The new situation is not good.

"Hello, netizens, we meet again. I am your old friend, the Bureau Chief!"

"I believe everyone is very concerned about the recent rare earth monster incident in the Pacific Ocean's Maria Trench."

"Especially the final destination of the rare earth and the origin of the monster."

"I solemnly declare here that these things have nothing to do with our Xia country!"

"Please don't believe in rumors, don't spread rumors, and don't be deceived by some false statements."

"Thank you for watching, goodbye!"

As usual.

In just one minute, there were already thousands of comments below.

"Sir, I stand on your side this time. If any of you say anything nonsense again, I will be angry with you!"

"Sir, that's right, those super rare earths that mysteriously disappeared were definitely not taken away by us!"

"Sir, that monster certainly has nothing to do with us. We believe you, Sir!"

"Sir, that's right! We are innocent. We didn't take anything. We are definitely not the sixth one!"

After seeing the comments, the Sir choked up.

Damn, after working in the Strategic Research Bureau for so many years, netizens finally cooperated tacitly for once.

Tears in my eyes!

Thinking of this, the Sir made a phone call,

"Mr. Wang, I'm happy today. Let's go get half a pound..."

"No, I'm going to pick up my granddaughter!"

Ten thousand meters under the sea.

The super rare earth disappeared completely.

Not even a piece of residue was left.

An Zhui and Mi Gen finally received the order to return immediately.

They were waiting for this order until they were about to cry.

Finally they could return to the lovely land!

They swore that they would never go to the sky or the sea again.

There are aliens in outer space and monsters in the sea.

It is safer on land!

With excitement, they drove the Sea King 1 and began to return.

As for the problem of not getting rare earths, they were not frustrated.

Instead, they were glad.

Because they were forced to come down.

It would be great to go home quickly.

In the cockpit of the Sea King 1.

Migen urged desperately,

"An Zhui, did you not eat?"

"Hurry up! Gas up!"

"Speed ​​up!"

An Zhui twisted the joystick like crazy, almost breaking it.

Along the way, the Koala, which was also floating up, saw a light flying up from not far away.

His eyes were wide open in shock.

The driver of the Koala exclaimed, "Didn't the Big Bear have been killed by the monster?"

"Who else can be so powerful besides them?"

While thinking.

The entire Koala was suddenly blocked by a huge force.

Looking through the external lens.

The driver was scared on the spot.

"God, what is this?"

More than a dozen huge tentacles at least 20 meters long wrapped the entire Koala.

The huge jellyfish cap was releasing a creepy red light.

In an instant, the mechanical arm of the Koala was broken.

"Oh my God, help!"

The Kangaroo Country discovered that its own submersible was attacked by a giant jellyfish.

Immediately ask for help.

When many countries heard about the 20-meter-long tentacles, they immediately ordered their own submersibles to run!

The Koala fell into despair.


The Eagle Sauce failed to obtain super rare earths.

All countries were anxious.

Asked the Eagle Sauce to return the deposit.

The Eagle Sauce was reluctant to withdraw at first, but was later forced into a corner by countless countries.

He had no choice but to withdraw all the more than 150 billion US dollars.

This calmed the public anger.

But the Eagle Sauce himself was even more angry.

That was a full 150 billion!

So much money flew away in vain.

Admiral William was so angry that thick green smoke came out of his head.

His eyes were glowing red. If he found out which country was behind the scenes.

He must be killed!

The higher-ups have also put pressure on William to find out everything as quickly as possible.

William and many staff gathered together to ponder the whole thing.

It was discovered that the whole process was indeed strange.

At this time, someone mentioned the incident of the Little Days submarine being attacked by a monster.

There may be some connection between them.

When the Eagle Sauce mobilized various departments to start investigating.

The Deep Sea Titan had already walked halfway with a kilometer of super rare earth ore veins.

The submerged speed was much slower than when we came.

Even so, we could still maintain a speed of 80 to 90 knots.

The sky was gradually getting dark.

Commander Zhang did not rest in the temporary command room of the 055 battleship.

Zhan Lao was also sleepless.

Their warships could not catch up with the Deep Sea Titan.

They could only follow from a distance.

Until midnight, the Deep Sea Titan was not far from the territorial waters of Xia.

And this was the most dangerous time.

Because there were other countries nearby.

For example, Xiao Rizi!

The Deep Sea Titan's attack was generally smooth this time.

But the closer you get to the last stage, the more careful you have to be.

To make a fortune in silence, the key is concealment!

The characteristics of super rare earths are very obvious.

As long as you see it up close, you can recognize it.

Wang Yixue and Tong Yao were also very alert.

They were ready in case they were seen by Xiao Rizi's warships or submarines.

Directly use the underwater dragon king cannon to destroy the opponent.

Dead people don't talk!

Don't be too polite to Xiao Rizi.

Fortunately, in the end, one kilometer of super rare earths was transported back to the blue sea without any danger.

When the super rare earth arrived.

Xiaguo immediately announced.

Conducted large-scale military exercises.

No country or individual is allowed to set foot near Xiaguo's blue sea.

Dongfeng Express is blind. If it accidentally lands on your warship, you must not cry!

Finally, a dull roar sounded in the sea water outside the Yuntai Naval Base.

In the middle of the night.

A cross of red light surfaced.

Wang Yixue and Tong Yao appeared from the part of the deep-sea Titan that emerged from the water.

Stepped on the telescopic ladder and walked to the coast.

They were greeted by Wang Lao and Hua Lao.

"Grandpa, Grandpa Hua, why are you here?"

The two girls were very surprised to see the two men.

Although this day was not long.

But going deep into the seabed of 10,000 meters still had some impact on the mood of the two.

Seeing the closest people, joy jumped on their faces.

"Yixue, Xiaoyao, you two did a great job!"

"You have done a great job this time!"

"You must be starving, let's go eat!"

Several people got on a jeep with military license plates and disappeared into the night.

Late at night.

Admiral William, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly received an emergency call.

After hanging up the phone, a ball of anger suddenly burst out in his eyes.


"It really has something to do with you!"

"I felt from the beginning that you were too calm this time!!"

Admiral William called the Pentagon.

"Hello, this is Admiral William, help me connect with General Mike!"

"Sorry, General Mike is resting."

"Please inform General Mike immediately, I have urgent military information and must talk to him now!"


"Go! Idiot!!"


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