The School Sweetheart’s Soft Green Plum is Sweet and Wild!

Chapter 8: I didn't wait for you specially

Chapter 8 I didn’t wait for you specially

Lu Shian’s outstretched hand fell empty, and he couldn’t help but be stunned for a moment.

Lu Ning, however, was already walking towards the school gate.

Lu Shi'an frowned and was about to chase after him, but someone grabbed his shoulder from behind and said, "Third brother, why are you running so fast today? I heard that a new Internet cafe has opened near the school. The Internet speed is super fast. It just opened. The boss is giving away a lot, charge fifty and get fifty, charge one hundred and get one hundred and two, it’s a good deal, my mother just gave me an allowance, I’ll treat you to a black card today!”

"I know, wait for me." Lu Shi'an dismissed the other party, and when he turned around, he saw that the girl had walked out of the school gate and got into a private car.

I could vaguely see another person sitting in the car, who was also wearing their school uniform.

Before he could see clearly, the car drove off.

Lu Shian stood there and stared at the car for a long time, feeling that it was not just a car that was driving out.

 There was something else he couldn't name.

"Third brother, what are you doing? Let's go!" It wasn't until someone tapped him on the shoulder that Lu Shi'an looked away and followed him towards the newly opened Internet cafe near the school.

In the car, Lu Ning glanced at Song Tingzhi who was sitting next to him, who was holding a thick book in his hand. Her short ink-colored hair hung at the end of her eyebrows, and her face was impeccably delicate. Even her low-hanging eyelashes seemed to have been outlined with an ink pen.

Thinking about not long ago, Jian Nian was still talking nonsense in front of her, saying that he wanted to take down the other party. If she knew that the two of them were now sitting in the same car, she didn't know what her reaction would be.

 The latter noticed her gaze, raised his head and said, "Is something wrong?"

The atmosphere in the car was a little weird. The two strangers suddenly became brothers and sisters with no blood relationship, and they had to live under the same roof.

Lu Ning frowned slightly, then quickly relaxed and said, "You don't have to wait for me next time. I can take the bus back by myself."

Song Tingzhi closed the book and spoke slowly: "We were traveling together, so I didn't wait for you specially. Moreover, it was my father's request to go home together. If you feel uncomfortable or have any inconvenience, you can go and tell him directly. "

Lu Ning accidentally glanced at the cover and found that the other person was reading a medical book.

As for the other party’s suggestion, Lu Ning just gave it up after thinking about it for a moment.

 The stepfather deliberately transferred the other person from his original school to No. 1 Middle School so that the driver could take them to and from school together.

Although she has not expressed any opinions or views on Ms. Tang Li's remarriage and flash marriage, it does not mean that she can accept her stepfather's family in such a short period of time. In the end, they are just strangers who have only met twice.

Lu Ning really didn’t know how to talk to the other party alone.

As for her mother, the two of them didn't even have time to sit down and have a meal together, let alone discuss such trivial matters as taking her to and from school.

 The other party will most likely think that she has something against her stepfather.

 Just think about it and let it go.

 The car stopped at the door of a three-story bungalow with red tiles and white walls.

Tang Li rarely arrived home before her and was standing in front of the dining table setting dishes and chopsticks. The stepfather came out of the kitchen with an apron tied around his waist and a white soup in his hand. He watched the two of them enter and greeted them with a smile: "Ning Ning and Ting Zhi are back. Come on, wash your hands and eat!"

  Stepfather is a prosecutor with an upright and elegant appearance. When Lu Ning first heard about his profession, he thought he would be a serious and unsmiling man. After meeting him, he found that he was very easy-going and always had a smile on his face when he spoke.

 (End of this chapter)

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