Whispering the words Chen Xiao said softly in her mouth, Rem felt her heart gradually return to calm.

After the anger faded, all that was left was emptiness and unwillingness. The revenge he had nurtured for so many years was so vulnerable to the power of the Kamen Rider.

"How about it? Do you still want to fight? I can definitely accompany you to the end."

Throwing the percussion stick in his hand, Chen Xiao felt that he was in good condition today. He could try to be a Taiko drum master for the two RE0 protagonists. He could just play "Hui" (Hibiki's theme song). That's it. An Easter egg looks good too.

"Oh, there's no need to continue. In fact, Rem noticed it before you transformed. I'm no match for you at all."

"That's true. After all, I have a flat ceiling. I'm not worthy of anyone except the veteran driver."

Standing proudly with his hands on his hips and chest raised, Chen vowed to play a joke that only he knew, causing a certain little devil from another multiverse to sneeze repeatedly.

"Yo Xi, now that the maid has calmed down, Natsuki-kun must have a lot of questions. It's better for everyone to explain everything clearly now. It's better not to have this kind of misunderstanding happen."

"Ah, I do want to do that."

Natsuki Subaru stood up and looked at Rem seriously. Although Rem still didn't like this guy who was full of "stinky", but because of the latter's unmistakable eyes and the situation, Rem had something to do this time. He made plans to communicate with the two of them.

"Rem, I definitely have no intention of betraying everyone. Rather, I am doing this today to save everyone."

"Save everyone?"

Hearing the unexpected words, Rem tilted her head.

"Yes, a dangerous monster has entered the village. In order to ensure everyone's safety, I came to the village to find Chen Xiao to investigate."

"You have just arrived at Lord Roswaal's territory. You were in a coma even before today. How could you know such a thing?"

Rem pointed out the obvious flaw in Natsuki Subaru's words.

In this regard, Natsuki Subaru wanted to tell the secret of the return of death, but the cold heart palpitations came again, and he stopped what Natsuki Subaru had just opened.

Fortunately, Chen vowed to smooth things over immediately.

"I told him. As you can see, this classmate Natsuki Subaru and I are fellow villagers. If a fellow villager is in trouble, it makes sense for me to come to help with billions of special abilities, right?"

Chen Xiao said it sincerely. If a Kamen Rider Mecha transformation item fell out of his crotch at this moment, it would be a sure blow, but it was a pity that it couldn't be dropped.

In this regard, the smart Rem said.

I believe you, you are such a bad person.

Of course, this was just a thought in her mind. She was stronger than others, so Rem wouldn't say it stupidly.

And when she looked into Natsuki Subaru's eyes, she still couldn't detect any malice in them.

"What about the evidence? Evidence of the invasion of monsters."

"Of course there is."

Chen Shi released his transformation, revealing his handsome and confident face.


Seeing that the other party really had evidence, Rem became a little anxious. If the monster really sneaked into the village, it would be bad for the villagers without high-end combat power. She, being kind-hearted, could not explain this.

"I don't know where I am right now."

"I'm dizzy, aren't I? Brother Chen Zhi, don't let your guard down at a time like this!?"

Seeing how unreliable Chen Shi was, Natsuki Subaru instantly felt that the reliable image he had established before had completely collapsed.

"Are you kidding me?"

Seeing that Rem's expression turned gloomy again, Chen Shi hurriedly stretched out his hand to stop the maid lady from getting angry.

"Wait, I know you are in a hurry, but don't be in a hurry, let me be in a hurry! It's not your fault that I don't know the location of the clue!"

"Blame me!?"

Faced with Chen Shu's abrupt and rude approach, Rem obviously didn't expect it, and felt very confused all of a sudden.

"Yes, I know there are clues, but just when I was about to look for them with Brother Natsuki, you came. Do you think it's your fault?"

"Ah this..."

"Okay, Brother Chenzhu, stop being so secretive and tell us what the clues are."

"Actually, the barrier used to isolate monsters in the village must have been destroyed somewhere..."

After roughly explaining the whole story, Chen Shi and Natsuki Subaru's two-person team added Rem. The three of them circled the perimeter of the village and quickly found the traces of destruction.

"This trace is a trace of man-made destruction, and it is very new. It was the trace left this morning."

Rem looked at it carefully and confirmed.

"Mr. Natsuki just woke up this morning and didn't have time to commit the crime."

With that said, Rem shifted her gaze to Chen Shi again.

"Hey, hey, I'm so strong. If I want to attack the village, I can't be idle and resort to such small tricks, right? How can I ensure that no one will notice the damage before a monster comes?"

"That's true."

Rem nodded. This kind of thankless behavior made Chen swear that although this person was very irregular, he should not be so deceitful.

"I will inform Lord Roswaal to come over and repair the damage later. The best way now is for me to stay here and guard. Mr. Natsuki returns to the mansion to report the news, and Mr. Chen Shi goes to find the monster that has sneaked into the village."


Chen Shi shook his head.

"Both you and Brother Natsuki had better not leave my side, especially Brother Natsuki. If you die, I will have to do it all over again. I find it very troublesome."

"Huh? You mean that the target of this Warcraft invasion is us?"

Natsuki Subaru and Rem frowned, sensing the meaning of his words.

"To be precise, it's anyone in the house, whether it's brother Natsuki or the maid, even if it's the pink-haired sister or the half-elf king chooser, if there is a chance, that monster will attack. "

"Man-made destruction of the barrier, attacks on the people in Roswaal Mansion..."

Natsuki Subaru recalled the black-haired beauty in the capital who killed him several times.

"This is an attack on Emilia Carbon, who is the King's Chosen One. If a vicious incident occurs in the area he is responsible for, Emilia Carbon's already precarious credibility will be completely destroyed."

"Bingo! Your mind works pretty fast, Brother Natsuki."

Chen Yao snapped his fingers, and the expression on his face was like the relief of the men in the boys' university dormitory when they saw the big boy who brought him a box lunch.

"Since the enemy's purpose is this, it must be stopped. I will protect Emilia Tan!"

Natsuki Subaru was instantly full of energy, making Rem look stunned for a moment.

"Why are you so active in helping Lady Emilia?"

Rem was puzzled. In her impression, the members of the Witch Cult were all cunning, selfish and greedy people, but why could the person in front of her help a stranger whom she had only met a few times without asking for anything in return?

"Haha, then you have to listen carefully."

Natsuki Subaru rubbed his nose proudly and smiled innocently like a child showing off his treasure.

"Maybe it was love at first sight. I want to be her strength and helper. Although she no longer remembers it, she helped me when I was most desperate. The reason for fighting for her is that simple. ."

106: Natsuki Subaru’s choice

"The reason to fight is that simple."

The boy's sincere words made Rem's eyes widen. They were heartfelt words that people like the Witch Cultist who were committed to evil could never imitate.

Even at a certain moment, the figure of this frail young man overlapped with the figure of the sister who fought desperately to protect him.

At this moment, the hostility towards Natsuki Subaru that Rem had always held in her heart was completely lifted.

She believed that such a person would never harm them.

But even though Rem figured it out, she didn't show it.

"Humph, the reason is just so-so for Mr. Subaru's level. Well, for Mr. Subaru's level."

"Why are you repeating both sides? Is it Mr. Subaru's illusion? I feel like your evaluation of me is too low, Rem-chan!"

Natsuki Subaru complained loudly, but the smile on his face did not diminish. He could feel that Rem had a tendency to reconcile with him.

On Chen's side, he silently watched Subaru Natsuki interacting with Rem, smiled and shook his head.

"In order to protect the one you love, do you have to fight across time and space and burn yourself? Even without the power I gave you, you are all such people..."

"Huh? Brother Chen Zhi, did you say something?"

Not hearing Chen Oath's soft whisper to himself, Natsuki Subaru and Rem shifted their gazes to him.

"Well, it's nothing, I just thought of something."

As he spoke, Chen Zhu took out a yellow and green control dial from behind and threw it away.

"this is?"

Face the front of the dial toward you. The words "A.D.2007" are written on the bottom of the dial, which seems to refer to the time.

"This is a one-time power lent to you temporarily. After all, I may not be able to take care of you when the battle begins. Just press it when you feel you have to use it."

"Does this mean I can also transform into a Kamen Rider?"

Natsuki Subaru's eyes were filled with golden light. As a hot-blooded male high school student, who wouldn't want to become a Kamen Rider and drive a Gundam to fight side by side with Ultraman?

"Well, that should be okay."

Chen Zhao thought for a while and then added.

"I advise you not to use it unless absolutely necessary. The side effects of this knight system are quite serious."

"Are there any side effects!?"

Natsuki Subaru's expression fell instantly.

"Can't you give me Kamen Rider's power without the side effects?"

"Kamen Riders also have to look at their faces, it's not like they can just change into something."

"I understand, so what are the side effects? Isn't it going to shorten your life?"

Natsuki Subaru glanced at the dial again, showing an expression of reluctance.

"That's not true, but this Kamen Rider's power comes at the cost of memory."

"Use memory? Hey, will I lose my memory after I use it?"

"That won't happen."

Chen Shi shook his head.

"The memories I'm talking about are other people's memories of you. Every time this Kamen Rider fights, someone will forget their memories of him."


Natsuki Subaru fell silent with Chen Xiao's words, and Rem on the side also showed an unbearable expression.

"How could this be? In that case, this Kamen Rider would be too sad."

"Does it make people sad..."

Chen Zhao thought about that person's affairs, and finally smiled and shook his head.

"Maybe he doesn't think so himself. Well, it's coming, so be prepared."

"What's coming?"

Compared to Natsuki Subaru, who was still out of the situation, Rem twitched her nose and immediately looked into the depths of the forest with a wary expression. Then, several barks of dogs came from the distance. There were more than 30 dogs in number. There were originally a lot of small things. The forest of sounds suddenly became quiet.

"It seems that the other party realized that we were suspicious and sent an invitation. If we don't go, the group of monsters will attack the village at the same time."

Chen Zhao shrugged and took out the space-time drive.

"I'll come back as soon as I go. You guys stay here and don't move around. I don't guarantee that other monsters will attack. You have to hold on until I come back."

"Oh, leave it to me, brother Chen Shi."

"Rem will do her best to protect the village."

After getting the answers from the two of them, Chen Shi walked into the forest and disappeared in front of them.

However, what they didn't expect was that just a few minutes later, another seemingly endless batch of magical beasts would attack.

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