The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Chapter 227: Come to climax

Maki Hanasaki Yashin was approaching Naruto and Sasuke, who immediately felt the strong aftermath.

Naruto stopped and looked at the smoke from the explosion not far away: "The scale is not small."

The next moment, Naruto continued on his way.

Sasuke looked thoughtful at the smoke and dust from the explosion.

The next moment, the lightning flew by, jumping beside the two ninjas who were also watching the unknown explosion, and instantly eliminated the two of them, and then continued to rush towards the direction of the explosion!

"If you didn't guess wrong, you should meet a guy with good strength!"


Taki Shinobu, who was lying steadily on the ground, looked at the quiet front, and finally raised his head, seeing the huge pothole in front of him at first glance.

In the huge pit that was still filled with heat, two familiar figures lay in tattered clothes in the center of the huge pit, but Muhua Saki Yaxin's figure had disappeared.

Takinobu stood up and looked at the two unmoved, miserable figures, silently mourning in his heart.


Taki Shinobu turned around silently, ready to continue his attack. At this time, the next golden flash appeared from the corner of his eyes, and he turned his head to look subconsciously. However, in the slow motion, Naruto's speed was still amazingly fast.

Taki Shinobu only had time to turn his head, but he didn't see anything, the next moment.

There was only a voice in my mind.

"You have been eliminated!"

Taki Shinobu's eyes widened and his expression was dull.



"what happened?"


The audience couldn't help laughing when seeing Taki Shinobu, who was inexhaustible before, but now with this expression.

"Hahahahaha! This guy, are you stunned?"

"My brain is buzzing, right? I don't know what happened. Hahahaha, I'm so ridiculous."

Gokage sitting on the high platform was also a little funny, but after a little laugh, no one laughed except Tsunade.

Raiying's eyes narrowed slightly: "Look at this guy, sure enough, even if there is a scroll, there must be a chance to use it!"

Onoki continued: "And it's not a particularly powerful or buggy scroll. It has no effect on these two guys."

Tsunade crossed his chest with his arms and leaned back on the chair.

"So, your own strength is the most important."

The four kages immediately gave Tsunade a look of "you are embarrassed".


Back to the arena.

Frozen Takinin, although unwilling to accept his fate.

He also realized that it was the inexplicable Jin Guang who had eliminated him just now.

Naruto swayed for a while, but did not meet a strong one, and once again returned to the huge pothole that had just exploded.

Of course Taki Shinobu has seen Jin Guang's return. He is now facing an obsolete aperture, and he is not afraid of anything.

Then, the golden light flashed and stopped in front of the pothole.

Naruto's figure covering the nine-tailed Chakra appeared. He folded his chest with one hand, and looked at the pothole in front of him with one hand on his chin.

" seems to be late. But this kind of chakra feels like Ye Xin Jiang."

This time, Taki Shinobu finally saw clearly, this golden light is a... Konoha Ninja!

"It's you...Did you eliminate me?!"

Naruto heard the sound and turned around to look at Takinobu. After a moment of stunned, he showed an apologetic smile.

"Sorry, sorry, it's me."

Takinin looked at Naruto's honest look, squeezed his fist, and then let it go. He sighed and looked at Naruto with relief.

"It's okay, you are very strong! After all, this is the game."

Naruto smiled: "Well, I'm sorry."

He gestured a thumb to Taki Shinobu.

"But, come on! You are not weak."

With that, Naruto turned into golden light and disappeared quickly.

Taki Shinobu stretched out his hand and wanted to ask who you are, but the figure is out of sight.

"This speed...really terrible."

next moment.

The thunder light flickered, flickered, and stopped in front of Takinobu.

Sasuke was jumping with thunder arcs all over, looking at Taki Shinobu with a three-gouyu jade wheel with a cold expression on his face.

However, Sasuke only glanced at him, then looked away, and looked around for a week.

"Much like Yexin's Chakra, has Naruto stayed here too?"

Taki Shinobu looked at the ruthless ninja who was full of grids in front of him. He was also extremely fast, and he felt completely different.

Taki Shinobu looked at Sasuke, his mouth opened slightly: "That..."

The next moment, Sasuke's body burst into thunder.



The whole person turned into thunder and disappeared.

Taki Shinobu's hair dangled from the remaining exhaust gas, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Seeing the air in front of him was empty, with only a little air left by the thunder arc, it was a bit depressed.

Taki Shinobu sighed and walked out of the deep forest.

"Are Konoha's Shinnins so scary?"


The game is still going on fiercely.

The names of Naruto and Sasuke still hover in the top or two on the leaderboard.


The number of defeats by the two has reached more than four hundred!

It should be more than 400 per person!

The number of defeats between the two is almost one-third of the game!

In the entire arena, there are not many people left.

Compared with the original more than 3,000 people, now there are only less than 300 people left.

This time.

Muhuasaki Yaxin looked at the battle on the court and waved casually.

A magic circle opened in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, the light curtain shrouded in the periphery continued to shrink.

Immediately afterwards, Muhua Saki looked at the crowded place and dropped a carpet bombing casually.

This time the light curtain shrinks quickly and comfortably, not so fast compared to ordinary Shinobu projection.

As the light curtain shrinks, the stadium gradually condenses into a circular zone with a diameter of only two kilometers.

At this distance, basically everyone's location is easily exposed.

Moreover, the light curtain shrinks too fast, and many people are exposed before they have time.

The light band of the badge keeps attenuating.

Some of the badge light belts did not have much in the previous battles, but now they can't last long, and they are attenuated to nothing almost immediately, and they are directly eliminated.

Today, all that can be left in the field are the strong ones!

At this moment, the final battle is about to break out!

Because many strong men have met!

A vacant land, the corner of Tsuchiya Moon meets black soil!

The black soil is not in a particularly good state at the moment, it can be seen that he has experienced a lot of battles, and his clothes are stained with a lot of dust.

Tsuchiya is the same on the moon.

The two looked at each other, and they were sure that the opponent was a serious opponent!

next moment!

Chakra broke out on Tsuchiya Moon.

Black soil hands seal!


Of course it's not just them!

and also……

Sakuragi meets Chojuro!

And Ino, Shikamaru, Dingci and they also met a strong ninja group!

Naruto alone defeated several Yun Ren with a speed advantage, but this powerful force forced the ninjas of Yun Ren Village to fight together.

Sasuke meets a strange combination This is Ninun Village whom I don't know at all.

"Research" is written on the forehead.


Sasuke didn't know him at all, but these ninjas seemed to have something.

At least resisted his first wave of offensive.


Seeing that the most dazzling ninjas in this game are finally about to meet.

Seeing the most popular final battle is coming!

The audience cheered!

This time!

It's the edge against the Maimang!


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