lot of 'friends'." Enid teased: "The reserve executive officer is still not busy enough."

Roland shook his head and expressed gratitude: "This is all thanks to my captain, madam. He takes a carriage and sneaks into the night every night - I think this is the reason why Miss Kratofer and I are free."


"I think he is indeed 'competent'." The woman smiled brightly: "I will take the time to talk to him and ask him not to be so 'busy'..."

After ending this difficult topic of 'friends', Enid still refused to let Roland go.

"You are also of age, and I happen to know a lot of excellent girls - do you want me to help you think about it?"

Roland glanced at Enid and said in a subtle tone: "...Oh, many gentlemen don't get married until they are thirty or forty years old."

"It's true that they didn't get married until they were in their thirties or forties..." Enid nodded indifferently, her fingers carelessly fiddling with the lace hanging on her chest, "But there were women in their teens."

"I think you should marry a daughter of a nobleman no matter what - at least the family has land, and the daughter should be literate, polite, and loyal to the family. It would be better if the title is higher."

Enid's statement of 'insatiable greed' made Roland dumbfounded.

"I'm just an orphan with a bad background and an executive. It's not easy for me to get a wife. How dare I ask for it?"

"You deserve the best, Roland." Enid said very seriously, "The best."

The fire not far away listened quietly to this boring but intimate conversation.

Its temperature had not changed over the years, but one day its owner no longer felt cold.

After Enid finished speaking, she suddenly laughed again: "I still recommend that you get married and have children as soon as possible. Otherwise, when you reach the high ring, it will be extremely difficult for both men and women to have children."

This was the first time Roland had heard of it.

"It's difficult for ritualists to reproduce?"

"It's not difficult to be a low-ring ritualist." Enid flicked her nails: "But high-ring rituals are troublesome. Coincidentally, the product of a big ritual in the Cradle of Flesh can allow people to have a body that is almost certain to become pregnant in a short period of time. strength…"

The cradle of flesh and blood.

The appearance of this word diluted the complicated emotions in Roland's heart.

He instantly realized the horror behind this ritual and the serious consequences it meant.

High Circle Ritualist…

I am afraid that those who will not have time to have children in the future will have cultists who seek the cradle of flesh and blood.

Think further.

For ritual practitioners who already have children, will their children have any kind of 'accidents' to make them become like the former?

"The exception is Charles Croy. These people who are walking on the path of "wisdom" do not value heirs, for the reason I told you. "

The path of wisdom.

No matter the "meditator" or the "skillful craftsman", they are not worried about heirs.

The former can condense himself into a cocoon and lodge in the souls of others, thereby taking over the body; the latter can gradually change flesh and blood into machinery as the level rises.

They have a long time and so many opportunities to reproduce.

But to be honest, Enid had never heard of a Wisdom Path ritualist who actually gave birth to a basketful of babies.

This seems to be related to their path and their ability.

Maybe they also want heirs, but they are not ‘heirs’ in the secular sense…

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