Completely irritated by Wang Jian's provocation, Origami had only rage in his eyes and naturally couldn't notice the opponent's small movements. The Thunder Sword Huang Lei was put into the drive and then quickly pulled out. The scurrying Razor was also pulled out together, as if he couldn't wait to escape from the cave. A predator emerges from the .

Only this time, the hunter became the prey.

"Wait! Origami, this is a trap!"

As a bystander, Shizhi naturally discovered Wang Jian's intention. She tried to remind him aloud, but it was too late.

"Huang Lei draws his sword! Cerberus! Hedgehog! Alankina! Three volumes of killing! Thun-Thun-Thun-Thunder!"

"Tsukiyami Iai!"


The familiar killing sound effect sounded, and even Origami, who was overwhelmed by anger, instantly realized that something was wrong. Unfortunately, this time, she had no chance to urgently withdraw her power again.

"Flash after reading!"

The sword blade was wrapped in darkness and swung out. The thick darkness was like a highly contagious zombie virus. Almost in the next moment, Origami's thunder eroded into his own power and returned to Origami's body intact.


Origami, who had swallowed the attack firmly, flew out and rolled twice on the ground, with a very shocked expression under the mask.

"There is nothing surprising. The basic performance of the three-volume state is indeed higher than that of my King Sword. However, your current flawless sword skills and mentality have completely dragged down your three-volume state, making it useless. He has no defense against the moves he has seen three times. Is this the only level of the strongest swordsman of the new generation that I heard about? Don’t stay here and embarrass yourself at this level!"

After saying these words, Wang Jian quickly approached Shizhi. She had already wasted too long and had to speed up her progress.

However, although Origami was still in shock from being knocked down by Wang Jian, when she saw Wang Jian approaching Shizhi, she ignored the pain in her body and stood up, intending to block Shizhi.

However, when the distance between Wang Jian and Shi Zhi shrank to within a stone's throw, a sudden change occurred.

The flame sword Agni and the dark sword Yueya, the "Dragon of Courage" and the "Dragon of Evil", the red and purple lights began to flash alternately like resonance.

Eventually, it turned into two pillars of light, one red and one purple, that met in the sky and formed a spiral shape, and then refracted to a certain location in the distance.

There, a quaint door appeared.

"Is that the entrance to Avalon?"

Everyone present immediately realized the truth about the door, and the one who reacted fastest was Origami who had just stood up.

She took out the mobile phone of the Gatling gun truck from her waist and threw it out. The long-lost Gatling gun truck fell next to Shizhi.

"The door has been opened. Go quickly, Shizhi! I will hold Wang Jian here!"


Shizhi didn't say any more and closed his mouth. He quickly realized that even staying here wouldn't be of much help. Now he could only have a chance of victory by quickly heading to Avalon to unlock the seal of the Fire Sword Agni.

"You must hold on until I come back, Origami."


Shizhi jumped on the Gatling gun truck and rushed towards the door.

Wang Jian saw this and immediately planned to follow, but was stopped by Origami.

"The attack just now was uncomfortable. I advise you to lie down."

"Ah, it does hurt."

Feeling the severe pain from the chest hit by the attack, Origami miraculously calmed down.

What followed was a sense of dissonance, a sense of dissonance for the Wang Jian in front of him. Thinking back to the two confrontations with his opponents until now, Origami discovered the true source of that sense of dissonance.

"You, why haven't you used any of the Dark Sword moves?"

Driving a Gatling gun carriage, Shizhi rushed into the gate of Avalon.

Another feeling of dizziness came, and when he came back to his senses, Shizhi found that his location had turned into a white space this time.

There is nothing here, and the change of time is almost unnoticeable.

"here it is?"

"This is Avalon."

A clear female voice sounded behind Shizhi. Looking back, he saw a girl in white with a hood.

She looked at Shizhi with a smile. The lower half of her face exposed under the hood made the latter feel familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere.

"Who are you?"

"Oh, although I would like to introduce myself, I really don't have time today."

With that said, the girl took out a blue fantasy driving book and threw it to Shizhi.

"Originally, to get this thing, you need to complete some pre-trials, but if it's you, brother, you don't need to, just enter the final trial directly."

"Brother, are you calling me? Are you mistaken for the wrong person?"

As a female, Shizhi was a little confused, and since the other person was someone related to this Avalon, he was certainly not too young.

But the girl just shook her head at Shiori.

"Onii-sama is onii-sama, I will never admit my mistake. Okay, let's begin the final trial."

The next moment, the scene changed again. 】

032: Three volumes of King Arthur and Flowing Water (two in one)

[When Shizhi came back to his senses, the pure white space he had just been in had turned into a huge underground space.

Crystals emitting a faint blue light are spread throughout this space, illuminating the entire underground as bright as day. In such a space, a huge stone statue stands quietly in the center, as if it is the owner of this place.

The stone statue looks like a knight in heavy armor. It stands upright with a sword in both hands, and exudes the majesty of a king.

Shizhi stood on the ground and looked up at the knight's eyes under the visor, and a name blurted out uncontrollably.

"King Arthur..."

Yes, even though as a novelist in the 21st century, he should have never seen with his own eyes the last king of Britain who only appeared in legends, Shiori still saw through the identity of the stone statue at the first sight and was convinced of it. No doubt.

And at the moment when Shizhidao revealed the other party's real name, on the far left side of the drive hanging on her waist, in the slot belonging to the "Story" category, a blue fantasy driving book suddenly appeared there, and A dazzling light burst out.

The stone statue illuminated by this light also suddenly changed.


As Shizhi watched in shock, the shell of the stone statue, which was nearly 8 meters tall, began to crack inch by inch. No, no, it was just the rock shell covering the stone statue that cracked.

Under the ancient cover, the huge knight king in silver and blue armor reappeared.

Under the golden visor, King Arthur's eyes gradually glowed red, and he lowered his head to look at Shizhi who was looking at him.

And at this moment, the fantasy driving book that suddenly appeared finally faded away, revealing its true form.

"King of Arthur!\

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