"no problem."

The swordsmen nodded and started heading towards the enemy's position perceived by Sophia.

"Jian Shan and Miss Yoshino, let's move the important things to the secret room in the center. There is a stronger barrier there to protect us."


This is indeed the optimal solution. The compatibility between the Seven Sins and Eren is extremely bad. Tohka has fought against Bist many times and has a wealth of experience. Shiori and Mana are completely similar to Minami. The swordsman's ability to fight can easily hold on until support arrives.

But Sophia didn't know that Bister was no longer the normal fighting force. 】

162: Battle of the North District

[After entering the North District base, Allen and Kuang San began to act according to the plan.

"You go find the Holy Sword and the Fantasy Control Book, and I'll attract the attention of these people in the North District."


Allen nodded and took out his Yanrui sword, Langyan.


"War begins!"

"Wolf Smoke Bug!"

After the transformation was completed, Allen turned into smoke and quickly disappeared from Kuang San's sight. In response, Kuang San just nodded slightly and began to stroll through the North District base unhurriedly.

"Speaking of which, this seems to be my first time coming to the North District Base. What a pity. The first time I stepped in was to eliminate the traitors."

Not long after walking, when Kurumi arrived at a location similar to the central hall of the South District, he saw Shiori and Mana waiting there.

"Gui'an, this is the second time we have met."

Kurumi glanced curiously at Shiori's straight body, and then glanced at Mana next to him as if he thought of something.

"Did you use the power of the Holy Sword of Light to heal the injury? Haha, the Light Gang Sword, which is known as the strongest holy sword, is the brightest. How can it do such a thing so easily?"

"Yes, I am the best after all."

Shina touched his nose proudly, but Kurumi's expression turned cold after praising him.

"It's clear that you have such powerful power, why would you use it to antagonize the organization?"

“Because there is no justice in the current organization.”

Mana stared back without showing any signs of weakness. She was already over a thousand years old and would not be frightened by her enemy's change of expression.

"I also participated in the creation of the Sword of Truth. That's why I know that today's organization has deviated from the original intention of its creation. Trying to reproduce the omniscient and omnipotent book will only bring greater disaster. As a swordsman, you are connected Can’t you even see it?”

"Haha, is justice really that important?"

When Kurumi took out Tokikuni Sword Society, her golden clock eyes were revealed in front of the two of them again, which was a sign that she planned to fight.

"The Sword of Truth has been holding this justice for thousands of years, but Megiddo is still running rampant. It's better to give up this justice in exchange for power. The book of omniscience and omnipotence will not only bring disasters, but also bring opportunities. , the opportunity to completely understand all of Megiddo in one breath!"

"It seems that we have different paths and do not agree with each other. Hengjian Tokisaki Kurumi, I will defeat you here!"

"I feel the same way, the first swordsman Takamiya Mana!"

"Transform!" "The most radiant!"

"Transform!" "Reverse time!"

Before Shizhi could react, the colored and black swordsmen struggled together. Shizhi did not immediately step forward to join the fight, but looked around to look for someone.

"Isn't Allen actually here?\

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