“If we can’t take the initiative to attack, we can only strengthen our defense.

Fortunately, we already know that Megiddo's purpose is to collect the Holy Sword and the Book of Control. From now on, please try to stay in a group of more than 2 people and never give Megiddo a chance to take away the Holy Sword. "

"Yes!" x 6

The swordsmen responded one after another. This was when Tohka remembered Shiori, who was not actually a formal member of the Sword of Truth, and hurriedly reminded her.

"Lord Holy Lord of Truth, regarding the new Fire Swordsman, I think she should be turned into a formal member immediately, so that everyone can act together in the future to ensure safety."

"Oh, the fire swordsman who defeated Wang Jian?"

The Holy Lord of Truth showed a thoughtful expression.

"I want to hear the opinions of everyone in the North District. Do you think she is a trustworthy person?"

"She is a novelist. Although her personality is a little weird, she is a person who values ​​love and justice. Maria also likes her very much. I think she can be trusted."

"Although I haven't heard the resonance between that man and the holy sword so far, he is not a bad person."

"I think the Fire Swordsman's determination to kill his relatives with his own hands is worthy of trust."

"Miss Shizhi is a trustworthy person and has taught me many things."

The swordsmen in Shizhi North District all gave positive comments. After all, they were comrades who had fought together several times, and a basic trust relationship had been initially established.

"Oh, since your evaluation is so high, then I will give her trust..."

"Please wait a moment, Lord Holy Lord."

Just when the Holy Lord of Truth was about to nod in agreement, the black-haired lady who had been silent interrupted him.

"What's the matter, Durendal?\

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