Mana wanted to call out that title as usual, but she recalled what Liusu had said to her at the end, shook her head and looked at Shizhi again. She had decided not to overlap Shizhi and Liusu.

"You are indeed my sister! Woodman has used the forbidden technique, please free him, sister."


His ears moved slightly, catching the praises of his companions. Shizhi's face under the mask also showed a happy expression, and his fingertips quietly covered the pages of the Ancient Dragon.

"Thank you for being willing to fight alongside me, Rokuro."


A pleasant dragon roar sounded in Shizhi's mind, and she understood the other party's meaning. It was a war cry that wanted to end the battle. She raised her sword and pointed it at Woodman, who had just gotten up from the ground.

"It's over, Woodman!"

"Impossible! Why do mere humans have such power!?"

The armor on his body had become tattered, and Woodman yelled out of control.

"Woodman, you were once a human being."

Shizhi looked at Woodman with pity and silently put the Fire Sword into the drive.

Perhaps it was the last revolving door of his life. When Shizhi said that he was once a human being, the memories that were always elusive finally emerged clearly in Woodman's mind.

That was what happened when his friend Zhong Miyazaki took him and others to the highest peak in the fantasy world. Looking at the beautiful scenery and excited friends, Woodman gave a heartfelt praise.

"It's so beautiful. We are the first humans to see such beautiful scenery."


The word he said in the memory was indeed the word "human", which completely broke Woodman's guard. He held his head and yelled at Shiori.

"It's impossible! I'm not a human being! I'm a noble being who was chosen!"

Seeing the other party's pitiful look, Shizhi pressed the cover of "Ancient Dragon".

"That's enough, Woodman, your ending is up to me!"

"The must-kill reading is overflowing! Draw the sword with fierce fire! The elements are combined to kill!"

Absorbing the power of the six elements of fire, water, thunder, earth, wind, and sound from nature, and converging them all on the fire sword, Shizhi swung a crescent-shaped rainbow impact slash at the enemy, hitting the opponent head-on. The roaring Woodman.

The body cracked inch by inch, and red ominous energy overflowed from it. At the last moment of Woodman's life, everyone seemed to see the shadow of Woodman in human form appearing on Megiddo's body, facing Shiori with an apologetic smile. Bowed slightly.

"This is?"

Questions came to mind, but Shizhi had no chance to ask. Woodman was engulfed by the explosion, and the battle came to an end at this moment.

In the corner, Stellius looked silently at the "Woodman EX" that appeared in his hand, and a feeling of sadness flashed in his eyes.

"Woodman, your story ends here."

After finishing speaking, Stellius turned around and disappeared from here.

"Thank you!"

Shizhi, who knew nothing about it, pulled out the fantasy driving book from the drive. At that moment, her spirit came to the forest again, but this time it was not just Liugou who was waiting for her here, but a body. A blue-haired young man in a pink dress was also standing there.

"Who are you?"

"My name is Tassel."

The young man showed a gentle smile and looked at Liu Gho who was playing with the elemental dragons.

"Shiori, thank you for saving that child, I think Mio will be very happy too."

"Mio? Do you know Mio? Sure enough, she is still alive!"


Liusu nodded slightly, but his eyes became serious.

"Listen, Shiori, although I want to congratulate you on your new power, things are taking a turn for the worst, and you must quickly find a way to see Mio."

"What should I do?"

"Use your thoughts to ignite the flames of the Fire Sword, and it will let you see Mio."

After saying what he wanted to tell you, the tassel turned into a golden point of light and disappeared into the spiritual world. 】

144: Courier Reiner (bushi)

"Can the Flame Sword Agni allow me to see the child named Mio?"

Shizhi, who is fighting against the world, looked at the flaming sword Lihuo on his waist, and suddenly felt that this sword was the brightest and more versatile than the light sword. It could do anything. No wonder it was called the most special holy sword. .

The other elves also turned their gazes curiously, and a few of the more lively elves even wrote the words "Let me be healthy" on their faces, and almost touched them directly.

But what they didn't notice was that the eyes of Murasame Reine, who came to watch the video with them this time, were a little different. He was curious but also a little wary.

"Does the Fire Sword Agni still have such an ability? Since it can allow Xiao Zhen in the video to see Mio in the video, is it possible that it will also expose my identity? Should I put it as soon as possible for my plan? Get rid of this uncertainty..."

Using a voice that only she could hear, Murasame spoke to herself, but when she remembered what Shinji Takamiya said to Mana in the video, she became hesitant again.

"Will Xiao Zhen in the real world agree to my plan? What if... Forget it, let's look at the situation again. Anyway, the video has not yet shown the use of the Fire Sword Agni."

Perhaps he was really shaken, so Murasame chose to continue to wait and see.

[As the tassel disappears, Shiori's spirit returns to the real world. Mana and Nanisui are jumping towards this side, while Tohka is watching from a distance.

"Success! The best! Onee-sama!"

"I actually created a brand new fantasy control book. It's really yours, Shizhi."

"The records of "The Ancient Dragon" are incorrect."

Shiori smiled and nodded to the two of them. When he discovered that Yoshino and Miku had also arrived at the scene, he waved to them.

"What that child of Rokuro doesn't desire is destruction. What she desires is friends and companions."

Seeing Shiori interacting with his companions, Tohka's eyes flashed with envy, and then became determined.

"Thank you, Miss Shizhi, your actions have given me courage, and now I have made up my mind."

Taking one last look at his former companions, Tohka turned and left.

What she didn't notice was that, only a wall away from her, Origami was standing in the shadows, silently watching the people fighting.

At this moment, her heart was stirred up by the new form that Shiori showed that she had never seen before.

"Is the future really changed by Shizhi?"

Tremblingly, Origami untied the bandage on her hand that was used to isolate direct contact with the Dark Sword Tsukiyami. Origami touched the Dark Sword Tsukiyami at her waist, and activated her already familiar ability to predict the future.

But what disappointed her was that what she saw was still a tragic future. Shizhi's new form only delayed the destined failure for a negligible period of time.

Returning from the despairing future, Origami's eyes were once again clouded.

"The future has not changed. Sure enough, my choice was the right one."

After wrapping the bandage again, Origami turned around and escaped into the darkness. 】

The video ends.

In the paradise of the past in the collapsed world, Aponya, who possesses the seal of commandments, lowered his eyes after hearing Origami's last words.

"Sure enough, fate cannot be changed and irreversible..."

But her self-pity didn't last long, as a lovely and energetic voice sounded beside her.

"Oh, my good Apponia, I knew you were going to get into trouble again!"

Pink fat woman, bah, pink fairy lady makes her grand appearance.

"Ellie, don't you feel uncomfortable? Miss Shizhi didn't change the final fate."


Alicia fiddled with the mobile phone she shamelessly got from the Klein Armed Doll, and happily browsed the Enchanting Forum.

"Changing destiny is a big project. It can be done overnight. And hasn't the lovely Shiori-chan already taken the first step to success and used a form that is not in destiny? Speaking of which, I really want to be with Kawaii. Let’s be friends with Rokugho-chan!”

"The first step has been taken..."

Aponya's eyes lit up, and her hope seemed to be ignited again.

The same scene did not only appear in this world. Although viewers in countless worlds fell into a state of temporary loss, they quickly regained their spirits. They are looking forward to tomorrow's video, and they believe that Kamen Rider can create miracles.

The same is true for everyone in the world, and they even started to predict the next plot development with great interest.

"What do you think Tohka-chan will do?"

Miku was the first to ask. Looking at Tohka leaving in the video, she always had the feeling that something big was coming.

"Maybe he will leave the organization and return to Shiori's team."

Kotori took out a lollipop and stuffed it into her mouth, and said with some emotion.

"In this case, only Origami and Kaguya will not return to the team."

"I agree, the mental state of both of them is not very reassuring."

Yuzuru looked at Yakuya with a worried expression. Even though it was Yakuya from another world, she would still feel uneasy about the other person's performance. She always had a bad premonition.

Yakuya also has a similar feeling, but the object of her worry is Yuzuru. The various foreshadowings for natural disasters in the early stages of the plot always make her feel a little panicked, but this is just a faint premonition, and there is nothing definite. Evidence, so she quickly cheered up and asked Shizhi with a smile.

"Kuku, my retinue, do you think Tohka will make any big moves in the future?"

"Huh? I think Tohka will get a new form in tomorrow's video."

As a former chuunibyou, Shiori is quite familiar with this kind of plot mode similar to tokusatsu dramas. When the main character breaks free from confusion, it is often accompanied by the appearance of a new form, and with the help of this new form, the newbie During the protection period, kill everyone.

"New form?"

Qixi pouted.

"By the way, why are only Shiori, Tohka, and Oken the three of them with enhanced forms? I also think that the local tycoon Ken Getsuto also wants a new form!"

"I also want the new form of Sword Flash!"

The elves cast longing glances at Shizhi one after another, making Shizhi very helpless.

"Even if you say so, I can't change you into a new form."

Compared to the laughter and laughter in Wuhe House, in the corridor of DEM Building, Allen's brows were furrowed as he walked alone on his way back to his dormitory.

Ever since Westcott met that Stellius, she felt that Westcott's state was getting more and more strange. He seemed to be immersed in his own world and no longer cared about anything else except topics related to the power of omniscience and omnipotence. Feeling interested.

"Oh, it looks like our Miss Allen is a little troubled."


Startled by the sudden male voice, he quickly jumped away and got into a fighting stance. Allen was surprised that the other party could appear so close to him without anyone noticing.

When she saw the face of the speaker clearly, the alertness on his face turned into displeasure.

"Stellius, what are you doing here? If you want to find Ike, he is still in the office on the top floor."

"Haha, you misunderstood, I'm here to find you."

As he spoke, Chen Shi took out a gold and red sword from behind, named Yanrui Sword Langyan.

145: Fooling

Yan Rui Sword Lang Yan, Ellen was no stranger to this sword. After seeing herself using it in the video, she naturally did some research and imaginary training on the sword's phenotype.

The conclusion reached is that there is no doubt that Yanrui Sword Langyan is a weapon that far surpasses all current weapons.

Not to mention Kamen Rider's super-high physical data that can easily destroy any field, the smog that completely ignores physical damage displayed by Yanrui Sword Langyan alone can allow an ordinary wizard to defeat himself as the strongest wizard. .

Therefore, if you were to ask Allen if her first reaction when she saw Yan Lingrui's sword Langyan was that she wanted it, her answer would certainly be yes.


Seeing Chen Xiao with a smile on his face, Allen, who was very wary of him, began to hesitate.

"What's your purpose?"

"Of course I am sending a little help to my ally's men. Why is it that Miss Allen, the strongest wizard, doesn't have the confidence to control this holy sword?"

"Stop looking down on others!"

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