"Shizhi, please help that child."


Looking back, Shizhi only had time to capture a translucent flash of snow-white beside the bed. His eyes moved downwards, and "Ancient Dragon" was quietly placed there.

"Do you want me to help the kid in "The Ancient Dragon," Mio?"

Shizhi thought for a while, and soon someone discovered that she was awake. Everyone returned to the North District base to discuss the situation they encountered before.

"Wang Jian actually appeared again?"

Qisui frowned, feeling that the situation was getting more complicated, while Miku noticed another problem.

"I remember Shizhi, you said that the Dark Sword Yueya should have been taken away by Allen. Why would the Dark Swordsman appear again? Judging from what that woman has done so far, her purpose should be to collect The Holy Sword is the right one, it’s impossible to give away the Holy Sword that I finally got.”

Everyone in the North Base was confused by this incident, and Ellen Mira Mathers, who witnessed the appearance of the Dark Sword here, was also confused by this.

The cold and charming woman quickly walked into her secret room, and the dark sword Yue An, which was supposed to be stored here, had actually disappeared.

"Impossible, no one here should know except me and that adult."

There was disbelief on the woman's face, and she immediately turned around and left the room to report the situation to the adult, but she didn't get far before she saw Tohka who was in a depressed mood.

"What's the matter?"

Even though she was very impatient, Ellen's face only showed her indifference as usual. However, what she didn't notice was that facing this water swordsman who was always loyal to the organization, she His attitude was no longer as aggressive as when facing other swordsmen.

"Miss Allen, I want to meet the Holy Lord of Truth."


Allen frowned slightly, but when he saw Tohka's tangled and painful expression, he softened his attitude unconsciously.

"The Holy Lord of Truth was injured due to the last attack on Megiddo. Now he refuses to meet with others. If you have anything, I can tell him for you."

"...I don't know what to do anymore. Miss Miku, Miss Nanisun, and even Miss Yakuya have been missing recently. Everyone has left the organization one after another, which makes me feel confused."

"No need to be confused."

Allen said without thinking.

"As swordsmen, we only need to carry out the order of the organization. The only order now is to recover the holy sword and fantasy control book in the hands of the holy blade. That's all you have to do."

"But Miss Shiori is also my companion. I can't swing my sword at my companion!"

"Are companions really that important?"


Tohka didn't hear the last whisper in Allen's mouth clearly. When she raised her head, Allen had already walked around her.

"Your practice is not enough, Blade. Boring personal relationships will only dull the sword. If you can't do it, then it's up to me. It's a pity. I originally thought you would be the same person as me. of."】

Nayako: Huh? Has Allen's attitude become a little strange?

Dr. Jiwotou: That sir? I remember Honjo Niya also said something similar. Isn't Allen actually not the mastermind behind the scenes, but a chess piece?

Touhou: Does it seem that Ms. Allen was also partially influenced by Ms. Tohka and began to think about her companions?

Flower King: Yeah! It must be like this, the influence between people is mutual. Although the swordsmen were influenced by Allen and became suspicious of each other, Allen also had his own thoughts because of Miss Toka's kindness and loyalty.


Allen in the real world looked at himself in the video with disdain in his eyes.

"Ju Xiran is shaken. I am still too immature in the other world. When will I transform?"

[In the North District base, Shizhi and others began to look through the collection of books, hoping to find clues about the "Ancient Dragon".

However, Yoshino's thoughts were not on this. She looked at the three water attribute fantasy control books on the table. That was because Tohka left immediately after the battle and had nothing to return to the other party.

"Well, Megiddo is getting stronger and stronger now, so I really should give this back to Tohka-chan!"

As soon as he thought of it, Yoshino stood up, put the book in his bag, and called out to Shiori who was concentrating on looking up the information.

"Shiori-chan, I'm going out!"

"Oh, remember to come back before dinner."

"Are you mom?"

Leaving a complaint, Soshi left the North District base in a hurry.

Without Yoshino, a noisy child, the North District Base fell into a long-lost calm, until Nanami suddenly spoke up.

"By the way, why not use my special move to see if I can smash this book directly!"

"Stop joking here, what will happen when the "Ancient Dragon" completely goes berserk?"

Facing the idiot's stupidity, Miku dismissed it coldly.

"But you can try to think about it before sealing it. Mana, is there anything you can do?"

"I know a little bit about seals and stuff."

Mana turned over the injured book and looked very serious, but from the perspective of Mari behind her, there was a comic sandwiched inside the seemingly ancient book.

"What? You can even seal? You're so versatile!"

The Seven Sins looked at Mana as if he were looking at Superman.

"However, I can't use it without the Dark Sword Yue Dark now."

"I'm dizzy!"

Everyone tilted their bodies, obviously breathless by Mana's words.


Shizhi was about to say a few words to her, but suddenly noticed that three fantasy control books were missing from the table.

Recalling Yoshino's previous departure, she immediately understood that the other party wanted to accomplish something.

"Really, it's too dangerous for someone with a Fantasy Control Book. Everyone, I'll go out and look for Yoshino."

"Hey, you can't transform now..."

Miku wanted to stop her, but was stopped by Qi Zui.

"Leave young people's affairs to young people."

"What nonsense are you talking about! I am also a young man!"

Unconvinced, Miku retorted loudly. 】

132: Smoke Swordsman

["Gatling Gatling~Gatling Gatling~..."

Walking alone in the streets of the city, the confused Tohka noticed that her phone rang at some point. She took out her phone and saw that the caller's name was Yoshino, who had not called her for a long time.


Pursing her lips bitterly, Tohka chose to hang up after struggling for a while, but the moment she hung up the phone, a cute and angry female voice sounded beside her.

"Tohka-chan! If you ignore me on purpose, I will be angry!"

"Miss Yoshino..."

Looking at this friend who seemed to always be innocent and optimistic, Tohka smiled helplessly. 】

Barus: Angel Yoshino-chan Mochi, if I hadn’t already fallen in love with her, I would have fallen in love directly!

Phantom Thief of Wind: Xing, little brother, although I have felt this way before, are you really good at it?

Lord Ram: Oh, you have exposed your true nature, Barus.

EMT: Subaru, it’s not okay to attack children.

Teacher Li Yueyan: Xing! You are so tortured!

Barrus: Wait! why? Yoshino-chan is an adult!

[After reading the comic in his hand, Mana stood up with satisfaction and walked straight outside.

"Eh? Mana, where are you going?"

Miku, who paid the most attention to her, raised her head curiously.

"I'm going to see my brother. I want to discuss something with him."

"Oh? Let's go see Shizhi. Just be careful on the road."

Everyone has long been accustomed to Mana's weird behavior of calling Shiori brother-sama, so they didn't pay much attention to the strange things in her words at first. For example, the third person in Mana's mouth was the male he, not the female she. a little.

The North District Base once again became deserted due to the decrease in the number of people. Only the rustling sound of turning pages was left, until a discordant voice appeared and interrupted the silence.

"Is there only the big sword and sword flash here? Forget it, let's start with the holy swords of you two."

A cold female voice sounded, and Qi Zui and Mijiu looked up suddenly. Allen, wearing a red Sword of Truth uniform, opened the door and walked in, his eyes serious as never before.

"Alan, what are you doing here?"

"Because some guys are too useless, I have to come here to personally recover the traitor's holy sword."

The woman's tone was as cold as the cold wind in winter. Smoke filled her hand. A beautiful holy sword with a red background and gold rim appeared out of the smoke. It was also covered with some technologically styled steam pipes. It combines quaint temperament with the freedom of steampunk.

"Yan Rui Sword Lang Yan!"

"As expected, you are the Swordsman of Smoke."

Seven Sins and Miku looked at the holy sword that saw its true appearance for the first time, and the expressions on their faces became serious. With the cover of Miku's body, Seven Sins quietly put the ancient dragon into Mariya's schoolbag. Among them, the smart Ju Ya immediately understood the situation, picked up her schoolbag and secretly left the North District base, choosing to ask Shizhi and the others for help.

"Exactly, there are so many things I want to ask you."

The two swordsmen pulled out the holy sword and the fantasy control book and began to transform. In response, the expression on Ellen's face did not change at all. She just spread her palms gracefully, and the red and gold fantasy control book lay quietly. in.

"I have nothing to say to you traitors. I am here to eliminate you. Phew~"

Blowing gently on the pages in his hand, the unknown fantasy control book opened the pages and showed its true appearance to its enemy.

"Kouchuu Daihyakka! These unfortunate swarms dance in the sky and create a fantasy section!"

Smoke began to surround Ellen. She placed the fantasy driving book with butterflies on it in the card slot, held the Yanrui sword Langyan in her backhand and laid it sideways in front of her. She said the transformation and pulled the trigger at the same time.


"War with smoke! Flying! Smoke! Needle sting! Steam! Encyclopedia of Insects! Floating sharp edges!"

The thick smoke completely obscured Allen's body. Outsiders could only see the graceful outline of a woman's body from the smoke. A golden light flashed, and the swordsman's armor emerged from the smoke and was naturally worn on the woman's body.

The silver blade splits the smoke, and the red and gold Kamen Rider Sabela is obviously different from other swordsmen. The sword Allen transformed into has obvious female characteristics, and the shape of the armor is also It is no longer as masculine as other swordsmen, but full of heroism and sharpness. Perhaps this is related to the fact that Yanrui Sword Langyan is a holy sword only for women.

Pointing the still smoking holy sword at the two veteran swordsmen, Allen said.

"This is an ultimatum. Leave everything to me and you can avoid some physical pain."

"Don't underestimate us!"

Qisun and Miku were not frightened by each other's words and rushed forward without hesitation. 】

Paramecium: The bad woman finally transformed! But the transformation special effects are a bit sexy, Gulu.

Ural Silver Wolf: You idiot Kiana, wipe your saliva quickly, don’t let it go to shame.

Lustful Immortal: The hateful smoke prevents me from studying the transformation technology of the Holy Sword!

Ninja Snake: Is that your research? You are greedy for other people's bodies, you are despicable!

Iron Fist Invincible: This transformation has an immeasurable negative impact on young people!

[The fight was fierce in the North District base. Tohka and Yoshino on the other side came to the rooftop. Yoshino smiled and handed out the three books in his hand.

"Take it, don't lose your things next time!"

"...If you take out the book casually, Ms. Shiori will be angry."

Tohka's hand stopped in mid-air, and the smile on his face was a little bitter, but Yoshino indifferently forced 3 books to the former and waved his hand indifferently.

"Come on, you don't know that Shiori-chan won't be angry about this kind of thing."

"Yes, Yoshino-chan is right."

A third person's voice sounded on the rooftop. Shizhi walked out of the stairs and looked at Tohka with a smile.

"Look, I said so!"

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