Bạn đang xem văn bản gốc chưa dịch, có thể kéo xuống cuối trang để chọn bản dịch.

"Hello, this is the Aerospace Administration!"

"Haha, I'm from the Air Defense Department. I'm calling to give you a verbal notice. You Aerospace people, get ready to go to the military court!"

"Shit! You smoke marijuana! Too many, right? It's inexplicable!"

"You didn't report to our department as usual when launching the satellite this time. Aren't you afraid of causing panic among the people?"

"NONONO! We don't have any launch missions in the near future. Don't spit blood on us!"

"Bullshit, the radar data is It's recorded! I don't think your space agency will cry until they see the coffin, we will sue it in the military court! "

"Go ahead, grandpa, is the space agency afraid of you dung beetles that can only crawl on the ground? "

"This matter is not over yet ! ! "


"Beep beep beep--"

After hanging up the phone, the people in the air defense department were all furious.

Those bastards in the space agency are such bastards.

Not only did they launch the satellite without warning, they were also so arrogant. He will be a bully in his own home!

The aerospace technology has been surpassed by Xiaguo, and there is still someone who is cursing?

The head of the air defense department became more and more angry.

This matter cannot be let go like this.

If this is let go, the space agency will ride on their heads in the future. Shit!

He thought about it for a moment.

A call was made to the Pentagon.

"Hello, please connect me to General Austin."

"General, just now, radar detected an unknown rocket launching in Alaska. We suspect that there is a traitor in the aerospace department, who is working with spies from other countries to try to use this new space approach to steal our core secrets!"


The person on the other end of the phone gasped in shock.


China Military Research Base.

Ten Dongfeng Warriors drove into the base gate in a mighty procession.

The guard on duty stood straight, looked solemn, and saluted neatly.

They rotated on duty at the base all year round.

They knew exactly what kind of people were sitting in these military vehicles.

A few minutes later, Li Guozhong led more than 20 officers into the reception hall.

Elder Wang and Elder Hua, as well as leaders of relevant departments of the base, all stood up to greet them.

Li Guozhong saw Seeing this, he was immediately terrified and hurried forward.

Although he had a high military rank, he was not qualified to ask the two elders to stand up and greet him.

"Old Wang, Old Hua, please don't embarrass Guozhong!"

Li Guozhong stepped forward and Mr. Wang and Mr. Hua shook hands one after another and said nervously,

"When you two were in the army, I was not yet born! If you are still so polite in the future, I will never come again!"



Mr. Wang He and Mr. Hua looked at each other and laughed.

"Guozhong, you are still so ignorant, just like when you were a kid."

Mr. Wang looked at Li Guozhong with thick eyebrows and big eyes, his eyes full of kindness.

Li Guozhong gave The people at the research base introduced the accompanying officers.

Most of them are staff members of the division headquarters. Although they are not currently in important combat positions, they are young and have a promising future.

Old Wang took a look and felt that these young people were full of vigor and vitality, which was very good.

Then he said,

"Guozhong, what is your purpose? Mr. Wang and I already know, let's go outside and talk!"

Li Guozhong nodded.

Following the two elders, he walked out.

When they reached the open space outside.

Li Guozhong said directly,

"Mr. Wang, the joint military exercise is imminent, and I heard that the Eastern Military Region has prepared Secret weapons, we have them here..."

Old Wang said with a smile,

"Their Eastern Military Region has exoskeleton armor, and our Southern Military Region is also prepared!"

"That's good!"

Hearing what Old Wang said, Li Guozhong's heart was finally at ease Let it go.

"As long as the difference is not too big, we will definitely have the strength to fight with our military region's hard power of daring to fight!"

"In fact, the difference is really a bit big!" Old Wang curled his lips.


Li Guozhong didn't notice Wang Lao's expression. When he heard that the gap was a bit big, his face suddenly became a little ugly.

The officers behind him were also like eggplants hit by frost, with their heads down.

His mood fell directly to the bottom.

Modern warfare, which side Whichever side masters cutting-edge technology will be able to secure victory.

Back then, Saddam assembled 1 million troops, 50 armored divisions, 5,500 tanks, and 700 aircraft.

Why was such a strong military force so vulnerable to the Eagle Sauce?

Lose Lost because of cutting-edge technology!

The Tiger cruise missile, Aparri helicopter, etc. are all the nemesis of the old military equipment of Russia.

In this exercise, if the cutting-edge technology

The gap is too big.

It is very likely that the situation will really become one-sided at that time.

Thinking of Lao Kong's face that was asking for a beating, Li Guozhong couldn't help but clench his fists.


Li Guozhong slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air, and squeezed out an unnatural smile on his face.

"Wang Lao, Hua Lao, it doesn't matter. There are too many difficult battles in this world. Can we let him slaughter us!"

"Even if he is a tiger, we have to break his two front teeth!"

Wang Lao and Hua Lao looked at each other and almost laughed.

The two of them deliberately kept it a secret, in fact, they also wanted to see what attitude Li Guodong, the major general division commander, would have when facing disadvantages.

Now it seems that the attitude is not bad, and there is a bit of bloodiness that a soldier should have.

Seeing Wang Lao and the others laughing, Li Guozhong's eyes rose with doubt.

Just about to speak.

Suddenly, a gust of air appeared and poured down from the sky.

The clothes of the people were rustling.

The officers were startled and looked around.

At this time, Mr. Hua smiled and patted Li Guozhong, who was in a depressed mood.

"Guozhong, our secret weapon has arrived!"

"Where is it?"

Li Guozhong was a little depressed.

There was no enthusiasm on his face.

He looked around and saw nothing.

"No? Why can't I see it..."

"Back off! She's coming!" Mr. Wang shouted fiercely and took two steps back.

Before Li Guozhong could cheer up.

A thin buzzing sounded above his head instantly.

The sky seemed to be cut apart.

The earth was also shaking.

A sharp red light fell from the sky.

A ball of azure flames burst out from the ground.

A circle of invisible air waves spread around like a tidal wave.

The fiery red mecha with a cold glow covered the sky and the sun.

The sharp and domineering shape, the oppressive feeling of a giant.

It suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

It instantly exploded Li Guozhong's eyeballs.

He raised his head and stared at the steel behemoth.

His eyeballs trembled wildly, his heart beat wildly, and his blood pressure instantly soared to 580.

He stood there like a sculpture.

He was completely confused.

Could this be our secret weapon? ? ?

The more than 20 officers and more than 10 guards behind him also lost control of their expressions.

They all opened their mouths wide.

Their eyes popped out.

Their tongues were pulled to a meter long.

A brutal breath rushed into everyone's body, from the soles of their feet straight to the top of their heads, and instantly lifted their skulls off.

"Plop! Plop!..."

Some people were shocked, their legs were out of control, and they sat on the ground.

After a long time.

Everyone recovered a little.

Li Guozhong snorted and gasped.

After holding it in for a long time, he was finally shocked and said with a trembling voice,

"Fuck, it's a mecha!"

Li Guozhong, the self-disciplined division commander, cursed for the first time.

The officers and guards next to him thought it was normal.

Maybe they were too out of control and wanted to say something to ease the atmosphere.

Li Guozhong followed up with another sentence,

"Can this thing be used?"

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