The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Chapter 207: Snow country tour begins

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Facing two sisters, Saki Yashin and Nanako.

Just when Fenghua Xiaoxue felt that she was about to collapse, Shikamaru and the people who were chasing behind followed.

Suddenly surrounded Fenghua and Xiaoxue.

Shikamaru looked at the falling Fenghua Xiaoxue and stretched out his hand. After a moment of hesitation, Shikamaru handed it out, Shikamaru pulled.

Fenghua Xiaoxue started relaying, somewhat puzzled.

"You were called by the big three husbands?"

Shikamaru smiled and nodded: "Yes, I'm sorry. Ms. Fujikazee. The two of them are Konoha's ninjas, but their personalities are a bit strange. Forgive me."

Fenghua Xiaoxue frowned.

At this time, the person responsible for chasing Fenghua Xiaoxue on the side also made a sound.

"Miss, please go back with us, don't make us embarrassed."

Fenghua Xiaoxue sighed: "They said that I don't want to go to Snow Country, why do I have to go."

At this time, Muhua Saki Yaxin made a small jump in front of Fenghua Koyuki, and gestured a scissor hand in front of her.

"Are you worried about the danger?

Don't worry, because there is the shelter of my eye of death! Any danger will be vanished! "

Not to be outdone, Nanako ran to Muhua Sakiya's heart next to her, and seriously stretched out her two paws to face Fenghua Koyuki.

"There is more! The messenger of light and darkness! The power of light and darkness will protect you!"

Fenghua Xiaoxue looked at a girl in front of her, and a loli helplessly lifted her forehead.

"I think it's more dangerous to have you here, okay."


However, even if Fenghua Xiaoxue didn't cooperate, she didn't have a chance to escape now.

They can only follow Shikamaru back to the crew.


Back to the crew lounge.

Naruto and the others looked strangely at Fenghua Xiaoxue.

Naruto first asked.

"Why are you running? Are you afraid of danger?"

Fenghua Xiaoxue turned her head away, with no intention of answering.

Shikamaru looked at Fenghua Koyuki and said in a steady voice.

"Miss Fuji Kazee, the movie you made is very good-looking. I have had the honor to watch your movie, and logically you should not be afraid of danger.

After all, the filming location in the movie is not safe. It is difficult for you to be unwilling to face the snow country? "

Fenghua Xiaoxue's eyes jumped and turned to look at Shikamaru: "Do you know me?"

Shikamaru scratched his head.

"Well~ after all, it's a mission protection person, so I did a little investigation."

"the film?"

Kozakura was stunned for a moment, then looked at Fenghua Koyuki with some surprise in the next moment.

"Oh~ you are the man from the movie!"

However, other people are at a loss as to the movie.

Movies are relatively new things in this era. Although their popularity is okay, they are not very famous yet.

Ninjas spend a lot of time on training and performing tasks. Naturally, few ninjas know about movies.

At least they hadn't seen Naruto.

"What is a movie?"

Naruto issued this question.

Kozakura's face was distressed: "This is difficult to explain to you."

At this time, the director of the crew came over with a smile on his face.

"It seems that none of you have experienced it. It just so happens that I have a few tickets here. We are leaving this afternoon, and you still have time to watch a movie. It can be considered as an understanding of our work."

With that said, the director handed over a few tickets.

Naruto was a little curious and scratched his head embarrassedly. "That...thank you."

"you are welcome."

The friends took the tickets, pondered this novel thing carefully, and went to the movies after thinking about it for a while.

"Thank you!"

The other friends also thank you one by one.

Shikamaru took the ticket, then took a deep look at Fenghua Xiaoxue, and didn't ask any more questions.

After all, everyone has their own secrets, and Fenghua Xiaoxue is not willing to say that he is not easy to ask.

The director waved his hand and signaled the friends to be polite. After handing out the tickets, he saw the two girls watching the various instruments of their crew. They were a little funny, so he walked up.

Saki Yashin and Nanako were still curious about the director's various instruments.

Nanako looked at the camera, her eyes gleaming.

"Is this human magic equipment? It looks amazing."

Kihana Saki Yashin put one hand on Nanako's head, looking like he knew everything.

"Yes! This is the legendary super-electric magic mechanical equipment! This is a super tool that has assembled countless human wisdom. Well, it's quite a powerful thing."

Xiao Nanako's eyes sparkled suddenly, and she wowed in her mouth, feeling unusually curious in her heart.

When the director looked at these two lovely girls, he felt much better.

Immediately walked over to explain.

"This is a video camera, one of the most important equipment we use to make movies. Haven't you seen it before?"

The director asked with a smile.

Nanako nodded, eyes shining, pointed her little finger at the camera, and looked at the director and said.

"Is there a devil sealed in it?"

The director's originally mild smile froze.

"What...what, demon?"

Nanako nodded: "A super tool that has assembled human wisdom, should a demon be sealed?"


The corner of the director's mouth twitched.

"Why are there sealed demons with the innumerable instruments of human wisdom?"

Nanako touched her little face with a little finger, and replied after thinking for a second.

"Well...Isn't it wasteful if you don't seal the devil because of such powerful props?"

Speaking, Nanako looked at Kawasaki Yashin.

Muhuasaki Yaxin nodded suddenly, with a serious expression on her face.

"Nanako, you are wrong! It's so powerful as a prop, it's a waste to seal the devil! It's only right to seal a demon inside!"

Nanako's eyes flickered, and her face was immediately full of excitement: "Is that so?"

Nanako looked at the camera even more admiration, her eyes shining very brightly.

On the contrary, it was the director's awkward smile, a silly smile.

Tucao inwardly.

[It's getting outrageous. 】

With that said, the director still wanted to explain clearly. , Showing a kind smile, explaining seriously.

"This does not seal the devil, nor the devil, it's just a simple tool. Used to make a movie, it can turn the captured things into images and keep them inside."

Who thought, Nanako asked again.

"Turn the captured things into a shadow and want to stay in it! That's how it is! Is this prop so powerful? If Yu is photographed, wouldn't Yu be turned into an image and sealed in!"

Nanako was a little surprised, but the next moment she raised her small fist.

"Sure enough, it is the command crystallization of mankind! It is really strong, and there is no seal of the devil now, then it will definitely be sealed in the future!"

"Uncle! Your mission has not been completed. Now the Demon God cannot be sealed, and there is no need to call it ordinary. This is a masterpiece of human command!"

The director looked at the little loli in front of him and said something seriously, and his mind was a little messy...

It seems that the more you explain, the more it becomes impossible...what to do...

Fortunately, Naruto and the others were planning to go directly to the movie at this time, and called out Muhuasaki Yaxin.

"Ye Xin! Let's go to the movies."

With Naruto's shout, the director immediately grabbed the straw and said quickly.

"Yes! Watch a movie! You can go to a movie. The movie is shot with this device called a camera."

Saki Yashin and Nanako immediately became interested and spoke to the director.

"Movie? It feels so interesting."

"Yes, yes! It's interesting, go and see."

The director is anxious.

"The answers to the cameras you want to know are in the movie!"

Hearing this, Miki Hanasaki Yashin and Nanako were directly moved.

"In that case, go to the movies! Nanako!"

Nanako nodded: "Watching a movie! This is a new vocabulary."

After speaking, the two of them went to the movies with Naruto and the group.

Watching the two girls leave, the director unconsciously wiped the sweat from his brows.

Fenghua Xiaoxue wanted to laugh a little. The first time she met the two sisters, she was taken aback by surprise.

She said comfortingly.

"Director, those two kids are probably crazy, don't take it to heart."

The director shook his head and smiled: "Haha, I didn't care. Although they are a little weird. But they are all girls, it's normal.

And they are so cute. "


As the Konoha travel group of nine people watched the movie, they returned to the location of the photography team.

The director looked at the returning girls and smiled.

"How about it, is this movie good?"

"It's wonderful! It turns out that Fengxuehui is a celebrity."

"Movies turned out to be this kind of thing."

Saki Yashin and Nanako looked unfulfilled.

"Sure enough, everything captured by the camera was sealed inside."

Nanako said this "fact" seriously with a face.

Shikamaru on the side was a little weak to complain.

The director's expression is also a bit stiff, he chose to avoid this topic.

In this way, after watching the movie, the time almost came to the afternoon.

After a wash, the director team officially set off!

Of course, they went by boat.

First, you have to pass an unmanned belt by Konoha to reach the seaside pier.


Kihana Saki Yashin and Nanako ran in the forefront.

Nanako can be said to have left home for the first time and went so far away.

She is curious about everything now.

As he passed a small forest area, Nanako saw a big beetle-like insect on a book sharply.

She looked shocked, stopped immediately, and watched the tree.

"Sister! I found a species that has always been evil! It should have been infected by the dark atmosphere and turned into this evil appearance."

Seeing Nanako fighting like this, Kawasaki Yashin also ran over, but after discovering that there was such a huge insect on the book, she was silent for a second.

next moment!

"Little devil! Under my power, turn into ashes! Burst the fireball!!!"

With that, a magic circle appeared in the void in front of Muhua Sakiya's heart, and then a fireball instantly condensed in front of Muhua Sakiya's heart, and it was launched!


In an instant, Zhengke tree was ignited and exploded by the high-temperature flame.

Bang! ! !

A small mushroom cloud rose up.

Nanako could feel the heat wave on her face, the explosive mushroom cloud reflected in her eyes, her face was a bit dull.

The others were even more alarmed, and ran over, alert.

"What happened!?"

"Yexin? Did you see the enemy?"

Naruto asked.

Muhua Saki Yaxin shook his head: "I found a little demon, and I have already eliminated it. Don't worry, everyone."

"little devil?"

Everyone was at a loss.

Shikamaru didn't know what Muhana Saki Yashin was doing, but it seemed that the alert was lifted.

Also, generally speaking, Xiao Yexin can't solve it, and they can't solve it even more.

This Ninja world can beat Muhua Saki Yaxin no more.

Shikamaru has heard his father's evaluation.

He called Yashin the **** of a new generation of ninjas, and Uchiha Madara was defeated by her.

Nanako is still a bit dazed now, her sister seems to have wiped out the "demon infested beast" in front of him without saying a word.

"Is this the strength of Sister-sama? Sure enough, I'm still far behind!"

Nanako's face was extremely serious.

Muhua Saki Yaxin rubbed her silky hair, then touched her head.

"Um... Nanako is still young. If her sister would be surpassed by Nanako, then I wouldn't be the owner of Eye of Death."

"The Eye of Death is the strongest."

Nanako shook his head: "No! The power of darkness and light to end everything is the strongest!"

Everyone looked at the two sisters' S2 daily routine, feeling inexplicably, very happy.

Shikamaru looked at Nanako's innocent face and smiled from the bottom of his heart.

"This trip should be very interesting."


The episode passed quickly.

Soon they arrived at a dedicated dock.

There is a large search ship docked there.

After Nanako saw the ship, her eyes glowed, and she wowed in surprise.

This is also the first time she has seen human beings conquer the sea!


Nanako and Kihana Saki ran on the deck of the ship excitedly.

The two stepped on the deck together, looking at each other in surprise.

"Nanako! We are here!"

Nanako was also very happy, and excitedly grabbed Saki Yaxin's hands.

"Yes! Sister! We are here!"

The two sisters jumped in excitement holding hands.

"On this tool that humans use to conquer the sea! I feel it! That contract with the sea!"

Nanako's eyes lit up.

"Is the contract of the sea? Is that so? Is this the mark of man's conquest of the sea?"

Ino and the others, who arrived later, directly ignored the two sisters who committed the second.

The dialogue between them can basically be ignored.

The others are too, except for watching the show who are interested, what else should they do in an orderly manner.

Fenghua Xiaoxue was a little melancholy standing by the boat and looking at the sea.

Shikamaru leaned forward directly.

"What's the matter, Miss Fengxuehui seems to have something on her mind."

Fenghua Xiaoxue looked at Shikamaru, did not answer his question, but continued to look at the sea.

After she was caught back, she was placed under house arrest in the room.

The three big husbands are also responsible for monitoring, watching themselves from the sidelines.

In this way, she also had to come to this ship.

Of course, she also knows what the three big husbands mean...

It's just that she hasn't thought about facing it...

"I'm just……"

"Power on!!"

"Everyone is here! Power on!"

At this time, the cry of the crew came.

Suddenly, Fenghua Xiaoxue interrupted what Fenghua Xiaoxue wanted to say.

She didn't say anything randomly, and walked towards the position of the crew.

Shikamaru looked at Fenghua Koyuki's back and shook his head.

"Hey~ I feel that this mission might not be easy."

With that said, Shikamaru looked at the crew in emergency preparations and his friends.

Naruto and Sasuke, who is carrying a sword, are looking at the sea and Ci is eating snacks while watching the film crew with interest.

Sakura and Ino watched the movements of the middle two girls from the sidelines, seeming to try to blend in.

But they seem to like to amuse Nanako more...

Tsuchiya Tsukigami and Sakuragi were also watching the filming of the crew, but these two people did not seem to simply watch.

Instead, it feels like it's plotting something.

Shikamaru smiled and walked towards Ding Ci.

"This time the main purpose is to travel, I hope nothing goes wrong."


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